A few notes before I begin...
This is NOT a repost by any means whatsoever.
This cast/films idea would be for films that are NOT connected to the current DC films (Nolan's Batmans, Green Lantern, Man of Steel, etc.).
This is also not a JLA origin story. The films are set several years after the formation of the League.
I think that about covers it.
Film 1: The Justice League
The film begins in space, with Martian Manhunter narrating. He's the narrator for the whole series.
He talks about the formation of the League while flashbacks show moments in the team's history (all brief with no sound). He then says something about each of the current League members.
*Oracle is stationed in Gotham.
After Martian Manhunter's narration, a large, dark object is seen hurdling through space, towards the Watchtower.
Plastic Man, on moniter duty, alerts the League of the incoming object. Superman and Green Lantern fly out to see the object up close, the object narrowly missing the Watchtower. The object...is a body. As it enters the atmosphere, Superman tries to grab hold of the object but a massive concussion blast comes from the body, knocking both Superman and GL back. The body then lands in Coast City, creating a crater. Superman and GL arrive and transmit the cordinates to Plastic Man, who relays them to the rest of the League. Batman (in the Batplane), Wonder Woman, and Flash quickly arrive. Moments after they do, the body rises and stands. Superman ask the large body who it is. It replies, "Imperiex" and begins attacking the League.

While Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, GL, and Flash fight Imperiex, Plastic Man starts yelling franticlly into the coms that more bodies are approaching Earth. He contacts Oracle, who alerts the rest of the League. Zatanna teleports herself onto the Watchtower and assists Plastic Man with the Watchtower's weapons. Martian Manhunter approachs the beasts, destroyed a few until he is knocked unconscius. A distress signal from Aquaman then comes through, saying Atlantis is under attack from the monsters. Superman sends Batman. Batman arrives in Atlantis (in the Batboat...or whatever works underwater) and sees Aquaman, Mera, and Tempest fighting for their lives against the creatures.
Batman arrives just in time to stop an Imperiex from killing Mera. The fight then continues.
Back at Coast City, the Imperiex's armor gets cracked and light starts coming from the cracks. Green Lantern quickly makes a force-field around himself, Wonder Woman, and Flash. Imperiex then explodes, knocking Superman back 5 miles.
The fight in space continues, with Zatanna's spells and the Watchtowers weapons having some effect but not nearly enough. Martian Manhunter awakens but suddenly suffers a seizure. He's heard whispering, "the voices...the voices".
Coast City is gone. Completely destroyed. Green Lantern looks out at the new wasteland. He breaks down in tears and weeps for his city and lost loved ones. Wonder Wonder counsels him as Flash looks for Superman. Flash returns with Superman and before Superman can say anything, Hal is flying off into space.
The battle in Atlantis rages on, as the the Batboat takes heavy damage and Tempest is greatly wounded. All the Imperiexs, save for one, are eventually defeated though. The last one grabs Aquaman and pulls them both down into a deep abyss, where the Imperiex explodes. Mera mourns as Batman returns to the Watchtower.
When Hal reaches the Watchtower, he sees the remaining Imperiexs. He creates a massive consruct of gattling guns and lays waste to the aliens. After killing most of them, he passes out, blood seeping from his nose and ears. Martian Manhunter has recovered and brings Hal to the Watchtower's medical center. Superman and Wonder Woman defeat the few remaining Imperiexs.
While Hal recovers from his wounds, the League tries to figure out where Imperiex came from. Oracle tells them that there are no more on Earth and except for Coast City, the world is fine. They discover a large astroid (ala "Armageddon") orbiting Mars, containing the last few Imperiexs. The team, minus GL and Zatanna (staying behind to take care of GL), boards their jet and takes off. When they reach the astroid, the Imperiexs attack but are easily defeated. They return to the Watchtower and Hal has woken up.
Soon after that, the League sets up a memorial for Aquaman in Atlantis. The remaining League members are in attendance, along with Mera, Tempest and the citizens of Atlantis. Tempest then prepares to take the throne.
Cut to Apokolips.
A long sweeping shot is shown. A strange man, Desaad, is seen entering a large chamber.
He tells a large figure, standing in the shadows, that the Imperiuxs worked but all were defeated. The figure says nothing. The camera rotates to show him from the front but all you can make out are his eyes. Then his smile.
