Out this October,
Batman: White Knight sees the Joker become a hero after his insanity is cured. And the target of his heroic crusade is none other than Batman himself. But instead of physical or psychological tactics, a mentally sober "Jack" (along with an equally reformed Harley Quinn) will use legal means to illustrate to the people of Gotham that the biggest menace in the city is actually the man who claims to be its #1 protector.
The miniseries will imagine Gotham as a modern American city that deals with similar pressing issues such as the Black Lives Movement and class wage gap.
In describing the series to Wired Magazine, writer-illustrator Gordon Murphy states, "T
he line Batman rides between 'noble vigilante' and 'overzealous oppressor' will always be shifting as our own society changes. We know the Joker is a genius, we know he's relentless, and we know he can play the crowd, so why not make him a politician? Frank Miller modeled him after David Bowie. Chris Nolan showed him as a controlled sociopath. I see the Joker as Don Draper."
Batman: White Knight hits comic book shops on October 4. Check out the cover and a preview page below.
Joker and Harley are looking rather normal on the cover of Batman: White Knight #1.
It seems the Joker's efforts will see Batman locked away...possibly in Arkham Asylum.