If you're like many comic book movie fans, you were dissappointed with Brett Ratner's stab at the X-Men franchise in X-Men: The Last Stand. Well, if you disliked Ratner before, wait until you hear what he has to say about you and your fellow comic book movie fans:

"When you talk about 'people,' you're talking about comic book geeks. The best advice I got from [X-Men and X2 director] Bryan Singer was: 'Whatever you do, do not read the Internet while making this movie. They were cursing me out the whole time. You can't please everybody, Brett. There's no rules here.'
"I did make rules for myself. I did not want to put one scene in this movie that wasn't existing in a comic book. So they can't say that I made something up - like killing Professor X, which they gave me such shit about, meanwhile he died five times [in the comics]. That comes with the territory.
"All the people who said 'Brett Ratner is the Antichrist and I hope he dies a slow, painful death' are all paying to go see my movie. I don't mind that passion, and I don't agree, but I love a person who's passionate about a comic book character. You gotta give it up for that guy, 'cause he's got nothing else going on in his life. [Laughs] But he's passionate about that, and that's good. That's important. I think that keeps people going."
Well, was he correct? Is
everything in
X-Men: The Last Stand straight out of the comic books?