I've decided to do a Secret Avengers cast, mainly because the Secret Avengers roster is probably one of the best Avengers line ups I've seen in recent times (that and the New Avengers Vo. 1 line up). And I think its awesome that they were able to get Moon Knight
and Agent Venom in there. Anyway, this cast has all of the members of the Secret Avengers in it (with the exception of the honorary members) and the Shadow Council as the cast's villains.
For those of you don't know who the Secret Avengers are, they are technically a Black Ops version of the Avengers, They were formed by Steve Rogers to covertly investigate and clean up messes left by Norman Osborn's administration. Anyway, let's get this cast going:
Secret Avengers:
Phillip Winchester (
Strike Back: Project Dawn) as Commander Steve Rogers: The former Captain America, who is now the head of the nation's security. He does so by reestablishing the Avengers, and leads the Secret Avengers. Thanks to the Super Soldier Serum, Rogers posses peak human strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, healing, mental process, senses, and logetivity. Rogers is also a master strategist an advance military operator, is multi-lingual, and is a master martial artist, acrobat, and marksman. As the leader of the New Avengers, Rogers uses various firearms depending on the situation.
Reason for Casting: This is a pretty original casting if I do say so myself. I love
Strike Back: Project Dawn and on the show, Winchester shows the grit, toughness, and leadership qualities that are needed for the role. He'd be great as Rogers.
Rachael Taylor (
Charlie's Angels,
The Darkest Hour) as Sharon Carter/Agent 13: A former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and on-and-off girlfriend of Steve Rogers. She oversees the tactical operations of the Secret Avengers. Carter is a trained athlete and martial artist, and is trained in espionage and the use of firearms.
Reason for Casting: From what I've seen from Taylor's work, she's a fairly good actress. She stands at the right height of 5'8", and is pretty familiar with action. She'd be great as Sharon.
Joel Edgerton (
Animal Kingdom) as Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast: A founding member of the X-Men, and a brilliant scientist, who is a member of the Secret Avengers while maintaining occurrent membership with the X-Men. McCoy has a feline-esque physique, and possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, enhanced senses, a retentive healing factor, and razor sharp claws and fangs. Beast is also an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and possess a genius level intellect, being an expert in many fields of science (manly biochemistry and genetics).
Reason for Casting: Edgerton's a great actor, who posses the physique to pull off the physicality of Beast, and can display his intellectual side. Plus, he's more age appropriate than Kelsey Grammar.
Olga Kurylenko (
Magic City,
Seven Psychopaths) as Natahsa Romanova/Black Widow: A former Russian intelligence agent, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Avenger, who joins the Secret Avengers because of her experience in espionage. Natahsa is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu, and boxing), marksman, and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training. She has also been injected with a variant of the Super Soldier Serum, and was given peak human strength, speed, agility, relaxes, durability, senses, immune system, and extended longevity. Her gauntlets are wrist cartridges containing various tools of the spy trade: tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable. She prefers to use automatic weapons and firearms, combat knives and explosives as needed. She also uses a device often referred to as the Widow's Bite that is capable of emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about 30,000 volts.

Reason for Casting: I'm not as opposed to Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow as most people on this site are, and I'm sick of everyone bitching about her. She's already appeared in two films, and we've gone past the point of no return. Anyway, I chose Kurylenko because she's an Slavic (Ukrainian to be exact), knows her way around action, and has the right physique to pull off Black Widow.
Adrianne Palicki (
G.I. Joe: Ressurection) as Brunnhilde/Valkyrie: An Asgardian Warrior and strongest of the Vakyrior, who joined the Secret Avengers when the Asgardians returned to Earth. Like most Asgardians, Valkyrie posses superhuman strength, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and a retentive healing factor. Valkyrie is also a high skilled swords woman, and carries an enchanted sword, Dragonfang.
Reason for Casting: I wanted to go with an original pick for Valkyrie, so I excluded typical picks like Yvonne Strahovksi and Rachel Nichols. Anyway, Palicki is tall at 5'11", and is pretty familiar at action (as seen in the canceled
Wonder Woman pilot and
Legion)), and has the right look for Valkyrie.
