With "X-men Apocalypse" now on Blu-Ray and "Logan" soon to premier, it is becoming even more obvious that we may never get a true to the comics X-men experience with full costumes, powers and proper characterizations (STOP WITH THE HUNGER GAMES X-MEN!). Also, with Marvel not owning the X-men, we may never get a true to the comics experience.
More and more fans are taking their passions into their own hands and are making incredible Fan made short films. With that being said, the fine folks at @VariantFuture have put together a UNCANNY X-MEN MOVIE KIT so that some lucky person or persons have everything needed to make their own Fan made movie.
The kit includes a large ensemble of Uncanny X-men and Uncanny X-Force fighting for their lives against Apocalypse and his four horsemen and a few surprises. It includes lots of custom figures, tons of set pieces and lots of special effects to give each character a true to life feel. Included as well is a multiple green screens as well the Graphic novels "The Twelve'' and "Ages of Apocalypse" to inspire a original storyboard and trading cards of each character which describes each power set and personality. Everything needed to make a movie that's straight out of the comic books.
A YOUTUBE video was created to showcase different parts of the movie set to show just some of what is possible. THIS IS A DEMO! But creating a REAL movie is up to the buyer. The set is being put up on EBAY today and will be up for 7 days. @VariantFuture is hoping the buyer has a passion for the X-men and film making and can really showcase something special.
I believe that most of us here @Comicbookmovie.com are hoping for a true X-men experience but something like this or other home creations might be our only chance for the time being. While we understand trying to make a movie for as many people as possible, there is also a reason why the X-MEN became popular in the first place and I personally hope that someday that will be showcased on the big screen.
Be well,