After credits: Hal is seen on Oa (home planet of the Guardians, who run the Green Lanterns), standing in front of the central battery. With tears rolling down his cheeks, he steps into the lantern. A bright light is seen. Cut to black.
Film 2: Justice League: Fallen Hero
Hal Jordan, unknown to his fellow League members, has become more powerful than ever, after stepping into the Green Lantern central battery. Green Arrow and Black Canary have been trying to help Hal with his grief but their words fall on deaf ears.
While Green Arrow and Black Canary talk with Hal, Plastic Man tells Superman that he is retiring. The Imperiex incident was too much for him and he has decided to instead help raise his son. Superman says he will be missed and ask if they can still call on him if need be. Plastic Man replies, "maybe".
Batman decides they need to add to the League due to the losses of Aquaman and Plastic Man and the instability of Green Lantern. Batman charges Oracle with finding new recruits. She sends Atom, Blue Beetle, Vixen, Elongated Man, Huntress, and Steel.
Batman thinks that Oracle may have sent too many but Wonder Woman argues that their is strength in numbers. Martian Manhunter then notices Sue Dibny, wife of Elongated Man.
Ralph Dibney (Elongated Man) is old friends with Flash (Barry Allen) and Hal. Sue knew she would be safe on the Watchtower and also wanted to see if she could help Hal.
*In case you've lost track, the League now consistes of: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, Atom, Blue Beetle, Vixen, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Elongated Man, Steel, Huntress, and Oracle as their Earth liason.
Shouting is suddenly heard coming from the living quarters. Hal is yelling at Oliver (Green Arrow) and suddenly, he changes into his Parallax armor.
He exclaims that he is going to fix everything and bright lights start illuminating from his body. Blue Beetle grabs Zatanna and Sue and the three run for cover. A massive green wormhole opens up and the rest of the League is sucked in. Oracle starts yelling over the intercom, asking what happened. Zatanna tells her, and Oracle tells her that the League is nowhere on Earth.
The League ends up in several different time periods, such as Ancient Rome, the Dark Ages, the Civil War, and WWII, fighting against the newly powered Hal Jordan. They finally end up in Coast City, moments before Imperiex is supposed to destroy it. After knocking out several Leaguers, including sending Wonder Woman through several skyscrapers, Hal finally starts to weaken after Steel smashes Jordan hand. Superman gets Hal in a headlock and tells him to stop. Hal refuses, so Oliver puts an arrow in his quiver, with a tear in his eye. He shoots Hal through the heart, killing him. A massive green light engulfs the League.
They end up back at the Watchtower. The injured (Wonder Woman, Atom, Black Canary, and Flash) are taken to the medical bay, while the rest try to recover. Suddenly, an emergency signal from the White House comes through. The League teleports to Washington.
A figure emerges from the teleporter. He sees Sue, who is watching over the wounded, and slowly approaches. Sue turns and screams. A hand reaches out and grabs her. Dr. Light's evil smile is shown.
The League lands on the front lawn of the White House, and finds the Secret Service running around in a panic. An agent tells them that President Luthor is missing.
Dr. Light assaults Sue, while several shadows are seen moving throughout the main part of the Watchtower. Parasite enters the medical bay.
Parasite starts sucking the life force from Black Canary, when Flash wakes up. He attacks Parasite and alerts the League. He fights off Parasite and discovers Dr. Light. He pulls him off of Sue and throws him into Parasite, knocking both of them out. A yellow blur then knocks out Flash.
The League teleports up onto the Watchtower and are greeted by...President Lex Luthor and his Injustice League.
Luthor looks at Superman and says, "Well look at that. I have a league too.".
After credits scene: Deep in the ocean, a swarm of fish are seen quickly swimming out of a large hole. A hand then grabs the edge of the hole.
