Best And Worst Of Comic-Con: X-Men DOFP & Superman/Batman

Best And Worst Of Comic-Con: X-Men DOFP & Superman/Batman

Bryan Singer and the Days Of Future Past cast easily took the top spot for best of Comic-Con; however, Zack Snyder and WB epically fail with their Superman/Batman announcement.

Editorial Opinion
By cosmicman - Jul 27, 2013 12:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Comic-Con

Gotta hand it out to my fellow CBM'ers for their Comic-Con coverage; it was fascinating seeing all the news pour through - made me wish I was there!

From my perspective sitting back watching it all come through, I have to say that Bryan Singer and X-Men: Days Of Future Past was the overall "winner" for Comic-Con.

The loser? Had to be what Warner Bros. did for Superman/Batman - which was a whole bunch of nothing.

Now on to the reasons...

Fox never announced that DOFP would be at the Con, but a day or so previous to that images hit of Trask Industries with the Sentinel exhibit and some posters to boot. I also think prior to that it was confirmed that Peter Dinklage is playing Bolivar Trask (which was confirmed at the panel). Now, Dinklage is "the man" right now as he's a part of Game of Thrones, and anything to do with that - as Doctor Who would say - is cool!

So following all the news, the Fox panel was just about done when Bryan Singer was on stage and then he proceeded (and the moderator) to introduce all the DOFP cast - which was the largest cast on stage ever in Hall H. Avengers who?!

Now that was really awesome. Whether the movie will work out (Superman Returns, Jack The Giant Slayer anyone??) remains to be seen.

On to the worst of the Comic-Con...

From a PR perspective the worst had to go to - big surprise - Warner Bros. for what they did with Superman/Batman. Now, don't get me wrong, that was a "huge" announcement, but I ask: Did they decide on the movie 5 minutes before Comic-Con started? I mean, Zack Snyder comes out, drops a swear word and then we get some quote by Harry Lennix with a cheezy logo that hasn't even been made available online? Huh? Where's the FB cover, WB??

No. Wait. A Deviant Artist went online moments after and gave us a better logo than the one WB presented. Nice. (see below)

WB had no Henry Cavill - the new Superman - next to Snyder for the announcement. None of the WB execs were there, but they sent out a "statement" following Comic-Con about the upcoming movie. Really? WB? That's the best you can do?

Marvel Studios comes out with frickin' Loki for their panel, and WB has about 2 minutes for Superman/Batman?

Now, for those wondering, the reason I didn't give the "best of" to Marvel Studios is because they always come through, so it's to be expected. Feige is awesome at what he does, and Disney should give the guy a darn raise.

What Fox and Singer did with DOFP was really cool bringing all those stars on stage. Fassbender, Jackman, Berry, Lawrence, McKellan and Stewart?? HUGE.

WB? A crappy Superman/Batman logo that was made with the GIMP 30 seconds before Snyder went on stage. And no JL and Flash announcements. #fail

(Fan-Made image)

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TaoOfTheBatman - 7/27/2013, 2:02 AM
just saw wolverine and man was the after credits scene awesome. has me looking forward to dofp. i really hope bryan knows he's kind of on the line here. if he gives another superman returns type movie the fans will never forgive him for good. he has a chance at redemption here lets hope he doesn't screw it up. i'm a little doubtful for sure. but was it the biggest panel out of comic con? no way!!! that goes to worlds finest: superman and batman!
now before you accuse me of blind fanboy allegiance here me out. people acting like this was a last minute decision are wrong. this idea has been around as far back as batman begins. in doing a lil research i found a screen rant article from a year ago about a rumored bats/superman movie. in the article they talk about courting two ideas. one is if they had bale/nolan on board the story would be focused on an older batman taking a less experienced superman under his wing. the other would be a rebooted batman being guided by the man of tomorrow. because the negations failed to get nolan to allow his dark knight movies into the dccu, and open the doors for bale's return didn't pan out i think we might end up seeing is some kind of meshing of the two ideas. in short i think warners has been playing it close to the chest and sitting on this idea for a while. i've even seen articles before the mos release in which cavill speculates at a team up with batman when asked on what he'd like to see in a sequel. but because he very cleverly down played it as speculation no one took it serious. so maybe you can say that this is an old idea getting dusted off. is it a safe bet.. yeah but i get a strong feeling its not rushed.
gamecreatorjj - 7/27/2013, 2:16 AM
I have to say, you're right about DOFP, but you're wrong about Superman/Batman, I mean, no matter how they did that, it was going to be the biggest announcement, the biggest news at comic con, they did it perfectly, making everything very non chalant, then they had the line read, and everything went ballistic. I mean you can say it's a crappy logo not even online, but that's the point. This was made and set up for a COMIC CON announcement, they read a quote that comic book fans would/ should recognize the meaning of, they made the picture only available (officially at the con) I mean to get the full experience you'd have to be there AND know your stuff. But they didn't show a lot, they didn't do alot after that, and thats why it didn't win.
Personally I don't think there was "loser." It was DOFP, then everything else came in a very close second
NBAfanaddict - 7/27/2013, 4:57 AM
Don't think WB/DC "failed". They announced a Batman/Superman movie. That's a pretty big win for comic book fans. Now maybe Marvel had more exciting news, but I wouldn't say anyone won or lost.
GoldenMan - 7/27/2013, 5:02 AM
Wow. Someone does not like DC at all.
LEVITIKUZ - 7/27/2013, 5:07 AM
Yea DC failed by announcing a film we all wanted.
gmoney0505 - 7/27/2013, 5:46 AM
Till Marvel make a script that isn't purely on the hills of comedy and have a solid story that the heroes and villains can carry, then I will pay more attention to what they have to say. Till then, everything will go in one ear and out the other.

