Leterrier started a fire back when he was teasing his movie. He told gamer channel G4 that fans might be able to find the good Captain in a scene of The Incredible Hulk, which was just about to hit theaters. We all knew at the time that he was shamelessly using Cappy to promote his movie, but fanboys and girls fanned the flames and were on the lookout for the cameo, or easter egg, or whatever. When nobody was able to find it, Leterrier admitted that the scene got cut from the theatrical release, but pointed out where it would be found on the DVD.
"There's a point when Bruce Banner gives up on his quest for the cure and decide to kill himself. So he travels far North and reaches the Arctic Circle. You might have seen bits of it in some of the promos. The result was a very dark and strong scene, which Marvel, me and everyone else's considered to be too hard to young audiences to take, so we've cut it. Having that said, when Bruce arrives at his destination he meets up with Captain America! At some point this week, we will make it available on the Internet but I cannot tell you where or when and the material will definitely be on the DVD."
That is the "alternate opening" on the 2nd bonus/extras disc. And it made sense, since the comics storyline had cap frozen in a block of ice after WWII when the Avengers found him. Well, when we got our advanced copy of The Incredible Hulk we looked for it... And we couldn't find anything. LOTS of fanboys who somehow had the scene (Note: CBM does not condone piracy) also looked and couldn't find anything but their overactive imaginations. See some of that HERE.
While this newest claim hasn't been confirmed by Leterrier yet, FilmSchoolRejects.com and RopeOfSilicon.com are convinced this is it. On the screencaps of their sites, they have obviously darkened AND colorized the gray smudge to further enhance the visual. We've got that photo below our pics so you can see what the pic ACTUALLY looks like on your TV, and then darkened, and then colorized. Check them out and then tell us if you think this is the real deal by taking our poll below...
This is what it looks like unaltered--on the TV screen.
Now we've simply darkened the image a bit and played with the contrast.
Here is an obviously colorized pic from
Here it is with an outline to help some of you that are saying you can't see a body.