Bleeding Cool, the following rumor has surfaced about a mysterious DCnU title that Nicola Scott and James Robinson were working on:
Dan DiDio told retailers a month ago that Nicola Scott had an upcoming project at DC Comics. But word from late night San Diego bar gossip is that the project is with James Robinson (no longer writing the Hawkman relaunch) and it’s the much puzzled over Justice Society Of America.
DC has made it clear that Superman and the JLA are the new DCU’s first superheroes, leaving no room for a World War II team transposed to the present day. It appeared they had been written out of continuity.
But there are plans, it seems, not to abandon it entirely. And they’re coming back. I don’t know how, I don’t know who, I don’t know when. All I’ve been told is Scott and Robinson on JSA…
Now this is admittedly gossip heard at the bar during Comic-Con but Bleeding Cool is pretty reliable when it comes to breaking news and rumors. I for one, hope this title will include Power Girl and her awesome costume. On a serious note, if this is indeed a JSA title, what does that mean for Superman being the first superhero? Are all the character going to be roughly the same age and starting out at the same time? No gray-haired Jay Garrick, no punch-worn Wildcat, will Alan Scott still be the first Green Lantern? Hopefully, DC will reveal more information as time passes.

The Justice Society of America, or JSA, is a DC Comics superhero group, the first team of superheroes in comic book history. Conceived by editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox, the JSA first appeared in All Star Comics #3 (Winter 1940).
Unlike subsequent "all-star" teams, the JSA was limited to heroes not already featured in their own titles because the publisher wanted to expose their lesser known characters. Hence, Superman and Batman were only honorary members and Flash and Green Lantern's early tenures were brief, ending when each character was awarded his own book. However, a 1944 change in policy allowed them back into the group. Other popular members were Hawkman, the Spectre, Hourman, Doctor Fate and the Atom.