Karl Urbarn (
The Bourne Supremacy,
Dredd) as Marc Spector/Moon Knight: A former mercenary turned vigilante who serves as the avatar of Khonshu, the Egyptian God of Vengeance. Spector suffers from multiple personality disorder, and has two other personalities of Steven Grant and Jake Lockley. Spector is a master martial artist, weapons master, expert marksman, an interrogation expert, and an experienced pilot. Spector wears an armored costume made from carbonadium, a more flexible version of adamantium. Spector uses crescent moon shaped throwing darts and a truncheon that can double as nunchaku and a grappling hook.
Reason for Casting: Urban's a talented actor who's great at playing intelligent and resourceful, and can handle action. He would make a pretty badass Moon Knight.
Morris Chestnut (
The Best Man,
Like Mike) as James "Rhodey" Rhodes/War Machine: A former Air Force Colonel, who pilots a heavily armed version of Iron Man armor. The War Machine armor's weapons include pulse bolt generators, retractable shoulder minigun, variable-configured double-barrel cannons on each gauntlet, gauntlet mounted flamethrower, plasma blade on the left gauntlet, missile box launcher, micro-rocket launcher, particle beam discharger, and an electromagnetic pulse generator in the unibeam projector that could shut down any electronic device in a 50-mile radius. The armor also includes a photon emitter that created a force shield, forcefield-based stealth technology, boot-jet propulsion, and a self-contained breathing system.
Reason for Casting: Chestnut is an underrated actor who has the looks and attitude for Rhodey, and is more appropriate for the role than Don Cheadle.
Bradley Cooper (
Hit and Run,
The Words) as Eric O'Grady/Ant-Man III: A low level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the third Ant-Man. O'Grady is a man of few morals , and uses the Ant-Man suit for his own advantages (mainly seducing woman). When he joined the Secret Avengers, he was given a suit that resembles the original Ant-Man armor. Through the use of Pym Particles, Eric shrink to the size of an insect while maintaining full strength or increase in size while gaining enhanced strength. O'Grady wears a cybernetic helmet that allows him to communicate with insects. Other features of his suit include bio-electric blasters or "stingers" built into his gloves and a pair of robotic arms with magnetic grapples.
Reason for Casting: Everyone here at CBM casts Cooper either as Guy Gardner or the Flash, and I've decided to cast him in a different role. Cooper's great at both comedy an drama, and has the right amount of charm and douchebaggery to pull off Eric.
Garrett Hedlund (
Tron: Legacy,
On the Road) as Richard Rider/Nova: A high ranking Nova Corps member who had the Xandarian Worldmind and the Nova Force uploaded into his mind and body after the entire Nova Corps were destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. The Nova Force grants the powers of flight, superhuman strength, durability, and speed, the ability to absorb and project energy, and can exert influence over gravitational forces and open wormholes. All of his powers are greatly enhanced by the entire Nova Force. His uniform also doubles as a life support system that allows him to survive the depths of space.
Reason for Casting: Hedlund's a great actor who I've seen tossed around for many roles, but I prefer him for Nova. He has the right height, looks, talent, and charm to pull off Nova.
Chris Pine (
This Means War,
People Like Us) as Clint Barton/Hawkeye: A prominent member of the Avengers, who became the new leader of team after the Serpent's attack on America. Hawkeye is an exceptional fencer, acrobat and a grandmaster marksman, and excels in the use of ranged weapons, especially the bow and arrow, and uses customized trick arrows. His main mode of transportation is a Sky-Cycle, which is modelled after a commercial snowmobile and is fitted with anti-gravitational technology.
Reason for Casting: I didn't mind Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, but I wished that Pine would have been casted in the first place. H has the quick wit, the looks, and the charm to play a convincing Clint Barton.
