How the Batwing should be approached in Batman 3

How the Batwing should be approached in Batman 3

Ideas on how Christopher Nolan may revamp The Batwing: The Spirit of Gotham

Editorial Opinion
By 48and2 - May 19, 2010 09:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

This is my vision for the Batwing done Nolan style, and I believe there's a very strong chance of seeing at least a few elements of the ideas I'm about to put forth realized in Batman 3.

I think almost all of us are looking forward to seeing a new Batwing in the third installment of Christopher Nolan's franchise. And as has been tradition for the books and the movies, Batman inevitably ends up with a new incarnation of his aerial toy sooner or later.

I find myself extremely curious as to how DC/Warner Bros. are going to introduce a version that modernizes the classic and makes as memorable an entrance as the Tumbler did in Batman Begins.

Without making it something as garish as Burton's, or the ridiculous follow up versions. Burton's Batwing was a novel and memorable attempt, but as we're all aware, the "Nolanverse" in its totalianaristic realism doesn't allow for anything quite so "imaginitive". Anyway, as stunning a concept as it was in its time, by today's standards, Burton's Batwing seems a bit corny.

I got this idea while reading an article in Popular Science quite a few months ago, and have been mulling it over ever since. Seems there are tentative plans for a new pilot-less version of the B2 Stealth Bomber, and in that article it referred to the original design specification as a "Batwing" - so this may not be too far off.

Nolan and Nathan Crowley actually incorporated elements of the Stealth jets into the Tumbler.

I'm pretty sure there would be no problem with Lucius Fox cleverly and secretly procuring a "mothballed" or surplus B2 Stealth Bomber, through government contacts, and modifying it to Bruce Wayne's/Batman's custom specs. As it needs to serve not only his technological needs, but also function as symbolism, I think a very clever way of accomplishing this would be to outfit the new Batwing with active camouflage that is capable of displaying the bat symbol during night and day.

The cost of each aircraft averaged US$737 million in 1997 dollars. Total procurement costs averaged US$929 million per aircraft, which includes spare parts, equipment, retrofitting, and software support. The total program cost, which includes development, engineering and testing, averaged US$2.1 billion per aircraft (in 1997 dollars).

We don't exactly know what Nolan's "Waynecorp." is valued at, but if it's anywhere on the level of the upper fortune 500, it seems feasible several billion dollars could be rounded up and "invested". What makes it even more possible is that it's a twenty year old+ program (considering black budget time), making its public notoriety much less than that of even a F-22 Raptor (which are all over movies recently and most prominently of course - Transformers).

This fact would make it more easily prone to having the government "lose one". It is a sleek and elegant design and would fit directly in with the general motif of the Nolanverse... probably better than any other existing aircraft out there. Again it is already technically a "Batwing".

-2 internal bays for 50,000 lb (23,000 kg) of ordinance. (including a refurbished Tumbler w/ Batpod)
-silent running and stealth in all wavelengths

-adaptive active camouflage allowing display of bat symbol
-non lethal weapons
-thrust vectoring (allowing for vertical takeoffs/landings and hovering)
-capable of remote operation and self destruction, just like the Tumbler

Some of these design elements will supposedly actually be incorporated into the tentative version of the real aircraft, aside from of course the bat related stuff.

If you want to get deep into the symbolism and psychodrama metaphor of it all (Which Nolan likes to do), these aircraft are really potential agents of the apocalypse - which brings into resolve the question of the greater good. If Batman were to acquire one, and modify it with The Tumbler and non-lethal weapons, it could possibly serve a little more benevolent purpose. Each individual aircraft in service goes under the codename: Spirit of "whatever city", so Batman's would of course become The "Spirit of Gotham". If the military were to allow its use, I feel it would, at the very least, give the program alot of publicity and serve to already boost its uber justice seeking and crime fighting image - Food for thought. Considering how generous the US Government's been with Transformers, I mean come on, even though he's a vigilante and his procurement of the jet would technically be illegal, everybody loves Batman and his Batwing - even the military!

One last thing: It is well known that Batman's suit redesign was actually made a plot point in The Dark Knight; this take on the Batwing would open up some unique and dramatic possibilities for a similar opportunity.
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Wadey09 - 5/19/2010, 11:13 PM
this is actually quite interesting....
i didn't think that Nolan would include the Batwing but with this new evidence......
awesome article @48and2!

don't forget to check out Part V of my Spider-man Fan Fic!
just click the LINK
SHHH - 5/19/2010, 11:31 PM
Very good..batman is on the run..what better way to stay undetected...Great idea and Great Article!!!
48and2 - 5/19/2010, 11:54 PM
I dunno guys - I had the article perfectly laid out. Must be something with my browser configuration duh. Thank you for the compliments though. I've been mulling this over for more months than I should've lol... To me it's like "IT'S GOT TO BE THIS WAY, OR IT'LL RUIN THE MOVIE" - the batwing portion at least - my expectation has gotten so high.

