First of all, I'd like to talk about the hatred on the upcoming X-Men: First Class movie. I have to say, first of all, that my expectations aren't high on this, and the trailer ultimately raised my expectations a bit. But the expectations I did have were watered down by consistent insults, like Fist A$$. Is that really necessary for a movie that hasn't come out yet? (and, until less than a month ago, we haven't seen any footage of it.)
I mentioned this in my article about Green Lantern, and I'll say it again: Don't judge a movie by its marketing and/or early footage. Wait until the movie has come out and you've seen it before making early verdicts about it. I've just seen sooooooo many nasty remarks about these two movies, and they're not really out yet. "The costumes look fake." Why the hating?

And while we're on the topic, I'd like to say something about Bryan Singer (who directed the first two X-Men movies and produced First Class). A lot of people have been hating on him, but why? The first two X-Men movies had great success with the fans (especially X2), but after X3 everyone started hating the franchise. Even more hating came about after X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And, if all the early remarks about it are true, First Class will also receive much hating. But coming back to X3 and Origins, why hate on Singer of all people? He left X3 to work on Superman Returns, and he wasn't at all involved in the making of Origins. Why hate on someone who wasn't involved with the hated movies? Might as well blame George Washington for causing the Civil War.
Well, those were some thoughts I've had on the current popularity with the X-franchise. Final words on it: wait until you've seen a movie before you say it sucks or rocks. There's no other way to offer a clear, open-minded opinion on a movie until you've seen it.