Palgn has release some very interesting and exciting news about the Aliens Colonial Marines Demo. There is no footage nor game screenshots, but some very detailed information on the demo starts and how the game is doing with a new game engine? The game engine improves the quality and graphics of the game and also gives it a very quiet mystery mood to the game. Not also do they talk about the game engine but they mention the new alien species they added to the game. Take a look below on what was said about the demo and be amazed:
"Unfortunately, our initial impressions of the engine were a little underwhelming. Showing us the halls of the U.S.S. Sulaco, we couldn't help but notice walls were lacking a level of detail expected from modern games. However, with the engine supposedly specialising in lighting and shadow, we were pleased to see these effects looking top notch. Planetary effects were especially pleasing, as were the red and blue hue transition when moving from area to area.
Graphics aside, the beginning of the demo certainly started on a memorable note, with a dozy marine waking up after an unexplained bout of unconsciousness. One of his many loyal companions holds up a few fingers to test the our main character's cognitive ability, and he responds by flipping him the bird. Typical of space marines, this probably means he's good to go."
Towards the end of the demo we got a glimpse of one of the new additions. Named the 'Crusher', this new species of xenomorph is like a super powered mini-boss of sorts. Covered in thick armor he proved to be a difficult enemy to take down, and a dangerous threat as he tried to ram the player with a triceratops-like faceplate. This fight was followed by another swarming of xenomorphs, and the reveal of the xenomorph queen, a fight destined to be epic thanks to the availability of the classic powerloader for battle. We say 'destined' as this was when our demo sadly ended."