Captain America: Why The First Avenger is the best solo movie of Phase One

Captain America: Why The First Avenger is the best solo movie of Phase One

I would say out of all the solo movies but, Phase Two has yet to start in the U.S.

Editorial Opinion
By EdgyOutsider - Apr 24, 2013 08:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

I won't lie, this was more of an answer to Wallymelon. He left a comment on my article on Thor asking me to explain why I think Captain America: The First Avenger is the best solo outing of Phase One. The Sentinel of Liberty didn't get a lot of love after his big screen debut. Well, I'm here to explain why it tops all the solo movies heading into Marvel's most financially successful film, The Avengers. I'm going to just list the big reasons for me.

Marvel with most emotional weight

Yes, I bring this one up a lot. But, oh well. Don't like it, stop reading. Thor and Captain America are the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movies with emotional weight to them. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is epic and they're definitely fun movies to watch but, I think The Incredible Hulk should've had more weight to it. Iron Man has so much humor and is such a fun movie to watch, you don't really care about the characters. There is no weight to them. The Avengers (despite my logic of it being the best comicbook movie yet) should've had at least a little bit of emotional weight to it. That's what I feel a lot of comicbook movies these days are missing. Emotional weight to the movies. Tonytony, I swear I will report you if you call my article anti-DC. But, both comicbook companies are at fault. Example, I love the Spider-Man trilogy but, It doesn't have as much emotional scenes or any weight to it like the reboot, Thor and Captain America. Not to mention Hayley Atwell as Peggy really does a damn good job at making sure of it. Her and Chris Evans really do a great job at selling these characters and everything in between. Don't believe me that Cap has emotional weight? Check out this scene and then tell me otherwise.

Action but no flash

People wanted a more action-y Captain America, people wanted to see him kick ass then they found themselves disappointed. It had more story than action. The train scene was down real well, the action montage was the best thing for the movie and the final battle? Okay, the final battle was lackluster. The only flash you saw in the fight scenes was either from the guns HYDRA had or when Cap did some acrobatic of sorts. The movie is two hours and four minutes. Everything the movie needed to show and tell, that was a great run time for the movie. He's not a god like Thor, a man in an metal suit like Iron Man or a green rage monster like, Hulk. He's just an ordinary man who went from being a little guy to the best a human can be, physically. There's not much he can do other than hand to hand combat and use his shield as a weapon. I think it's good cause it's different. The exception of the original Burton/Schumacher series and The Dark Knight Rises, I don't really remember seeing Batman in a fist fight with another person that doesn't have some sort of powers cause Batman doesn't have a super powered rogues gallery and neither does Cap really. It's nice for something different.

You root for the initial character

Too often do I find myself watching a superhero movie and root for the superhero. What about the person they were before they became extraordinary. Marvel and DC both, have failed to do that. Well, Marvel did until Captain America: The First Avenger came out. This time, I didn't find myself rooting for the superhero. I found myself rooting for Steve Rogers. He's a very admirable man before he gets um, taller. Even then, he doesn't change. He's still a man to be admired. Superman is for DC what Captain America is for Marvel. The ideal person we can be. Not physically but, a person as a whole. The ideal of what people should behave and just in general be like. Nobody's perfect. But, for me, Steve Rogers wants to serve his country. Even when he was skinny and didn't qualify, when he went to the training camp. He didn't give up, this is what he wanted. He wanted to serve his country because he doesn't like bullies, more-less. Captain America: The First Avengers makes you root for the ordinary before the extraordinary.

The Score

It's the tune I tend to get stuck in my head the most when it comes to superhero movies. Marvel hasn't found a piece of music for theme that sticks? I call bullshit on that, well, actually I guess I don't. It really has to stick to the masses. In this case, this really sticks with me. The scores for other movies are great but, even Hans Zimmer didn't stick with me and the sad part is I prefer him to Alan Silvestri. The score for this movie just, really clicks.

That's all I got for you. I really can't wait for, Captain America: The Winter Solider

It's going to be epic! What do you think of Captain America's first adventure and his not much known about second adventure? Comment below.
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TheRaven20 - 4/24/2013, 9:15 AM
I agree. Very underrated IMO
CavEl - 4/24/2013, 9:19 AM
So...we're not counting Iron Man 1 or the Avengers? Okay. I wouldn't rank this higher than Thor.
EdgyOutsider - 4/24/2013, 9:29 AM
@TheHouseofUI: I'm counting the solo films. The only one that wouldn't count is, The Avengers.
marvel72 - 4/24/2013, 10:01 AM
best solo marvel studios

1st iron man 4/5
2nd captain america the first avenger 3/5
3rd thor 3/5
4th the incredible hulk 3/5
5th iron man 2 2/5

captain america & thor swap places depending on mood.
kinghulk - 4/24/2013, 10:16 AM
it was a good film but what made the film for me was hugo waveing(or how ever you spell it) as the red skull, i loved the red skull and he had some of the best lines in the film.
EdgyOutsider - 4/24/2013, 11:36 AM
@Batmaniac: I'm not sure if I should take the first sentence of your comment as a compliment or an insult lol
jessepostal - 4/24/2013, 12:27 PM
To me Tfa was marvels first actual film, not just a movie. It had so much heart and it felt so differently than the rest. I would have preferred a little more time in the suit but it was just enough to please and leave you wanting more.