Film 3: Injustice For All
Lex explains how the villains realized the only way to defeat the JL was to team up. Elongated Man finds Sue and holds her in his arms. Flash wakes up and charges Lex. Before Flash can get to Lex, Professor Zoom hits Flash again. Captain Cold then freezes Flash. Wonder Woman walks out of the med center and gasps. Deadshot then starts firing at the JL. Vixen is killed and Batman takes a round to his shoulder. Green Arrow shoots an arrow into the barrel of Deadshot's wrist gauntlet, causing it too explode. A massive battle ensues. Dr. Light comes after Ralph and Sue and as he gets close, Ralph breaks Light's leg. Black Canary then knocks him away with a scream and he falls to his death. Superman rips Parasite in half and charges Luthor. Luthor and Metallo blast Superman with Kryptonite. During the battle, Martian Manhunter notices a green light fastly approaching the Watchtower. Sinestro also sees the light and flys out the window, causing everyone to be nearly sucked out. Before Elongated Man can cover the opening, Steel and Cheetah are sucked out.
Sinestro confronts the green light: not one but two Green Lanterns. Guy Gardner and John Stewart.
The duo easily defeat Sinestro, leaving him to float away into space. Before they can reach the Watchtower, a massive explosion comes from the tower. Giganta has grown and torn the tower in half. The two GLs quickly grab the heroes and retreat to Earth.
Luthor orders his remaining allies to the JL's jet. They follow the Green Lanterns.
Superman directs Guy and John to the Fortress of Solitude.
Moments after the League touches down to Earth, a hail of gunfire surrounds them, as Deadshot, Prometheus, Joker, and Deathstroke freefall towards them. Green Arrow shoots Deathstroke in his (bad) eye but is shot in the arm by Prometheus. Wonder Woman grabs Deadshot and breaks his arm. Joker lands with a splat, gets up, and shoot both Ralph and Sue Dibny point blank in the head. Huntress shoots Joker with her crossbow until he shoots her in the face, killing her. Batman breaks both of Joker's legs and knocks him out.
As the conflicting leagues battle it out, a large object is seen moving quickly under the water.
Deathstroke fights with Wonder Woman, kicks her to her knees and points his sword at her neck. As he raises his sword for the killing blow, a giant whale breaks through the ice: Aquaman is riding the whale. He leaps off and stabs Deathstroke with his hook hand. He helps Wonder Woman to her feet and rushes to assist the others.
Luthor, Grodd, and Chronos run from the fight. Superman and Flash pursue them. Luthor stops and tells Superman that he is going back in time and kill the League members when they are children. He turns to Chronos and tells him to activate the device (what would take them back in time). Chronos turns and looks at Luthor. Chronos turns into Martian Manhunter. Grodd charges MM, who phases, causing Grodd to fall through the ice. Luthor swears and pulls out a detonator. He says he'll have to go with his back-up plan: destroy landmarks, causing fear, terror, and distrust throughout the world. He activates the detonator and tells Superman and Flash they have 2 minutes until the bombs explode, due to them being so elaborate. Superman and Flash franticlly rush around the globe, Superman deactivating them with his heat vision, Flash merely grabbing them. With only seconds left, Flash runs out to the middle of the ocean and starts to sink. Just as Superman gets to him, the bombs explode, killing Flash.
Superman flies at Luthor in rage and nearly kills him, having to be held back by Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Lex merely laughs as Batman places him in handcuffs.
Lex and the rest of his gang are rounded up, though Professor Zoom, Deathstroke, and Prometheus are missing.
A funeral is held for Flash. Iris Allen, Barry's wife, thanks the League for all they've done for her and Barry.
The League mourns the loss of their fallen comrades (Flash, Green Lantern, Huntress, Ralph and Sue, Steel, and Vixen) but welcome their new members (Atom, Blue Beetle, GL Guy Gardner, GL John Stewart, and the revived Aquaman). They begin construction on the Hall of Justice.
After credits scene:
Prometheus is seen talking with a shadowy figure. Prometheus asks the figure if he really wants to go through with it. The figure pauses and replies with a simple "yes".
Film 4: Justice Is Served
2 months after film 3, the Hall of Justice has been completed.
The Hall is the League's new base. Wally West, Iris Allen's nephew, is the new Flash.
Barry was like a second father to Wally. Superman tells Wally that he is welcome and looks forward to working with him.
Batman and Wonder Woman decide to bring in some of the younger heroes and evaluate them to see if they are ready to join the League. They are Nightwing, Power Girl, Red Arrow, Black Lightning, and Firestorm.
