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GODZILLA Battles Marvel's Mightiest Heroes On Epic New Variant Covers Launching This September

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REDSTORM - 12/19/2011, 4:49 PM
I wish we'd slow down with all the dang comic book deaths already. It's a gimmick that's seriously getting old.
Oarsis - 12/19/2011, 4:50 PM
Psylocke....why must you be so amazingly wonderful???

I don't know what to feel about this right now....
I love Archangel, he is my favorite male X-men character.
So, I am sad he is gone...of course, he will be back!

Psylocke is my favorite all time comic book character :)
MarkCassidy - 12/19/2011, 4:58 PM
Right right..Warren died BUT he will still be walking around..only that's not REALLY Warren at all! ..an ancient Joss Whedon trick for keeping a character around a bit longer. If they wanted to kill him, they should have buried him and left it at that.
Jordanstine - 12/19/2011, 5:02 PM
Comic Book Deaths are so DEAD.

Give us something new besides killing characters off.

Audiences no longer buy it anymore.
evyllsummer - 12/19/2011, 5:04 PM
Ah, an Illyria reference...nice.
longbowhunter - 12/19/2011, 5:12 PM
I thought I was very tastefully done. Everyone is so jaded when it comes to comic book death. Nice twist ending.
SpiderBat209 - 12/19/2011, 5:13 PM
@Ror---Yup, reminds me of the "Hole in the World" Angel episode where Fred died and Illyria took over her body.

It IS actually worse than Death. Seeing someone you once loved walking around but has no memory of you or what you once had. Like a totally different person inhabiting the body of a person you shared a history with. Just ask any divorced person! lol ;)
DeadGuyWalking - 12/19/2011, 5:16 PM
This wasn't one of those times where they were using someone's death as a gimmick. It was one of the best story lines that I have read in a long time. I'm not sure how I feel about a new person being born from the death of a pretty major character but the overall story arch was amazing.
MarkCassidy - 12/19/2011, 5:18 PM
Can't argue with that, I haven't read the last couple of issues but it was a great arc no doubt.
luckylu - 12/19/2011, 5:30 PM
not buying it. comic books deaths dont mean shit anymore. wait a year. he will be back with all his memories and everything.
marvel72 - 12/19/2011, 5:47 PM
i didn't know this had happened,oh well the uncanny x-force is the definetly the best marvel comic at the moment.

what i've read of the dark angel saga was f*cking awesome,haven't got long to wait until the graphic novel comes out 29.2.12.
HeyVanity - 12/19/2011, 6:38 PM
I don't even care. Uncanny X-Force has been absolutely fantastic from the start. Definitely my favorite book at the moment. Seeing as how I just finished this one last night though, maybe I'll start the new Daredevil, since you all seem to like it so much.
AGENTJAY1130 - 12/19/2011, 7:08 PM
killing off characters is boring!! Give use some juicy shit like um.........a manajatwa OR wolverine manifesting new powers ......GIVE US SOMETHING NEW!!! LOLOLOL
CrashTest - 12/19/2011, 7:18 PM
@ HeyVanity

I agree buddy! Uncanny X-force was very well done. And art was fantastic. It made me really like Fantomex!
headlopper - 12/19/2011, 7:20 PM
I was confused because I just thought that the life seed killed Apocalypses' 'Horseman'(archangel) . I thought he was just alittle disoriented by the whole ordeal and so didn't recognize Betsy.

But having read the article, this seems much, much cooler .
He's a great writer- no doubt about it,so whatever he has in store for Warren should be pretty boss.

Best story arc I've read since 'Annihilation Conquest'.

Keep it going Rick! You're doing great!

AOA 'Night-crawler' FTW! Welcome to X-Force!
HeyVanity - 12/19/2011, 7:59 PM
@CrashTest Yeah, Fantomex has owned this entire series so far. Had no idea who he was initially, but he's become a truly great character. Even more so in the last several issues with Wolverine incapacitated most of the time.
headlopper - 12/19/2011, 8:18 PM
Fantomex has definitely come into his own .

I'm so proud of him!

Money quote from UXM: Fantomex- "Is that bloody sack what I think it is"?

Deathlok- "Wade.I collected all of him.I love him, and ALL of you!"

headlopper - 12/19/2011, 8:19 PM
DarthTesla - 12/19/2011, 8:38 PM
Definitely an intense scene and one of the best arcs in Marvel in the past few years, IMO.

Plus the art on this title is just bananas.
GLprime2814 - 12/19/2011, 10:19 PM

Who wants to start a reverse death pool?
Insted of when a person dying you bet on when they come back.
13echo - 12/19/2011, 11:06 PM
Oh no they killed the angel why is marvel killing of my fav charcters ie the punisher captain america, even my beloved human torch.... WHY!!! WHY!!!!!!!......what......you say their back.........back from the dead...... duh
loki668 - 12/20/2011, 2:55 AM
We know he's coming back. We know it. Just find another way to generate interest beyond killing popular characters, because we know they're coming back. It becomes tired and cliche after a while, because they're coming back. Just stop. Please.
I've died!

Oh, it's okay! I'm back!!
See! That's just annoying.

Lord Loki has spoken
ReverendHess - 12/20/2011, 3:48 AM
This book is kind of like the way Bru handled Cap. You know they are coming back, but you really enjoy the ride they are taking you on. I agree with all of you this book is the best Marvel book right now...story and art.
MassExecutions - 12/20/2011, 6:54 AM
Yeah, I think a lot of this "death in comics" criticism is misplaced in this instance. I haven't been totally keeping up with this arc, but I think this death was story driven, wasn't hyped for sales, and wasn't sold as a permanent game changing thing. Seems like this is the way these things SHOULD be handled in the genre.
MassExecutions - 12/20/2011, 6:58 AM
Also, that first piece of art for the article is fantastic. They should sell that sucker as a poster.
superman7 - 12/20/2011, 8:13 AM
i dont know why anyone would have any type of feelings about this in any way... He'll be back in a year or two.
soaponapope - 12/20/2011, 9:52 AM
his death was great. the whole fake memories thing with psylocke giving him a good death was awesome and very well written. although my favorite death was deadpool (even though hes not really dead), 2nd best death was AoA iceman getting blown away by sunfire making the biggest flames ever.
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