It gets some stabs because i don't think a lot of people understood the end and why he had to down the plane. And a few are not so happy with the action montage, which i think is fantastic!

Cant wait for Cap 2!!!
tonytony - 4/24/2013, 12:49 PM
@nick salinski if you keep writing anti dc crap i will keep calling you out on it. This article is propably your first non anti dc anything. You frequently come on here and lie about being independent and normally follow by saying how much you hate dc this is fine too, but tell the truth and dont lie about shit and you wont get called out.

Secondly to me the best phase one movie was iron man 1. Cap wasnt really all that, and thor was marginally better. But guess what im gonna see the sequels because i love comic books in general i dont decide to praise shitty movies like green lantern because its dc in the same way you hyping garbage or average movies like thor or cap america while rubbishing or undermining good movies like tdk simply because its dc is pathetic.

You talk about the score truth is i have no recollection of it, literally none at all, yet i fully remember all the themes and score in BB, Tdk and tdkr, so thats another useless point.
You are becoming less obviously biased but your points lack merit and just like batmaniac I didnt have to open thread to know who author is
EdgyOutsider - 4/24/2013, 2:33 PM
@tonytony: I don't hate DC and it's not my first. While no, I haven't been able to read their comics like I've wanted to lately. I have previewed quite a bit including Aquaman and they honestly aren't bad. If I were to judge by the previews alone from, I would have to admit I was wrong about my judgement towards characters like Aquaman. They're not bad and honestly, I wanted to read more. But, they just don't appeal to me like Marvel does and again, I like some of DC's movies and I like some of their games. Neither company has a flawless record in any media.
WorstUserNameEver - 4/24/2013, 2:34 PM
Ocelot - 4/24/2013, 3:06 PM
Avengers and Iron Man are tied are no.1 for best movie in phase 1, followed by the incredible hulk in 2, thor in 3, captain america in 4, iron man 2 in 5
Xandera - 4/24/2013, 4:01 PM
Next to The Avengers, Cap is definitely my favourite of Phase 1... Nice article!
RobGrizzly - 4/24/2013, 5:31 PM
Good movie, but only average by superhero standards.
Steve Rogers was great, and he is arguably the best individual character from Marvel's films. He is also supported by a solid backup cast. Everyone from Bucky to Toby Jones was enjoyable. And I think Peggy is the best live interest in MCU so far.

But beyond that, i didn't think the story itself was all that interesting. The plot, I mean, and Red Skull's scheme. The action has no real stand-out sequences (I don't remember anything particularly thrilling). Even Thor has more memorable moments. I hear what you're saying about Iron Man, but there is more to it than just the jokes. It was refreshingly self-aware, which made it so relatable for everyone. Also, the hero undergoes character change, which happens with literally all the protagonists EXCEPT Captain America. He's a boy scout at the beginning, a boy scout in ths middle, and a boy scout in the end. Tony Stark is flawed, and learns to put his genius to good use, as learn to think of others over himself.
AshleyWilliams - 4/24/2013, 6:45 PM
superherofan21 - 4/24/2013, 7:40 PM
The First Avenger was a great film. I saw it four times in theaters.
FirstAvenger - 4/24/2013, 8:13 PM
I liked it. ;-)
tonytony - 4/24/2013, 9:07 PM
@nicksalinski/crossbones - you had so much crap to say about DC yet you had never read a dc comic. You got all your insight from previews. This is consistent with marvel fanboys who know D!ck all about comics and (in fact movies too) and are recent bandwagoners dissing other companies blindly with no insight on them.
EdgyOutsider - 4/24/2013, 10:07 PM
@tonytony: You're still complaining. Holy shit, I ain't got the money for the actual comics so I read as many previews of DC comics I was in the mood for (quite a lot to be honest) and I honestly would've kept going had I not had class. Be happy I gave DC the best shot in comics I can at the moment and that I admit that I was wrong.
GuardianDevil - 4/25/2013, 12:10 AM
So youre Lizard1? Okay, didn't know that. Will remember that...

Anyways this is my opinion on the MCU. Iron Man = Captain America: TFA > Incredible Hulk > Iron Man 2 > Thor.