Red Tornado, who's on constant monitor duty, is also new to the team.
The League also has a non-powered member: Maxwell Lord.
Lord is a wealthy businessman who donated money towards the construction of the Hall. Lord was offered honorary membership. He is also friends with Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), through business, and Oliver has given Lord weapons training while Black Canary has given him basic hand-to-hand combat training. Lord is a very complex individual.
Green Arrow is quite proud of Red Arrow, his former sidekick. Roy (Red Arrow) is like a son to Oliver (GA).
While the newbies are visiting, a distress signal from the United Nations building comes through. Black Adam has taken several world leaders and plans to force them to sign peace treaties.
Several members of the League (Superman, Wonder Woman, GL John Stewart, and Aquaman) take off to stop Adam. The four heroes find Black Adam at his castle in Khandaq. Adam, in a shocking move, kills the leaders, calling them pathetic humans who wouldn't make the right decisions for their people. He then charges the group for intruding.
Back at the Hall, Batman and Lord are running the newbies through some basic drills when a second distress signal comes through. In Gotham, Joker has broken out of Arkham and is held up in City Hall, holding the mayor hostage. Batman takes off in the Batjet. Lord tells the newbies to take five.
Prometheus is seen on the roof of a building overlooking the Hall. He talks into his wrist-communicator and asks the voice on the other end if he is ready. The voice responds, "almost".
Black Adam has knocked out John and Aquaman and is still fighting Superman and Wonder Woman when he is suddenly struck by a large red object. The object hits him again and again. When it stops, Black Adam looks into the eyes of Captain Marvel.
Marvel grabs Adam and throws him through the roof of the castle. GL comes out of the newly formed hole with Adam in an energy bubble and Aquaman holding onto the side. The group thanks Marvel for his assistance and fly off.
In Gotham, Batman finds Com. Gordon, Det. Bullock, and Robin on the adjacent roof of Gotham City Hall.
Gordon tells Batman that Joker has made no demands and is simply held up in the mayor's office. Batman and Robin swing across to the roof.
Joker is sitting at the mayor's desk, carving into it. Batman and Robin break through the window, knocking Joker onto the floor. Batman moves toward Joker and is suddenly struck upside the head by a blunt object. Robin turns and sees Harley Quinn holding a mallet.
Harley hits Robin as Joker cackles. He thanks the mayor for the fun time and leaves, dragging Robin behind him.
As Superman and the others head back to the Hall, Red Tornado alerts them of another attack. Count Vertigo is trying to break into Fort Knox.
Superman and the others head towards Fort Knox; Superman tells Tornado to send Power Girl to rendevou with them.
Tornado relays the message to Power Girl, who quickly flies off. Suddenly, another alert comes through: Deathstroke was spotted trying to assassinate the Secretary of Defense. Tornado sends Flash, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Green Arrow, and Zatanna.
Left in the Hall are Red Tornado, Atom, Blue Beetle, Black Canary, GL Guy Gardner, Nightwing, Red Arrow, Black Lightning and Maxwell Lord.
A figure is seen walking slowly through the entrance of the Hall. He chuckles lightly and turns a corner.
Batman awakens and realizes what has happened. He rushes out the door and finds no trace of Robin. He tells Oracle to track Robin through the tracer in his suit. Oracle tells Batman that Robin is moving towards an abandoned warehouse. Batman rushes to the warehouse.
Superman and the others arrive at Fort Knox, moments before Power Girl. All security is laying on the ground in pain. Superman's x-ray vision cannot penetrate far, due to the lead in the building. He assumes Count Vertigo is already inside. Power Girl decides to charge the front wall. Wonder Woman folows her, knowing Vertigo may be too much for Power Girl. Power Girl finds Vertigo, who causes her to pass out. Wonder Woman uses her lasso to pull Power Girl out of Vertigo's range and calls for the other heroes.
Flash and the others find Deathstroke involved in a shootout with the Secret Service. Deathstroke attacks the League and a massive battle ensues.
Batman finds the warehouse and grapples up to the roof.
