The new Wonder Woman TV show heading to NBC this Fall has already caused some controversy amongst fans after a few dubious sounding story decisions and the reveal of a rather garish costume. Well, things are about to get even stranger judging from what a casting agent recently told our friends over at Moviehole.
"Wonder Woman is chasing one of the suspected bad guys onto Hollywood Boulevard – near the Chinese Theater. She has a run-in with a fake Iron Man and then a Wonder Woman performer – in her fifties. The street performers cause her to lose her suspect"
Looks like those of you who aren't too keen on
Smallville will have a whole new show to make fun of when that comes to an end in May. Either way, this might just be the closest thing to a Marvel/DC crossover we ever see on TV! What do you guys make of this latest bit of news? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!