CA:TFA was absolutely awesome and in my top 5 CBMS of all time. Underrated movie, was MASSIVELY better than Thor and Iron Man 2. A bit better than Hulk, and almost up to par with Iron Man.
GuardianDevil - 4/25/2013, 12:19 AM
My fav MCU films go like this:

1. Iron Man
2. Captain America: The First Avenger
3. The Incredible Hulk
4. The Avengers (yeah, that's right. No character development no interesting story. Just fighting and really cool action)
5. Iron Man 2 (not that great of a film but a bit better than Thor)
6. Thor, to be frank I found that one incredibly boring. Heck, I fell asleep. And I NEVER fall asleep at the movies ESPECIALLY at superhero movies. Watched it a second time, was just way too cheesy and corny for me to like it. Not only that the action was lame, aside from the frost giants and when Thor is beating up SHIELD agents. Hiddleston was one of the few things I liked about this one.
GuardianDevil - 4/25/2013, 12:25 AM
@Crossbones/Lizard1/NickSalinski (dang, that's a real mouth jk)
So you took my suggestion about giving DC a chance. How you liking it so far?
EdgyOutsider - 4/25/2013, 6:15 AM
@Fexinx122: I have to download something for the free comics and for the comics I am interested in (like Aquaman), I have to use a credit card. So, I've just stuck with using the little preview and I must say, the previews alone are really good. There have been cases where I've done the same with Marvel and they really haven't touched a certain note DC has. Marvel is still my favorite company but, I've really found a new respect for DC.
EdgyOutsider - 4/25/2013, 6:35 AM
I would've used a credit card but, I'm 17 lol
JorEllinator - 4/25/2013, 11:25 AM
Favourite MCU Movies:
1. Captain 'MERICA! (and I'm British)
2. Iron Man 2 (Felt more like a comic than Avengers to me)
3. Avengers (should be higher up, but didn't enjoy it as much as others)
4. The Incredible Hulk/ Iron Man (Good movies, nothing much to say)
5. Thor (Sucked,too much Earth, need more Asgard and Yoldernheim, Pat Dennings sucked, no chemistry between Jane Foster and Thor besides one scene, Hiddleston saved it from being as bad as Green Lantern)
gmoney0505 - 4/25/2013, 12:38 PM
Villains is what make these films go from great to spectacular with plots, twists, and great acting followed by character development with the hero. That alone put Cap in near last place as best MCU movie. All Red Skull did wa hide in a laboratory (just like Whiplash) and ran away. Hugo Weaving could not save that movie.

Best MCU movie is Ironman by far. No copetiton in that area but followed 2nd by The Incredible Hulk.

The rest are just really meh at best and the one movie with all that buildup did not live up to any hype it had.
FrankGarret - 4/25/2013, 1:30 PM
I think Iron Man and CATFA are both the best movie of Phase 1 in different ways.

Iron Man is the better movie as a finished product. Just great pacing and dialogue throughout.

CATFA is better as a sum of its parts. It has some pacing issues and so on that diminishes its overall quality, but if you take each element on its own, it's really quite special.

The supporting characters like Philios, Erskine, the Commandos are all a joy to watch. The romance is the best done in a cbm, IMHO.
LoudNoises - 4/25/2013, 3:46 PM
Here's my biggest gripe with Cap's first movie. Right around the point when we finally see Steve come into his own and earn his title as Captain America, it's almost like the writers stopped writing and just went ok, people want action so we are going to just throw in some action montage, kill off Cap's best bud for a little dramatic effect and then move right into the action packed finale. That might sound a little over simplified, but if you watch it again with this in mind you can put your finger on an exact point when story takes a back seat to the action. I understand because it's a summer blockbuster and it needs to be thrilling, but I think the story needs to guide the action and not be swopped out for it.

Take the motorcycle scene for example. It comes out of nowhere. It's just part of a big montage of other random action sequences. It was, like most of the movie a homage to Indiana Jones. But think about the motorcycle chase scene from The Last crusade for just a moment. That scene had context. It was a linear story line that followed Indy and his father as they made their escape from the Nazi Castle and incidentally they ended up in a motorcycle chase. The entire time, we understood why they were being chased and why they were on a motorcycle to begin with.
capreborn - 4/25/2013, 4:39 PM
Cap has super powers damnit
Wallymelon - 4/25/2013, 7:54 PM
first of, thanks you're awesome.

second, I see your points however I still think it's not as good as everyone perceives. It's not a bad movie Just as a whole it doesnt flow. like @loudnoises said, the story just stops an action takes over, which is fine but if you are going for a movie that is more story than action dont just drp the action in because its been awhile since we saw any. make the action mean something, make it integral to the plot. its not a bad film just not great, iron man is by far greater as a whole. from beginning to end its just a really fun ride. the avengers is one of the best comic book movies, if not the best just because it literally feels like a comic book, which is also some of the issues with that film, playing out too much like a comic book. still great film. the incredible hulk is sooo underrated in my opion. i think that is one of the first phases best films. the story flows quite nicley throught, it has a jsaon bourne sort of vibe to it. everything kinda makes sense in that film. its not amazing not better than iron man but i like it more than thor and cap and iron man 2, which isnt near great but its still a good film in terms of dealing with tony stark. they seriously need to call these films tony stark instead of iron man because its more about tony than him in his suit saving the world.

in conclusion, i like your points and value your opinions, my list for best phase one films is;

6. Iron Man 2
5. Captain Anerica
4. Thor
3. INcredible Hulk
2. Iron Man
1. Avengers
Orphix - 4/26/2013, 4:04 AM
Have to agree with the last couple of comments. The story seems to have been really affected by the rush to get Cap ready for The Avengers.