Black Canary and Guy are still running combat drills with Nightwing, Red Arrow, and Black Lightning. Atom and Lord are discussing business, and Blue Beetle is watching the moniters with Red Tornado. The mysterious figure is seen watching the heroes. He looks to his wrist gauntlet and presses a button. Red Tornado suddenly explodes. Beetle dives for cover. Suddenly, the emergency doors drop down, locking everyone in. A stun grenade suddenly goes off, knocking everyone to the floor. Two smoke grenades are also set off. The mysterious figure drops down to the floor. He decks Nightwing, who had recovered, and approachs Black Canary.
The battle in Washington continues. Zatanna is knocked out and Green Arrow has a deep wound on his leg. Deathstroke stabs Firestorm through the chest, causing him to explode. Martian Manhunter attacks Deathstroke and bloodies his face. Deathstroke shows no sign of giving up though. He knocks out MM and continues fighting.
GL John Stewart is able to trap Vertigo in an energy dome, allowing Superman into the bubble. Superman quickly knocks out Vertigo. Aquaman brings in the revived security guards who take Vertigo away. Superman and the others leave, and head back to the Hall.
Batman sees Joker, Harley and Robin all in the warehouse. Robin is tied to a chair, his head limp. Joker is watching cartoons and and Harley is trying to cook something in a microwave on the floor. Batman drops down to the floor and throws a a batarang at Joker's tv. Joker rises and starts firing his oversized pistol at Batman. Batman dodges the bullets and throws another batarang, knocking the gun from Joker's hand. Harley charges Batman, with her mallet, and Batman judo kicks Harley in the face, knocking her out. Batman approaches Joker, who lays himself down on his stomach and puts his hands behind his back. The surprised Batman handcuffs Joker and heads towards Robin. Joker laughs and mutters that his job is done. Batman looks at Joker and tries to contact the Hall of Justice but gets no response. He signals the Batjet and grappels up into it. He takes off and tells Oracle to alert Gordon of where Joker and Robin are. He hits supersonic and heads toward the Hall.
Back in the Hall, Guy uses his ring to light the room. Black Canary is lying on her side, her hands tied behind her back and some strange device attached to her face. Atom is trapped in some type of small box. Lord is hiding under the table and Red Arrow is slowly awakaning. A shot rings out. Guy looks around and the light from his ring fades. Guy looks at his hand...and sees that his fingers are gone. He screams in agony as a shadowy figure apraochs him from behind...and stabs him through the neck.
The fight in Washington finally ends, with Deathstroke losing an arm and a massive amount of blood. The League memebers are injured but OK. They head back to the Hall.
Batman contacts the other League members and tells them something is wrong.
Nightwing and Red Arrow awaken and see the mysterious figure: Prometheus. The two charge him and but they are no match for him. Prometheus breaks Nightwing's leg and stabs Red Arrow in the arm. Prometheus grabs the knife in Red Arrow's arm and pulls it farther down Arrow's arm. Arrow screams in agony as Prometheus severs the cartilage in his arm. With his arm hanging on by merely a few veins, Prometheus tears the arm from Arrow's body. Arrow passes out from the pain.
Batman makes it to the Hall and glides down to the entrance. The security doors are down. He cannot get in. The League members who had been fighting Deathstroke also arrive.
With Black Canary, Atom, Red Tornado, Nightwing, Guy Gardner, and Red Arrow out of commission, Blue Beetle and Black Lighting are the only heroes left. Lightning charges up and prepares to strike Prometheus but before he can, Prometheus presses another button on his gauntlet. The sprinkler's turn on. If Lightning uses his powers, he'll kill everyone in the room. He powers down and Prometheus shoots him in the shoulder.
The League members outside still have no way of getting in. Martian Manhunter is unconscius and all the heavy hitters still have not returned. Batman pounds the door in frustration.
Lord grabs his gun and nervously aims it at Prometheus. Prometheus turns and faces Lord. Lord shoots Prometheus in the shoulder. He turns and sees Blue Beetle awaken. Beetle asks what happened and Lord quickly explains. Beetle goes to the moniters and contacts Batman. Before he can finish his first sentence, Beetle get his brains blown out.

