I looked at this article that came out quite a while ago:
Will Captain America be fighting Nazis' in his upcoming movie?
Some fans thought that HYDRA would replace the nazis' in a sort of alternate history/timeline where no nazis' existed and we didn't like the idea of that as we saw no sign of nazis' in previous images, TV spots, first trailer but only HYDRA. As the article pointed out, the Super Soldier game had HYDRA swastika's and banners replacing Nazi swastika's and banners. But in the latest trailer we have solid proof that there will be Nazis' and HYDRA are not replacing them.
When I firsr saw this shot in the trailer and I saw the HYDRA swastika's and banners I thought that the article was right with HYDRA replacing the nazis' as there should be Nazi banners and swastika's.
When I saw this Nazi in the trailer wearing the swastika, I was relieved that Nazi's are definitly in the movie and HYDRA is a third party and the HYDRA swastika's and banners only exist in the HYDRA base/hideout.
Please comment on what you think about this below.