This cast was created by CattleCall™ casting software: an innovative technology comprising a database of over ten thousand actors including virtually all current members of SAG and AFTRA. The recorded theatrical performances of each actor (or sample reels submitted by aspiring actors) are first broken down into elements or scenes relating to one of Polti's 36 dramatic situations. For each situation their vocal inflections, facial expressions, and body language are separately codified and assigned a rating. When callsheet descriptions are entered, each actor's score is then compared through a complex multi-dimensional analysis with the emotional range and requirements of potential roles, and the software determines, with a 99.9% certainty, the best actor for the role. CattleCall™ has a perfect operational record and has never made a mistake.
N.B.1: Owing to his nearly infinite talent scores in several key metrics, Nicolas Cage will normally be cast in every role that is entered. This is not an error. To see other options, please use the "ALTERNATES" menu on the main screen.
N.B.2: CattleCall™ is completely without bias: it does not use age, race, or sex as parameters and ignores them when they appear as role descriptors. As a result, the call sheet description "an old black woman" will simply return the most talented actors in the database, namely Nicloas Cage as "best choice" with Jackie Chan as "first alternate."