Lord stands over the body of the fallen hero, smoke still coming from the barrel of his gun. Batman screams into his headset, asking Lord what he is doing. Lord explains that ever since the League formed, evil had become more daring and widespread. He says that if the League were to be terminated, super villains would have no one to fight, thus ending their reign of terror. Batman tells Lord he is wrong but Lord says he isn't finished. Using the JL database, Lord has discovered the civilian identities of all the League members. He says he will tell his comrades to kill the heroes' families and loved ones if anyone tries to leave. Lord plans to blow up the Hall, killing all the heroes, even at the expense of his own life. Prometheus rises and shakes Lord's hand, telling him it's been a pleasure working with him. Prometheus makes his exit.
Batman contacts Superman and tells him everything. Superman flies faster than he ever has before and reaches the Hall, bursting through the security door. Batman and Wonder Woman follow. Lord shoots at Superman, to no avail. Superman grabs Lord's hand and crushes it. Lord then stabs Superman in the arm. Superman falls to the ground but quickly gets up. He turns and flies back outside, attacking the League.
Batman grabs Lord and demands to know what he has done to Superman. Lord explains that Superman is under his control, thanks to some technology from Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman approaches Lord and shoves him to his knees. She wraps her Lasso of Truth around Lord and demands to know how to stop it. Lord says, "Kill me."...so Wonder Woman snaps his neck.
Outside, Superman stops. Batman comes out, holding up Nightwing and says it's over. The heroes rush in to help their wounded. Before they get their, Red Arrow appraochs them.
Arrow falls forward but Green Arrow catches him, tears in his eyes. Canary, freed from her bindings, comes up behind Roy and holds him along with Ollie.
Wonder Woman comes out, dragging Lord's body behind her. Fade to black.
Superman is shown, as Clark Kent, eating dinner with Lois Lane.
Batman is seen in the Batcave with Alfred, tending to Nightwing's and Robin's wounds.
Flash is seen with Iris Allen at Barry's grave.
Green Arrow and Black Canary are seen with Red Arrow, who is recovering. His robotic arm is seen. Fade to black.
Prometheus is seen in a large mansion, on the phone with some unknown person. He turns and is shot through the head...with an arrow. Prometheus stumbles and falls down dead. Green Arrow looks at Prometheus and leaves. He is heard saying, "Justice is served".
After credits scene: Three figures are seen, from a distance, running from creatures, that are also hard to make out. A deep boom is heard and a wormhole opens. The three figures jump through the hole, leaving the creatures behind.
Film 5: Apokolips
The League is still trying to emotionally recover from the attack that left several dead (GL Guy Gardner, Blue Beetle, Red Tornado, Firestorm, and traitor Maxwell Lord) and wounded (Red Arrow, Zatanna, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Black Lightning, Power Girl, Green Arrow, and Atom).
*The League now consists of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern John Stewart, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Atom, Zatanna, Power Girl, Black Lightning, Nightwing, Red Arrow, and Oracle, who has made the Hall her new home.
With the death of Guy Gardner, the Guardians had to select a new bearer of the ring: Kyle Rayner.
Superpowered couple Hawkman and Hawkgirl have also joined the ranks of the Justice League.
Not long after the three are introduced to the League, a deep boom is heard. A giant wormhole suddenly opens up in the main hall. Three figures step out of the wormhole.
The trio introduce themselves. They say that Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips, is planning to conquer Earth but they do not know how. They have come to warn the League and offer their assistance. Martian Manhunter scans their minds and says they are speaking the truth. Superman asks the trio what they propose they do. Orion says that they need to stop Darkseid before he can use his new weapon. Orion is unsure of what the weapon is though. Superman asks Batman what he thinks. Batman agrees and says they should go to Apokolips. Mr. Miracle reactivates the Boomtube and beckons everyone to follow. The League steps through one by one.
When the League arrives on Apokolips, the sight alone is enough to take their breath away. Mr. Miracle tells them that Darkseid's castle is the highest building on Apokolips. The tower appears to be a few miles away. Barda says that they should split up and attack the castle from different angles. Flash grabs Zatanna and Nightwing and takes off for the opposite end of the castle. GL Kyle and Atom follow them. Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Mr. Miracle, Orion, Red Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl move towards the East while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, GL John, Black Canary, Big Barda, Power Girl, and Black Lightning head West.
Flash and the others (Group C) reach the rear of the tower. Before they can decide their next move, they are suddenly attacked by Darkseid's son Kalibak.
