1. If there is any thing want to see in the new Batman movie it would be for him to be captured and seeing him escape. We all know that batman is the greatest escape artist or second to Scott Free aka Mister Miracle.
It is arguble to whome is better but scott free has shown more feats than batman so he is better.
2. Get more detective work in there cause we all know that batman is the worlds greatest detective. I didn't really like the detective work in TDK
but not to say it wasn't good.
3. Now i know that we wont see bane break the bat. But it is somthing i want to see. But as long as they get close to doing somthing like that it will be alright but if we can see bane crush the rest of batman's will and just make him think that he is no longer batman that would be okay to
4. Catwoman like i said if bane crushes the bats will then i think catwoman should be there to help him through it. let him think that the city needs the bat. well i am not botherd but if they did do something like that i think it would be cool.
5. New batsuit i like the one in TDK but i would love if they got somthing a lot closer to the comics i know they probz wont do it but hey i can dream cant i.