Joe Johnston has let out a lot at the press conference yesterday, including casting, locations, costume, and the villain. Well now over at CHUD, editor, Devin Faraci, reveals his conversation with Joe, featuring The Invaders.
"Yesterday I talked with The First Avenger: Captain America director Joe Johnston at the press day for The Wolfman, and he revealed to me that The Invaders were going to be a major presence in the film. 'They'll be in the entire second half,' he said.
Johnston also told me that The Invaders will be six members strong, so if you add Bucky and the Red Skull The First Avenger: Captain America might very well feature nine costumed characters, surely some kind of a record outside of a straight up team franchise like X-Men.
Earlier during the press conference Johnston had said that his Captain America would be played (hopefully) by a newcomer and that he would surrounded by name actors. Could The Invaders be roles for better known actors? The European team is definitely included as a way to sell a movie with Captain America overseas (Feige said as much at Comic Con), so why not throw some name actors in there?
Who will be on The Invaders? Johnston wouldn't say, but here are some possibilities, based on the comics"

MarvelFreshman: It's really smart that Marvel is using the rights to their chracters to their advantage. And putting the WW2 era stuff in the film, instead going back and doing other origins, for other WW2 characters. Just awesome. What do you think?