Superman, Batman, and the rest of the group (Group A) head towards the tower but are attacked by a massive swarm of Parademons.
The Parademons are relentless, like kamakazis. One bites Orion deep in his shoulder. Orion rips the Parademon in half. The fight continues.
Wonder Woman and her group (Group B) do not fare much better. They are suddenly attacked by the Female Furies.
The Furies kill Black Lightning and severely wound GL John. They manage to gain the upperhand and knock out the rest. The heroes are seen being dragged off into an "alleyway".
Kalibak is too tough of an opponent for Group C, killing Zatanna and Atom, and beating GL Kyle to a pulp. Suddenly, a large blue object lands behind Kalibak and stabs him in the back with a large knife. He walks past the fallen body and introduces himself as Lobo.
Lobo says he's here to take down Darkseid also. He offers his assistance. Flash relunctantly agrees. The four then discuss their plan to get to the top of the castle.
Group A finally kills the remaining Parademons. They move closer to the castle.
Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Big Barda, and Power Girl awaken in the middle of a massive colosseum. The stands are filled with Parademons. The Furies are also in the arena. Up on the main balcony, the Furies' leader, Granny Goodness walks to the end of the balcony.
Granny Goodness tells the heroines that if they want to be freed, they must defeat the Furies in combat. They are given weapons. Wonder Woman demands to know where Manhunter and GL are. Granny says that Desaad has taken them to his dungeon and starts laughing. Wonder Woman leads her teammates against the Furies.
Manhunter and GL are shown in Desaad's dungeon, hanging from the walls. Desaad is preparing his tools.
As Team A gets closer to the castle, massive cannons suddenly pop up and start firing at the heroes. Hawkgirl and Orion are both hit but neither are killed. Superman and Mr. Miracle are able to dismantle the cannons, just as even more Parademons attack. Batman tells Red Arrow and Hawkman to follow him, leading them to the castle while the rest of the team fend off the Parademons.
Team C (now including Lobo) makes it to the top of the castle and are attacked by Darkseid's royal guard. Lobo makes short work of most of them while Flash, Nightwing, and GL Kyle handle the rest. They venture further into the castle.
Team B (minus the 2 in Desaad's dungeon) engage in an epic fight with the furies, Wonder Woman neraly killing 2 of them on her own. Barda beheads one with her battle axe. Black Canary gets stabbed in the leg but sends the Fury that stabbed her flying into the colosseum wall, killing her. Power Girl charges Granny Goodness's balcony, shattering it. Granny falls to the colosseum floor, slow to get up. Barda walks over and kills Granny. The Parademons then swarm the four.
Batman, Red Arrow, and Hawkman find MM and GL John (having received a telepathic message from MM). Hawkman smashes Desaad's hands and knocks him out while Batman and Red Arrow free MM and GL John. The five then reach the castle.
The heroes in the arena are able to fend off the majority of the Parademons but are starting to slow. Superman and his "team" arrive and help wipe out the remaining Parademons. They then head for the castle.
Team C reaches the main room of the castle. They see Darkseid sitting on his throne. He slowly rises. When he emerges from the shadows, he stops.
GL Kyle makes a giant gattling gun with his ring and fires on Darkseid, while at the same time, Nightwing throws smoke bombs and stun grenades. Lobo charges Darkseid. Darkseid uses his Omega Beam on Lobo, erasing him from existence. The rest of the League suddenly arrives. Before anyone can lay a hand on Darksied, he pounds the floor, emitting a massive shockwave that sends all the heroes flying backwards. Superman charges Darkseid, who grabs Superman, and pounds him into the floor. He picks up Superman and pounds him a second time. Darkseid then jumps into the air and comes down hard on Superman, sending them straight down through the tower. Wonder Woman, Orion, Hawkman, and Big Barda follow them down.
The five heroes continue their battle with Darkseid but are clearly no match for him. Kalibak approaches and knocks out Barda. Darkseid tells him to activate the Boomtubes. Kalibak pulls a detonator-like object out of his armor and presses the button. A large sucession of deep booms are heard. The heroes can feel the planet moving. Apokolips is then engulfed through the Boomtubes. Fade to black.