You would have to be a fool to think that WB did not have this announcement planned for months and knowing where their story is going especially with the clues in the movie. Logo's get changed all the time and start out crappy.
CorndogBurglar - 7/27/2013, 6:40 AM
Dude, DOFP has been in development for over a year. Of course they had more to show off for it.

Man of Steel is still in theatres and they only just decided on a sequel for it a couple weeks ago. After deciding it would get a sequel, they then had to decide to do it as a Superman Batman film. So yeah, it probably was something they just decided on. What did you expect?
Spideyguy94 - 7/27/2013, 6:47 AM
I personally think that it's too early for batman. It will have only been 3 years after nolans batman, if people think that it was too early for a new Spider-Man after 5 years then it is far top early for a new batman. And also bringing in batman is just going to halt the development of supermans supporting cast. From a business standpoint it's a fantastic move but from a narrative standpoint it's an awful move. I personally think batman should be introduced in a worlds finest movie after the MOS sequel.
Tainted87 - 7/27/2013, 6:53 AM
I think what he meant to say was, DC/WB had a disappointing presentation in comparison to Marvel, Fox, and Sony.

Which is true - I mean sure, what can you actually present about a surprise announcement that probably doesn't even have a script yet? Not too much, but at the same time - they probably could have done a bit more.

Lennix just read a quote from a book that is in no way going to provide the basis for the movie, and while that's a matter of opinion, it's still kind of odd.

The logo is the biggest disappointment, I think. I mean come on, they could and HAVE done so much better than that. It's not too hard.

Still, I don't see how this shows desperation on DC's part. A Batman/Superman team-up has been THE top fan-fantasy around these parts for years, as well as the most plausible. Desperation would be going with Justice League first.
LEVITIKUZ - 7/27/2013, 7:13 AM
I agree with Tainted. I [frick]ing love that this film happening but its just the way it was done.

I love The Dark Knight Returns but with Lennix's quote & the symbol, I don't want this book involved in the movie. Frank Miller hates Superman and he writes him poorly. I don't want this to be Batman Beats Superman.

At the same time its the perfect way to go. With Metropolis [frick]ed up, Wayne Enterprises helps rebuild the city which makes sense.

Also we know Lex will be involved. Instead of having Superman Vs Lex Part 5 on the big screen, we have Batman involved.

And any Marvel fan who complains, didnt Nick Fury & Black Widow get introduced in Iron Man 2? Sure Sam had that 1 minute scene in IM1 but that doesn't count.
LEVITIKUZ - 7/27/2013, 7:14 AM
Also introducing Batman in a Superman movie is the best way to go instead of giving Bats his own film or introducing him in JL.
MrCBM56 - 7/27/2013, 8:03 AM
I thought the Batman/Superman was the best announcement there.

But executed poorly. Although having a team-up film with them first would have making Justice League a lot easier.
Lindsey35 - 7/27/2013, 8:15 AM
TASM2 panel was pretty awesome too.
Lindsey35 - 7/27/2013, 8:32 AM
I agree with JokerFanHahaHa.
Transforminator - 7/27/2013, 9:47 AM
I AGREE WILL ALL OF MY FELLOW COMMENTERS!!!!!! LOL jk, [frick] the haters. Batman/Superman is the way to go. Why didn't Joss Whedon give us more stuff about the Avengers: Age of Ultron? It's been in development longer than Bats/Supes.

Bottom Line: DC - the only one who announced a movie at a time when it was believed Marvel/Fox would do the same.
Transforminator - 7/27/2013, 11:42 AM
Comparing a panel where DC is coming off only their first movie in the DCCU compared to Marvel's post-Avengers panel (That's 6 movies in) simply isn't fair. You should instead compare it to Marvel's 2008 panel after the success of Iron Man and Incredible Hulk (somewhat successful) - which BTW is two movies in not one like DC - there were no official Marvel announcements then were there? Only speculation and updates.

Marvel 2008 SDCC archive:
cosmicman - 7/27/2013, 1:34 PM
Not that I don't like WB, just that they do a crappy job hyping themselves.

Hence they get the "worst of" at Comic-Con.

Has nothing to do with the announcement, as I said above, it was huge.
TheManFromMars - 7/27/2013, 5:01 PM
I just realized that Batman/Superman will be called "BS" here.

Because we abbreviate everything around here...
TheManFromMars - 7/27/2013, 5:03 PM
By the way, what was the "Harry Lennix quote"? I missed it.
TempleRod - 7/27/2013, 6:04 PM
I agree, the Batman/Superman thing was kind of underwhelming, when compared to studios that have movies about to drop and have the next fnext year or two a bit more fleshed out.

But I do appreciate WB at least beginning to try to throw their hat in the ring. For fans of DC, that means a lot...Let them have their moment.
TempleRod - 7/27/2013, 6:05 PM
But I do agree, not in a 'worst' as in bad sense, but just worst compared to Marvel, Fox and Sony,
GinjaNinja - 7/29/2013, 8:14 AM
DOFP comes in 3rd. Loki is number 1, Sup batman is 2.
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