THE BATMAN - PART II Gets A Promising Production Update From Alfred Actor Andy Serkis

THE BATMAN - PART II Gets A Promising Production Update From Alfred Actor Andy Serkis

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VictorAlonzo - 4/16/2022, 7:51 AM
7, 24, 13, 11. I like the varying differences here. They made a dope decision in the end.
Origame - 4/16/2022, 8:00 AM
@VictorAlonzo - 7 kinda looks like if this batman ends up in a dark knight returns storyline.
Ryan - 4/16/2022, 7:59 AM
I like 1, 22 and 24. Did the actual symbol in the movie have bat ears?
Origame - 4/16/2022, 8:02 AM
@Ryan - not the symbol on the chest at least, but that's because that logo is designed to be two knives. The official logo for the movie has the ears.
Solarkalel85 - 4/16/2022, 8:12 AM
11 and 23 are cool.11 reminds me of batman forever
Repian - 4/16/2022, 8:16 AM
In the sequel, I want to see Bat-Drones from "Batman: The Telltale series". Strategically, Batman can scout the area before an assault or rescue. Entrances, exits, weak points of a structure...Alfred can even control drones to help Batman on the battlefield.
emeraldtaurus - 4/16/2022, 8:24 AM
The cowl looked very thin and rubbery, I wasn't a fan of the mettle bars on his arms. And his eyes looked really he was on drugs or something. The rest of the costume was cool. 7/10 for me.
Forthas - 4/16/2022, 8:29 AM
Was not a fan that the bat symbol was removable. What if he loses it?
connorblaze - 4/17/2022, 1:10 AM
@Forthas - he… makes another one?
Nightwing1015 - 4/16/2022, 8:46 AM
13 is the best.
EarlChai - 4/16/2022, 8:58 AM
I wonder if they’re legally not allowed to use the classic Bat-symbol—even without the yellow oval—because it was the symbol from the ‘90s movies and cartoon? It’s a shame to mess with something so iconic.
dragon316 - 4/16/2022, 9:51 AM
@EarlChai - classic symbol is black and grey when he first appeared in comics but having yellow on his chest would have made terrible entrance he had in subway
DTor91 - 4/16/2022, 11:18 AM
@EarlChai - I don’t think there’s anything like that, likely just a choice since it’s synonymous to Keaton’s. Same reason they’ll be unlikely to use any of the others for the correlating actors for future iterations.

Would love to see it back at some point though. It returns every now and then in the comics, and is the “official” logo used for branding and merchandising.
ProudPatriot76 - 4/16/2022, 11:46 AM
@DTor91 - I remember reading years ago, an artist saying something along the lines of how terrible it would be to be a stealth/trained ninja, a shadow of the night and have a yellow target on your chest 🤔🤣😂
DarthOmega - 4/16/2022, 9:10 AM
24 looks like a straight up bat. That's not exactly a bad thing. It looks kinda cool.
KWilly - 4/16/2022, 9:12 AM
Just saw The Batman again a few days ago. Man, it's still elite. Still my favorite comic book movie ever.

I get mad chills when Batman blows up the ceiling in the Gotham Square Garden and just goes to town on them Riddler henchman.

And for as long as the runtime is, it really doesn't feel like a 3 hr movie to me.
Oberlin4Prez - 4/16/2022, 9:14 AM
Would love to see even more gadgets in whatever comes next. Not like, bat skates from Batman and Robin, but seeing him use the symbol as a knife was cool.
theredmeadow - 4/16/2022, 9:20 AM
@Oberlin4Prez - what about shark repellent?
Oberlin4Prez - 4/16/2022, 12:27 PM
@theredmeadow - yes
connorblaze - 4/17/2022, 1:09 AM
@theredmeadow - i think he needs Emo repellent more. This Batman was so Twilight and whiny and broody, like a teenager trying too hard to be dark.
dragon316 - 4/16/2022, 9:47 AM

I’m no cosplayer but I like costume look it’s stuff people use as motorcross and stuff find hardware store to be Batman if they choose to be gauntlets cowl and chest logo need buy online or make yourself everything else you buy in store wasn’t likable about collar but after see it in movie I like it now.

Like all other Batman Ironman sequels let’s see costume get some upgrade to it
Superspecialawesomeguy - 4/16/2022, 9:56 AM
11 looks hard af imo. 1, 13 & 24 also look good as well.
itzayaboy - 4/16/2022, 12:03 PM
13 gives me The New Adventures of Batman and Robin Vibes. Please have that be the upgrade for the sequel.
solskulldeath - 4/16/2022, 12:42 PM
love that no.13. classic bats logo. and yeah, that 24. but I think that no 24 could be fits on batfleck.
Ryos - 4/16/2022, 12:53 PM
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 4/16/2022, 1:07 PM
It looks like the one they chose (#22) doesn't have a point at the bottom because the scanner cut off the image and they just rolled with it.
KurtLazner - 4/16/2022, 2:23 PM
Matt Reeves and producers looking at the Bat symbols:
MuadDib - 4/16/2022, 2:24 PM
24, 21, 11 in that order
Odin - 4/16/2022, 3:06 PM
Man, with almost every comment just listing random numbers, it's like you all speaking with some damn code here.

Riddle me the bat-code, lol.
ThorArms - 4/16/2022, 3:47 PM
valmic - 4/16/2022, 11:33 PM
I really like 6
WarMonkey - 4/18/2022, 6:45 AM
"In 1986, Frank Miller introduced the idea of the Bat-Symbol as a protective shield in his seminal miniseries The Dark Knight Returns. In that story, Miller revealed that the bright symbol was meant to draw fire to a heavily-protected area on his chest and away from Batman's more vulnerable extremities"

This is why I like the yellow symbol. He uses it as a strategy to create a target, like a bullseye, on his chest due to his head not being armored. It's just statistics at that point where he is more likely to be shot in his chest with a bright target then he is anywhere else.
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