After credits scene: Cut to Metropolis. The citizens are seen going about their everyday lives. We then see the Daily Planet. Perry White is seen yelling at Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.
Jimmy starts hearing deep booms and looks out the window. So do Perry and Lois. A massive boom is heard and a blinding flash of light is seen. When the light fades, Apokolips is seen in the sky (kind of like Cybertron in Transformers 3 but in the actual skyline. I know this might would cause some major gravitational problems but just pretend it doesn't.). Fade to black.
Film 6: Our Worlds at War
The citizens of Metropolis are seen in a panic as Parademons fly all around, causing destruction and mayhem. Jimmy Olsen is safe though and taking pictures of the invasion. He decides to move to the roof for wider shots.
The League ends up down on the streets of Metropolis, battling thousands of Parademons, who are being led by Kalibak. Batman tells Oracle to call in the reserves.
Darkseid is seen back in his throne room, putting on armor.
While most of the League works on destroying the Parademons and saving civilians, Wonder Woman, Orion, and Martian Manhunter decide to take down Kalibak. A brutal battle ensues, with Orion getting a nasty scar across his face. Wonder Woman manages to break Kalibak's leg, and Orion then decapitates him.
Desaad is seen releasing what could pretty much be describes as Mega-Parademons (pretty much a cross between a Parademon and Doomsday). They start destroying buildings and flinging heroes as if they were softballs. One tears Hawkgirl in half. Hawkman then goes insane on 3 of them.
The President (Pete Ross, cause you know, Lex Luthor is in prison) sends in the military to help with the battle.
The battle continues when the Daily Planet building is hit by a Mega-Parademon, causing Jimmy Olsen to fall. A red blur is seen flying towards Jimmy. He is caught by...Power Girl. Jimmy introduces himself and ask her if she is busy next Saturday.
The League reserves finally arrive: Captain Marvel, Animal Man, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Metamorpho, Plastic Man, Catwoman, and Robin.
Superman, Captain Marvel, and Captain Atom charge Darkseid. Captain Atom is thrown threw about a dozen skyscrapers. Superman and Captain Marvel continue to fight.
Nightwing and Mr. Miracle find Desaad, still trying to release Parademons. Mr. Miracle throws him into a vat of...something and kills him.
Darkseid is able to stop Superman and Captain Marvel long enough to launch jets (Apokoliptic jets), carrying bombs (Apokoliptic bombs). He sends out 5, all headed in different directions. Superman and Captain Marvel continue to fight Apokolips as other LEagues chase after the jets.
Wonder Woman and Flash are able to disable the first plane. GL Kyle is able to get rid of the second, while GL John gets the third. Booster Gold and Martian Manhunter get the fourth (and yes, things do get more interesting with the fifth). Batman and Green Arrow go after the fifth (in the Batplane).
The League defeats the remaining Parademons and Wonder Woman and Orion rush to aid Superman and Captain Marvel.
Batman and Green Arrow reach the fifth jet, headed towards Beijing. They drop down onto in and manage to get inside. They try to figure out how to diffuse it but are unable. Green Arrow then goes over to the control panel and switches off the auto-pilot. He starts to fly upwards but then realizes the auto-pilot won't turn back on. He tells Batman to get out but Batman refuses. Ollie tells Batman that the world needs him and that their is nothing else they can do. He also tells him to tell Black Canary that despite anything he may have said or done, he always loved her. Batman tells his friend good-bye and jumps out of the plane. He lands on the Batplane and looks up, watching the jet explode. Batman continues looking to the sky and says "Good-bye Ollie".
Darkseid has knocked out most of the League members, save for Superman, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel then gets an idea. He is able to get Darkseid away from the other heroes. He grabs Darkseid and yells "SHAZAM!", striking both of them with Marvel's magical lightning. Superman rushes over and sees nothing but smoke and ash. Fade to black.
The battle has been won but not without it's casualties. A statue for the lost is erected in front of the Hall of Justice. The film ends with several clips showing different League members (Clark with Lois at the Daily Planet, Bruce in the Batcave with Alfred, Dick, and Tim, Black Canary with Red Arrow at Ollie's grave, etc.) as Martian Manhunter speaks. "Though heroes live and die, though peace is never guranteed, one thing is certain. Justice...will always prevail." Fade to black.