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WONDER WOMAN: DC Studios Boss James Gunn Has Seemingly Confirmed Diana Prince Will Be Recast For The DCU
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WONDER WOMAN: DC Studios Boss James Gunn Has Seemingly Confirmed Diana Prince Will Be Recast For The DCU

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Gyasiman - 11/8/2014, 8:17 PM
They should give it to the best directer possible
Gyasiman - 11/8/2014, 8:18 PM
Regardless of gender.
MisterBatfleck - 11/8/2014, 8:20 PM
I wonder who found this? :P
MisterBatfleck - 11/8/2014, 8:22 PM
TheSuperguy - 11/8/2014, 8:23 PM
For a second there I got really scared that they had offered it to Lexi Alexander.
MisterBatfleck - 11/8/2014, 8:23 PM
themidnightking - 11/8/2014, 8:27 PM
So I assume with Toy Story 4 coming June 2017, Wonder Woman's release date will change?
Dingbat - 11/8/2014, 8:32 PM

This guy gets it. WB shouldn't hire a female director as a stunt like that unless she's the best one for the job. I'm all for it though, if she's right for it.
Lozzy - 11/8/2014, 8:35 PM
I dont mind that its a female director, but the thing that bugs me is that all the directors who were on the short list to direct this movie were female.
Hulksta - 11/8/2014, 8:38 PM
You're so forward thinking WB

Batman52 - 11/8/2014, 8:38 PM
No matter who WB picks as director for Wonder Woman fans will criticize their pick, so at this point their in no wrong if they pick a female or male director.
BruceLeroy - 11/8/2014, 8:40 PM
Why does the director have to be a female? Strange move but whatever.
JillyMcBeam - 11/8/2014, 8:44 PM

For once, we agree on something.
RexDartEskimoSpy - 11/8/2014, 8:44 PM
There is huge pressure … If [a female director] does fail, then all of a sudden it’s ‘all women suck at directing.’

She's right. Which is sad. Ton of pressure. But WB will get a lot of free publicity if they go with a female director, which is 90% of why they'll do it.
Carl - 11/8/2014, 8:52 PM
ray stevenson was a great punisher, but warzone was terrible.
Batman52 - 11/8/2014, 8:54 PM
Now I feel like WB will come with an announcement this week. It's been a month since WB/DC gave us a schedule for the movies and after the recent announcements that's been happening the past week something is going to come up.
FightAs0ne - 11/8/2014, 8:55 PM
Alright I have to ask this, and I'm not trying to be insensitive, just curious as to what others think. Does it truly matter if a female directs a female lead movie or a black man directs a black lead movie in others eyes? This is similar to them looking for a black director for Black Panther. I mean I think as long as they have a good vision for the film, or have a history of good film positions under their belt, it'll be a good film.
SauronsBANE - 11/8/2014, 8:56 PM
"If we lived in a perfect world where everyone was treated the same then it wouldn't be a big deal, but we don't live in that world. Women are constantly overlooked as directors. Have things improved over the decades? Yes, but Hollywood has a long way to go before I would say everyone is on equal footing."

[frick]ing THANK YOU. Seriously. The whole "Oh, just get the best director for the job" mindset would be good and all...except for the fact that in this imperfect world, it seems like the "best director for the job" is ALWAYS male. And besides, if anyone honestly believes Hollywood is run as a meritocracy, well, you're clearly not paying attention.

In this case, maybe it's NOT the end of the world to get a female director to direct the FIRST EVER female-led comic book movie? Jesus.
Bekss - 11/8/2014, 8:57 PM
If is a female director and the movie fails it will be what she said
And if it is a male director people will say that it failed because a man can't do a "female movie"

Both ways the director will be more screwed than usual if the movie fails.
Batman52 - 11/8/2014, 8:58 PM
@SauronsBANE Preach!!!
BlackIceJoe - 11/8/2014, 8:59 PM
I don't care if it's a man, woman or monkey just pick the best director and no gimmicks.
SauronsBANE - 11/8/2014, 8:59 PM
"And if it is a male director people will say that it failed because a man can't do a "female movie"

Sadly, that's not true. If a male directs this and it fails, then it'll retroactively be decided that "Female superheroes can't carry their own movie." Which is a symptom of how [frick]ed up Hollywood is when it comes to inequality and under-representation.
Gmoney84 - 11/8/2014, 9:03 PM
They should get Kurt sutter to make a punisher movie that shit would be epic.
PeterDarker121 - 11/8/2014, 9:06 PM

If by "us" you mean WB/DC's shareholders and if by "gave" you mean that information they relayed to those shareholders which was picked up by and disseminated by the media who heard about it, then okay.

If Warner Brother's shareholders feel any new info needs to be released, they'll vote on it, I'm sure.
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