Marvel Concept Artist Weighs In On CAPTAIN MARVEL Set Photos And Why Fans Shouldn't Be Too Quick To Judge

Marvel Concept Artist Weighs In On CAPTAIN MARVEL Set Photos And Why Fans Shouldn't Be Too Quick To Judge

The first photos from the set of Captain Marvel showed Carol Danvers in a very different sort of costume but Marvel Studios concept artist Andy Park points to a more familiar version also showing up...

By JoshWilding - Mar 02, 2018 02:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain Marvel
Our first look at Brie Larson suited up as Captain Marvel wasn't what a lot of fans expected, mostly because the hero was sporting a green costume as opposed to the classic red and blue version we're used to seeing in the comic books. During a recent interview, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige indicated that we will indeed see that by hinting that the green suit is a prototype and now Visual Development Supervisor and artist Andy Park has teased the regular version of Carol's costume.

"I think it's always funny seeing people's reactions," he says in regards to the response to the green colour scheme in those photos. "People are so ready to jump on and to react and make decisions so quickly. I would just say I would hope that they would just know from the past that judging too quickly is ... How do I word this? They're going to be happy. I think they're going to be happy."
"I mean, Kevin Feige said it in an interview. We revealed the concept art that I did, myself and other artists did, of Captain Marvel at last year's San Diego Comic-Con, so I mean, I think that alone should hopefully alleviate some of those fears that people have." So, there you have it! While it was already obvious, this green suit is clearly only temporary and now what the hero will be wearing for the majority of her adventures as Captain Marvel. Are you guys relieved to hear this from Park?
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Kumkani - 3/2/2018, 2:24 AM
Watch someone still complain about it in this thread
NightWing81 - 3/2/2018, 5:06 AM
@BlindWedjat - I just hope there's a special Snyder-cut of this film as well with a reeeeeally dark, realllllllly gritty looking uniform.
HeavyMetal4Life - 3/2/2018, 5:47 AM
@BlindWedjat - some people just don't learn. It's the same tired, lazy response time and time again.
bobevanz - 3/2/2018, 7:16 AM
@BlindWedjat - bbbbut her costume is gween! idiots lol
willyburz - 3/2/2018, 11:28 AM
@BlindWedjat - love your BP sig pic💪🍻
Jeight8 - 3/2/2018, 2:30 AM
Since when are comic book fans smart or level-headed Andy? The world would be turned upside down the day they won't preemptively judge things.

Literally 99% of MCU heroes have the color schemes and patterns of their comic book costumes and people lost their shit over Cap Marvel. Seriously?
Kyos - 3/2/2018, 2:32 AM

Kyos - 3/2/2018, 2:36 AM
If I had any skill (and or a working PC) I'd replace the paintings with BTS costume reveal pictures.
Deonox - 3/2/2018, 6:12 AM
@Kyos - Lol ughhh if i had the time right now I would
Spock0Clock - 3/2/2018, 2:40 AM
Andy Park is awesome. I just spent six hours painting, wondering how people like Park do what they do...

breakUbatman - 3/2/2018, 4:39 AM
@Spock0Clock - Nice. What, may I ask, were you painting?
Matador - 3/2/2018, 7:51 AM
@breakUbatman - Me, isn't it obvious

Spock0Clock - 3/2/2018, 9:51 AM
@breakUbatman - The other day I was complaining that Marvel is using those isolated promotional photos for their tenth anniversary posters, and said how I wish they'd get Alex Ross to paint something in the vein of his old Justice League stuff.

Well, there are two kinds of people: those who complain a hole isn't deep enough, and those who pick up a shovel. If Marvel's promotional team won't give me what I want, I can at least try to make it myself.
breakUbatman - 3/3/2018, 12:43 PM
@Spock0Clock - Would really like to see that. Is your art online?
BIGBMH - 3/2/2018, 2:40 AM
Every rational fan just assumed it was her prototype suit.
HeavyMetal4Life - 3/2/2018, 5:48 AM
@BIGBMH - correct
Spock0Clock - 3/2/2018, 2:45 AM
I just want a hip scarf dealy... that's all I want.
Kumkani - 3/2/2018, 2:47 AM
@Spock0Clock - Same. Costume looks a bit empty without it.
Zer0squad - 3/2/2018, 4:30 AM
@Spock0Clock - 100% required.
ICStoopedPeople - 3/2/2018, 5:18 AM
@Spock0Clock - SAME! I kind of wanted her helmet thinger too, but shit, the sash is awesome (and more important). Disappointed neither Captain Marvel will have it.
Zer0squad - 3/2/2018, 7:56 AM
@ICStoopedPeople - I wouldn't count either just out yet. We still haven't seen the "real" suit and the helmet could easily be a nano-tech deal a la Star-Lord or Black Panther.
ICStoopedPeople - 3/2/2018, 8:16 AM
@Zer0squad - Yeah, you're right. I noticed in another piece of concept art she was wearing a sash. Here's hoping!
RealSpiderMan - 3/2/2018, 2:45 AM
"I would just say I would hope that they would just know from the past that judging too quickly is ... How do I word this? They're going to be happy. I think they're going to be happy."

ChangAlang - 3/2/2018, 2:54 AM
You can’t stop me jumping to conclusion...

But seriously,it’s nice for what it is😊
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