It's one of those things that makes AMAZING AND UNCANNY SENSE, but probably won't happen lol.
anonymous - 5/20/2010, 1:00 AM
Great Article 48and2, I was actually thinking the same thing, a B2 stealth bomber looks exactly like the tumbler batmobile and batpod, and would fit as the new batwing. I certainly hope that Chris Nolan brings the batwing into the third film, since it will undoubtedly be the last one. I also hope he redoes the batsuit again in this one and introduces the batboat. What do you think would be a good boat model to use for the batboat if by some small chance they did introduce it as well as the batwing, if the even introduce the batwing to begin with, which i certainly hope they do?
anonymous - 5/20/2010, 1:02 AM
@ 48and2, perhaps the boat james bond used in the world is not enough?
Vafrous - 5/20/2010, 1:05 AM
I would love to see the Batwing...
invalensname - 5/20/2010, 1:46 AM
Great article! Love it!

I must say I hatred the tumbler- I understand the idea behind it but I just loved the look of the Burton batmobile. I know it wouldnt have made as much sense but hell, Im a sucker for aestehtics!! A stealth bomber approach to the vehicle would be a nice marriage between aestheticism and practicality.
48and2 - 5/20/2010, 2:20 AM
@anonymous Yeah I've been thinking about that too. That is the original "stealth boat" isn't it? I think that stealth boat is a little rough aesthetically (like invalesname was saying). Because the government has those too crazy designs. Stuff we don't know about too, undoubtedly.

I don't know how to approach it, but I'll do some research on it, or you feel free to. Had thought about a top secret submarine (sonar =P)...

Bruce Wayne: "sonar, Like A.."

Lucius: "A submarine Mr. Wayne, A SUBMARINE"

Would be a little poetic.

Those other Batboats were STUPID lol... but I ate them up at the time just like all the other sucker kids at the time.

The B2 just fits like a glove - it's too good for Nolan to pass up.

The new version probably already exists, and it is supposed to be remotely operated, and have thrust vectoring. It's smaller - not predator size, but probably couldn't hold a Tumbler. The active camo thing is widely known to be being heavily researched and at least prototypically existant, but kept under major wraps - I just read about it here and there.

But there were things introduced in TDK like the bullet reassembly that is real, and has just barely been conceived and admitted to.

So by the time B3 gets around to being made, I think this will work very well.
48and2 - 5/20/2010, 2:53 AM
haha Poni, here I am awake at 5 am - insomnia. I went out to smoke, and I was thinking to myself "I betchya if Poni sees that he'll like it and he'll fix it". Was gonna email ya but didn't want to be annoying. Come back in 5 minutes, after thinking that. Thank you by the way.

It was the adds that messed up the layout, I think. I did have some messy html fragments in there, but before I submitted it it looked relatively perfect. Not to complain - still gettin' the hang of it. Thanks again, that is really funny.

ESP my friend, esp =P

I'm gonna hold you to those rounds ;)
LEEE777 - 5/20/2010, 3:09 AM
It should be similar to the BURTON BATWING!!!

Perfect BATWING!!!

Jimdlux - 5/20/2010, 3:11 AM

What evidence? The best way approach the Batwing in Nolan's films is, DON'T DO THE BATWING!!! I think the Down to earth approach he's been doing so is perfect, just a little bit of fantasy. The Batwing will be the end of the new series in the way the original ended, with it becoming too comic bookee!
DLM - 5/20/2010, 3:13 AM
Cool article 48. If they do bring in the Batwing, a B2 would be perfic.
contrast - 5/20/2010, 3:14 AM
Very well thought-out, and if the Batwing were to ever appear in the Nolanverse, it would have to be like this (or at least pretty close), but aside from carrying himself to other countries (like he did in TDK), I can't really see much of a reason for him needing any sort of aircraft.
mezlabor - 5/20/2010, 3:29 AM
there's 20 stealth bombers. You better believe the government isnt going to "lose" one. Its not a maneuverable airplane and its a BOMBER its designed to BOMB things you cant modify it with non lethal weapons and have it be anywhere near effective for batmans mission because its too large and not maneuverable enough to fly in between the buildings of gotham. And it would be pretty ostentatious. Waynetech may be pretty valuable but no corporation is gonna get their hands on a stealth bomber without some serious serious government inquiries as to how and why a stealth bomber was taken/built without their permission.
Sparrowsabre7 - 5/20/2010, 3:32 AM
@contrast yeah, if anything a Batcopter would be more likely, he'd have more use for it in an urban environment, though even then not a huge amount.
mezlabor - 5/20/2010, 3:38 AM
I would love to see the scene where Lucisous is interviewed by a cadre of government agents wanting to know why Wayne tech gave a top secret military bomber that shouldn't have been in production to begin with to a vigilante.
invalensname - 5/20/2010, 3:40 AM
Now THIS is stealth...

