DC Comics co-publisher Jim Lee stated that while the comic book publisher plans storylines well ahead into the future, it's a "constantly shifting landscape." Case in point, the upcoming fallout from "Trinity War" is "Forever Evil" which sees the villains triumphant in the aftermath of the various Justice Leagues fighting amongst themselves. In that chaos, fellow co-publisher Dan DiDio reveals that Stephanie Brown was almost set to make her New 52 introduction however, his description sounds like it's probably best she's not going to be included at least in terms of Brown having a lasting presence. Said DiDio,
"Where we stand is that there are a number of characters that we still haven't introduced into the New 52. Is Stephan Brown a fan of yours (asked Didio to the interviewer)? She almost made the Forever Evil storyline but actually, for the fans of hers, they'll be happy she didn't. Where we stand right now is that there's a lot going on in the Batman universe, Batman, Inc. is coming to an end but we have a few new series we're thinking about down the road...[Stephanie's] name comes up on a regular basis but for all these characters we haven't introduced, it's not that they don't exist, it's that time and the right launch. We don't want to just introduce her to say there she is and then have her disappear. Nobody wins on that."