After 5 years, is Scott Snyder preparing to exit Batman? Bleeding Cool appears to be spot on with their report that DC Comics is lining up another publisher-wide reboot this Summer. With that reboot, they site reports that DC Comics is planning to make Batman a bi-monthly title, something Marvel does with its most popular titles. It's a tactic which allows Marvel to annually dominate the industry in terms of market share and total comic book sold.
However, DC fans can take solace in the fact that BC is reporting that Snyder is leaving Batman to take over Detective Comics. It's the title that Snyder started on and will remain monthly rather than bi-monthly. The comic book site also reports that the main Batman title will become more engrossed in publisher-wide crossover events while Detective Comics will largely ignore such events and allow Snyder to do as he pleases. If true, the next question is does Greg Capullo join Snyder on Detective Comics? And who takes over Batman? If it's not A-list talent, how long before Detective Comics starts to outsell Batman?