In order for him to be frozen at the end we get a montage just before the third act that rushes us through months of action.

The end result is that the story disconnects itself from all the things the story has been building. Red Skull loses his sense of urgency and threat. Peggy loses her gradually building feelings for Steve. Everything that has been building up suddenly runs out of steam.

I remember Whedon saying that he had read the CA:TFA script and did a little work on it to tie it to The Avengers and described it as 'tight'. If any thing it is too tight - too quick to jump to the end point. And it shows up all the more when you consider how heart felt the first half of the movie is.
spider1489 - 4/26/2013, 12:08 PM
solo movies leading to avengers

1. the incredible hulk
2. the first avenger
3. iron man
4. thor
5. iron man 2
DatNerdyKid - 4/27/2013, 1:55 AM
I am putting this to rest-Captain America: TFA, Green Lantern, BOTH Ghost Rider films and...A Good Day to Die Hard are ALL better than The Avengers. Absolutely no story. Good effects though. Just wanted to have my two cents.
76cidgrad - 4/27/2013, 4:32 AM
Cap TFA was the first Marvel movie to truly develop the character prior to his gaining powers. We saw some with Tony Stark, but nowhere near the same screen time as Steve Rogers. They did a tremendous job introducing Rogers, but had less time remaining to showcase Cap. The only solution would have been to either make CA:TFA longer, or split it into two movies.

Being a huge Cap fan, I would have been content to see it split into four movies, but I understand the constraints of time against story. That having been said, I am really looking forward to Winter Soldier and hoping that Cap has more screen time with action scenes.

To address the DC/Marvel war, I think it is childish on both sides. Why can't the DC fans enjoy their world without being bashed by Marvel fanatics and vice-versa. When either studio releases a good movie, it only elevates the game for all.

That having been said, and this is not a bash against DC specifically, but if any studio puts out something as bad as Green Lantern (or Howard the Duck), both sides can agree it was badly handled without bashing DC/Marvel.

These are movies based on comic books. Not War and Peace, or Gone with the Wind. They are made for entertainment!
Lighten up, people!

The fact that this article was written by a seventeen year old impresses me more than a lot of comics I have read over the years, and I have been reading both DC and Marvel for decades. Great job, Nick! Remember, great writers will always attract critics...

tonytony - 4/27/2013, 8:53 AM
@76cidgrad the problem with nick salinski is two fold.
Firstly he lies a lot
Secondly despite lots of comments and posts from him about DC being bad it turns out he has actually never read a dc comic. Imagine that and yet he is just full of opinions about dc. To me this is the worst kind of author of anything. He positioned himself as unbiased and knowledgable, what is criminally obvious is that he is neither. this is the sort of person who spouts poisonous propaganda. What he writes and comments on is quite frankly uninformed and lacks any merit or integrity.
76cidgrad - 4/27/2013, 1:27 PM
tonytony -
In response to your post, I'm not familiar with Nick and the veracity of his posts or if he has ever read a comic. I am pleased and impressed that he could post an entire article without once referring to boobs, masturbation, or perverse sex, which is considerably more than I can say about many who slither through this site.

I would be much more enthused about reading the posts on this site if they actually had something intellectual to share. Going back to Nick's post, I don't remember any poor grammar or butchered spelling. Not bad for a 17 year old this day and time. Maybe we can encourage Nick to be more forthcoming in his posts.

Nick, another word of advice to you. Most cities have a thing called a library, and you can check out many comic titles for free and read the entire comic! And they even have Marvel and DC. Give it a try, and maybe your future postings well earn a little more respect from your comic book peers. 'Nuff said. Excelsior!
LegendaryOutlaw - 4/27/2013, 5:55 PM
I stopped reading after you said no one cared about anybody in the IM series. Thats ridiculous! If Iron Man flopped chances are Marvel movies wouldn't have been as much of a success without him.
LegendaryOutlaw - 4/27/2013, 5:57 PM
@Intruder Ant-Man isn't phase 2 it kicks off phase 3. My list would go.

5.Thor 2
4.Captain America 2
3.Iron Man 3
2.Guardians of the Galaxy
1.Avengers 2
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