Rumored Update On Plans For Captain Marvel After THE MARVELS Underperformed; Valkyrie Could Be Key In THOR 5

Rumored Update On Plans For Captain Marvel After THE MARVELS Underperformed; Valkyrie Could Be Key In THOR 5

JURASSIC WORLD Star DeWanda Wise Finally Reveals Why She Exited Marvel Studios' CAPTAIN MARVEL
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JURASSIC WORLD Star DeWanda Wise Finally Reveals Why She Exited Marvel Studios' CAPTAIN MARVEL

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Kumkani - 3/23/2019, 4:34 AM
I still wonder if this might actually do a billion. Lord knows I'll be happy if it does, but passing 900 million WW is already massive and unprecedented success on it's own. Higher, further, faster baby!

Also I need to see Us like right now.
FireandBlood - 3/23/2019, 5:01 AM
@DnA - A billion is locked. Now it’s just a case of whether or not it can do 1.1 billion.
Gose - 3/23/2019, 4:43 AM
So thats why Wonder Woman 1984 is delaying, DCEU getting cold feet. Still, 2 more weeks then SHAZAM !
Mando - 3/23/2019, 4:43 AM
just like I've been predicting ...captain marvel will be the first female superhero film to hit a billion
TheUnworthyThor - 3/23/2019, 4:45 AM
OuzoPowerMan - 3/23/2019, 4:46 AM
Makes sense that it made so much money, considering:

1. It's an MCU film in 2019.
2. It's the first female superhero MCU film ever.
3. It's about the most powerful Avenger they've introduced yet, and who's going to play a huge role in the final Avengers film.
4. Last but not least, it's a decent film, far better than the likes of Thor 2 and Ant-Man 2 (imo).

I liked this movie, but I wish they had chosen a different actress to play the role. For example, Emily Blunt can be as dynamic and bad-ass as Brie Larson, but as opposed to the last one, she's also a pleasant presence in the room. And I think this counts a lot when you want to enjoy these characters.
TheUnworthyThor - 3/23/2019, 4:54 AM
@OuzoPowerMan - I’m going to go out on a limb and say you haven’t actually been in a room with either of them.
OuzoPowerMan - 3/23/2019, 5:27 AM
@TheUnworthyThor - LOL
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