About 3 years ago I started reading again. Got into it pretty heavy, dropped anywhere from 40 to 90 bucks a week. I'm an equal opp reader dc marvel boom whatever. It lasted about 2 years, somewhere into brightest day I just lost interest, everything was getting stale. It was basically the same stuff I was reading when I was 15, with a few exceptions. Namely Dick as Batman on the DC side, JMS's Spiderman run, and his Thor run too. And who doesn't like Geof Johns Green Lantern! All in all it was the same old shoe tho. I found myself reading more independent stuff. Kick Ass, Irredeemable and Incorruptible (these are great by the way try them out) Locke and Key is another great series. Maybe its age or maybe I was just sick of rereading the same superman story every 2 years.
For the first time since then I'm actually interested again. new direction and maybe a consistent universe seems intriguing to me. I know im in the minority here but i think this is a better idea, then say, making a black hispanic gay spider man. I can see the meeting for this one. Hey Joe sales are slipping, we need something to shake things up. Joe: I know lets try to reach every demographic out there! Well kill Pete and just randomly give a black hispanic gay dude his powers. And you guys say the new 52 is a bad idea!
A fresh take seems to be good idea. Most of the DCU was old and stale, good characters were getting the short end of the stick. DC does have some great characters. Hey every one knows Superman and Batman but there's so much more. How cool would a new Martin Manhunter book be, or a nice dark take on Hawkman. Better yet, how about a villain set. I personally liked it when Lex had his own stint in Action Comics and who wouldn't want to read a monthly Joker title? All of this could be possible if this works out for DC.
I'm 35 years old. I grew up wit these characters. Maybe after 20 years of the same old stuff it really is time to hit the reset switch. Remember those great old stories are always there to revisit. Just take them off you shelf or out of the attic and give them a go. Good stories are good stories. Change does not have to be bad. When done right that is. Maybe in 20 years well be dusting off the new 52 with the same feeling of nostalgia that we do when we reread John Byrnes The Man Of Steel for the hundredth time.