So I was just pondering over the current cbm events when it hit me; "Marvel won."
It pains me to say it but Justice League flopped. That is HUGE in all the wrong ways!! This is something that will not just blow over no matter how much we'd like it to. It's the biggest flop EVER to my knowledge. I challenge you to name another franchise that fell 800mil-billion under projected figures. There's a phrase going around. Forbes is calling it "the highest grossing flop ever." It's true. It's the biggest bomb ever for a block buster of this nature. The waters around DC has ran dry. This should have never happened. All but Batman is B, C-listers at best.
What scares me though is how well Marvel is doing at the same time DC is drowning!! They just got all there characters back under one roof. This is huge!! Marvel has about 30 a-listers now. Unstoppable.
Then they announced a R-rated label and confirmed Deadpool would remain R and be part of the MCU.
I feel a huge course correct on Marvel comics is on the horizon. No more shorting the X-Men or FF. These characters will be returned to there former glory now that Marvel has them back.
I just wish it would have went different for DC. But sadly I feel it's to late for them. At least to ever compete with Marvel anyway.
Marvel is about to explode. Spider-man PS4 is the first Marvel game with the same production value as the Arkham series. Which is actually the only DC game worth mentioning. Marvel has already matched them everywhere else.
But here's where DC gets into trouble. Marvel is announcing multiple AAA games in 2018. One game that matches Arkham is not enough for Marvel. There about to unleash SEVERAL according to Jay Ong the new head of Marvel games. Already announced:
Spiderman PS4
Avengers Project
Another GotG
And they said several more are on the way. There attacking games next like they did movies and TV. Saying they want "game of the year on every game."
DC is in trouble.