In a recent interview with IGN the actor, who is already many a comic book fans favourite Joker, talks about what it's been like to lend his voice to the role as well as what convinced him to sign on to play the character once again in Batman: Arkham Asylum and the upcoming sequel! Below are some of the interviews main highlights but to read the whole thing, follow the link at the bottom of the page!
On what it's been like to play The Joker:
"I played The Joker from 1992 to 2004, for the entire run of the series. I did everything, even the talking toys. They weren't going to hire me, they were going to get another guy and I got very protective of the character."
"They said, 'Well, we can't pay you what you expect, we can only pay a scale.' I said, 'Look, I'd rather not let anyone else sleep in my sleeping bag.' I would do all those things for scale. I even did the voices on the Australian Batman rollercoaster ride, I'm totally into it."
"This is the real comic book nerd emerging! And I'm unapologetic about it, my wife just needed to deal with it! She liked antique jewellery, I liked comic books!"
On why he decided to play The Joker in the first game:
"When they said, 'We want you to come back and do Arkham,' I said; 'I left on a high note, I don't think we could ever top that.' But they said, 'We got Paul Dini,' who was my favourite ever Joker writer, 'and Kevin Conroy,' who I love. This was a real reunion and a very pleasant experience. So of course I relented, but I had no idea it would have the impact it did."
"In Arkham Asylum, since it wasn't based on the animated version, it was as nasty and gnarly as it could be, since it was aimed at an older audience. So it gave me a way to justify The Joker. And, again, I just love challenges!"
On Heath Ledger's interpretation of The Joker:
"I was flattered they came back to me, especially after being blown away by Heath Ledger's incredible and novel take. He was the most joyless Joker. Not a hint of theatricality; he was almost like a heroin addict. It never would have occurred to me, and that's why it was so delightful and surprising. I was glad I got on and got off before that happened."
On coming back for Batman: Arkham Asylum 2:
"My answer to developers Rocksteady for the sequel was, 'Guys, we're never going to be able to top the original.' It was so claustrophobic. There were so many abilities like the stealth mode, and all those things you can do with the new technology. I wanted to be able to say I'd gone out on a high note."
"Of course they translated my hesitance to me holding out for a bigger salary! But I said, 'No.' I never looked at it like, 'Boy, I'm going to make a truckload of money.' I really did want it to be good. I got on the phone with Rocksteady and they really reassured me and told me what they were going to do with the sequel. But I'm sworn to secrecy!"
"This will be my last, there's no question about that. But it's the last hurrah."
The last hurrah? Could this spell the end of Hammill's time as The Joker!? I sure hope not but have your say in the usual place!
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 is set to be released Summer, 2011!