Kevin McKidd (
Journeyman) as Brain Braddock/Captain Britain: The Protector of the United Kingdom and a member of MI-13 who joined the Secret Avengers after Hawkeye took over as team leader. Braddock's powers include superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, senses, flight at supersonic speeds, and forcefield generation.
Reason for Casting: McKidd's a great actor who has the light blonde UK looks for Braddock. Although he may not be the right height, that can easily be fixed with camera tricks.
Geoff Stults (
October Road,
Happy Twon) as Jim Hammond/The Human Torch: An android created in the 1940's who was one of the world's first superheroes. He was mortally wounded on his first mission with the Secret Avengers, and is currently kept in stasis to keep him alive. Hammond has the ability of flight and can envelop his body in fiery plasma without harm to himself and to utilize this heat energy for various effects, including flight, formation of fiery shapes, energy releases in the form of heat blasts, "nova flame bursts" (highest intensity heat blasts, similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead), and concussive force blasts.
Reason for Casting: Stults posses the tough looks of an android, and has an old-timey feel to him. He's also a pretty good actor and is tall enough for Hammond at 6'3".
Simon Baker (
The Killer Inside Me,
) as Henry "Hank" Pym/Giant Man: The original Ant-Man, who has taken a variety of superhero identities, but has recently returned to his Giant Man identity. Pym possesses the ability to increase in size and gain enhanced strange while in giant form.
Reason for Casting: I like Baker on the Mentalist, and I think he'd make an ideal Hank Pym .He can play charismatic, bookish, intelligent and arrogant very well, and looks the part too. ANd its better than seeing Nathan Fillion in the role for the 1,000th time.
Justin Hartley (
Heart of Dixie) as Eugene "Flash" Thompson/Agent Venom: A lifelong friend of Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man), who lost his legs in the Iraq War. When he got back got he states, Thompson became a government operative and was bonded to the Venom Symbiote, becoming a new, heroic Venom. The symbiote allows him to regrow his legs, and grants him superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, durability, agility, and reflexes, a regenerative healing factor, wall-crawling, extrasensory perception similar to Spider-Man's "Spider-Sense", immunity to Spider-Man's Spider Sense, and the ability to create webbing. Flash also uses a variety of firearms, including a multi-gun with multiple functions ranging from an automatic to a high powered sniper rille. The multi-gun is keyed to Flash's DNA, so it only works for him.
Reason for Casting: Credit for this pick goes to RoadDogXXIV. Anyway, Hartley is great at comedy and drama, and his performance as Oliver Queen on
Smallville had hints of Flash in it. He's also height appropriate at 6'3".
The Shadow Council:
William Fitchner (
Prison Break,
Drive Angry) as Aloysius Thorndrake: A Confederate soldier during the Civil War who stumbled upon a portal to Mars. There he encounter an entity known as the Abyss, which granted him immortality. Today, he serves as the director of the Shadow Council, which has been working with various governments and parties to prepare for the arrival of the Abyss. The Shadow councils schemes include digging for Alien artifacts on Mars and trying to recreate the Super Soldier Serum.
Reason for Casting: Fitchner posses a distinct likeness to Throndrake, and is great at playing villains. He would own the role.
Michael Biehn (
Planet Terror) as Max Fury: A Life Modle Decoy (android replicant) of Nick Fury that was reprogramed with Fury's memories, making it believe it was the actual Nick Fury. Max Fury was reprogramed and now works for the Shadow Council, leading a ninth incarnation of the Masters of Evil organized by them.
Reason for Casting: Since Biehn is my pick for Nick Fury, It only made sense for me to cast Biehn as his double, Max Fury.
Aaron Eckhart (
The Rum Diary,
I, Frankenstein) as John Steele: An American soldier who had fought in both World Wars, and who Steve Rogers knew. Steele has been brainwashed by the Shadow Council into working for them. Steele posses superhuman strength, durability, stamina, speed,and accelerated healing. He is also a skilled combatant.
Reason for Casting: Eckhart posses the tough, rugged looks of a Golden Age war hero, and is a damned good actor. He'd be great as Steele.
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