Put that in your realistic pipe and smoke it ;)
JoshWilding - 5/20/2010, 4:23 AM
Excellent article! :)

I think it needs to be a little more unique looking than one of those stealth bombers though.
OverCross - 5/20/2010, 5:01 AM
Heres an inspiration

"Batman: Arkham Asylum"

Cool Batwing in it
antz1104 - 5/20/2010, 5:43 AM
EditNinja - 5/20/2010, 6:15 AM
What an awesome article! Great idea!
"Very good, Mr Wayne."
StephenStrange - 5/20/2010, 6:44 AM
Burton's Batwing wasn't anywhere near as corny as how it got shot down. With one single shot from one single gun. A handgun at that. Please.
Now I love Batman '89 as much as everyone else, but that part was SOOO stupid.
StephenStrange - 5/20/2010, 6:49 AM
Great article BTW. But on my butty work computer part of it is covered up :(
Faust1973 - 5/20/2010, 7:14 AM
...I love the idea, but the only thing I would have an issue with, and that I have always had with Batman is makes sense that he can drive a car, a motorcycle, and a boat...but when you get into air vehicles such as helicopters or planes, you're not talking "self-taught" skills...pilots train for YEARS to get to the level they need to in order to fly these things properly...yeah yeah, I know what you'll say---"He's Batman", he learns EVERYTHING, or he can GET the training...that's true in the COMICS, but in the NolanVerse, our Bruce Wayne doesn't HAVE the same level of training...he's been established as a fighter with access to TOOLS...sure he could GET the plane...(like SkyHook in Dark Knight), but FLYING it?...not an overnight thing to learn (or even a week, or a month)...and where the hell would he PUT it? the NolanVerse Batcave is limited in size as opposed to the comics or even the Burton/Schumacher Verse...(he'd have to have a private hangar, get TO the hangar, get it OUT of the hangar, etc...all this seriously impedes on the "reality based" NolanVerse mentality...just my two cents on how Nolan might think...
Colton - 5/20/2010, 7:44 AM
there wont be a batwing. plus my hausmate met cillian murphy on the train back to the city yesterday and asked him about whether he had heard from chris nolan he replied sayin no but that he hopes to pretty soon.
NerdRage - 5/20/2010, 8:06 AM
I would think that Nolan might include a Bat UAV or several UAV's. If there was a "Bat wing" it would have to be a platfrom that allowed vertical take off. It would be a lot more functional for infiltration/assault/extraction. It may resemble a stealth fighter or bomber simply because the angles/dark silhouette factor but it would probably function more like a harrier or an osprey.
NerdRage - 5/20/2010, 8:14 AM
@Faust1973 it doesn't take years to learn how to fly, just to get certified for certain aircraft. Most aviation programs in the army are no longer than a year. It’s getting all the flight hours logged necessary to get certified or licensed that takes forever, and a lot of the hours are simulator now. Nolan's got plenty of room to make it work if he plants it early in the movie that Bruce has been getting his pilot’s license since we last saw him, which for the record a lot of people who have the money get their private license and commute by flying their own planes. I mean if Travolta can do it I am sure Bruce Wayne can.
mounted88 - 5/20/2010, 8:18 AM
48and2@ good article, but if i remember correctly fox quit towards te end of the dark knight. That doesnt mean this still can not be in the movie, im just saying that i dont see fox being in this movie.
Faust1973 - 5/20/2010, 8:22 AM
Yeah, Travolta has his license to fly commercial aircraft and has been flying for 20 plus years...I'm not talking about just FLYING...10 year olds can FLY...if you noticed, my statement was "to get to the level they need in order to fly these things" the comics, Batman's flight experience is on par with fighter pilots...all I was saying is that I don't think this fits in with what we know of the Bruce Wayne in the was even a stretch in the BurtonVerse...
NerdRage - 5/20/2010, 8:31 AM
@Faust1973 Point taken, however I digress../ I'm saying its Bruce "I'm Batman" Wayne. You know he'ld probably have flown a Cessna and he could still log a ton of simulator hours but I don't think his lack of expirience would stop him from hopping on and getting down on his own Vertical take Off and Landing Assualt craft, I mean he rides around on the Batpod like a professional stunt rider or drives the "tumbler" like a guy who's been to the GRIFFEN Driver's course. I don't think having him do a dog fight would make sense but using it to conduct a recon/assault would be plausible.
StephenJ - 5/20/2010, 8:31 AM
NO BATCOPTER.. always hated that thing... but great article.. A smaller version of the B2 would be the best route to go.. like someone said, it would be hard for the stealth bomber to move through Gotham.. although it only has a 172 ft wingspan it would be difficult to move through Gotham.

Well he is on the "run" soo Lucius can say Batman stole it maybe?
NerdRage - 5/20/2010, 9:30 AM
@ blee, L.Fox...
90caliber - 5/20/2010, 9:39 AM
I just wanna see the batcave.
Ryguy88 - 5/20/2010, 10:10 AM
This is a very interesting article, very well thought out. You thought of a feasible way to add a stealth bomber to Batman's arsenal rather than just suggesting it and leaving it at that. I'd like to see it happen.
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