The Amazing Spider-Man script (my version) please read

The Amazing Spider-Man script (my version) please read

My version of Spider-Man's reboot film. Based off 60's, Ultimate, and Marvel Adventures: Spider-man comics, also based on the Spectacular Spider-man TV show. Spidey fans please read.

By superotherside - Jan 30, 2010 09:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Okay guys, here it is.

Peter should look like he's a late 15 year old here. And of course look at least look some like the Peter in the comics (you know hazel eyes brown hair) and he should be about 5'7"5'9" because he only grew to 5'10" in the comics and he was older then.

Says it's name The Amazing Spider-man: The Beginning. A nerdy looking Peter Parker in Conner's Lab getting bitten by a Spider. Next video he starts climbing the walls in an ally finding his powers (several shots looking like the comic art frames). Next him building his costume and web-shooters and looking at a paper that says $1,000 reward for being able to defeat Crusher. Uncle Ben and Pete are in the car next and I'd like Uncle Ben to say during the credits, "With great power comes great responsibility" and have like words come out of and around the frame kinda like echoing him. (thought that would be kinda cool effect) Then have Spider-man defeat Crusher easily, not get paid and let the crook go. Find Uncle Ben shot and watch him die then go after his killer. He finds him and realizes that he was the same crook he let walk by him. (Pete's masked being Spider-man, makes more since else wise the guy at the fighting ring would know who Spider-man was.) Anyway the crook falls out the window but Spider-man saves him. And after words echoes what what his Uncle had said, "With great power comes great responsibility." Spider-man fights crime now, (a few clips of Spider-man vs crooks) and ending finally Pete at Uncle Ben's grave, and the spit face of Spider-man and Peter.
End credits.

The credits picture of split face of Spider-man and Peter transitions into the scene. With Pete staring at his Spider-man mask in full Spidey suit.

Scene: Peter's Room

Peter/Spider-man (thinking)
"Why? Why? Why did I have to let the crook go? Poor Uncle Ben." (he looks at a picture of Uncle Ben Aunt May and him self) "Well, maybe my vow never to look away from another crime will make up for what I've done. But Spring break is over and Uncle Ben is dead, and Peter Parker goes behind a mask."

Aunt May (knocking on Pete's door)
"Peter you must hurry to get ready for school."

"Be right there Aunt May."

Peter goes down stairs over their small house and picks up some letters on a side table.

Peter/Spider-man (thinking)
"Bills, bills, bills all way over do. I've got to do earn some money some how. But how?"

Aunt May (coming into the room from the kitchen)
"Oh there you are here's your lunch," (pretending to be happy as if nothing has happened) "and run off to school."

"I'm worried about you are you alright?"

Aunt May (pretending to be happy)
"Of course I'm alright go and have a good day at school."

Scene: Spidey swinging though jungle of NY

Spiderman/Peter (thinking)
"Okay, so I've got to go to figure out some kind of part time job to get some money, but what job... is the question."

Hears a robbery alarm.

"Well, here we go again... so much for being early for school."

Herman Schultz (carrying a big bag of stolen jewelry)
"Come on Aleksei! Before he catch us again!"

Aleksei Sytsevich
"I'm coming! And he won't catch us the big man planned this robbery too well."

"Aren't you being just a little too sure of the big man Sytsevich?"

Aleksei Sytsevich
"No, no not again!"

"Yep, it's me your friendly neighborhood Spider-man."

Swingings down webbing them up in different fashions.

"Well, boys that's a wrap sorry couldn't stay longer catch you later!"

Swings off.

Now I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll write part 2 soon hopefully. I know it was short but how do you guys like it so far? Oh and please read all the other parts when I write them. Thanks!

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MovieLover - 1/30/2010, 10:27 PM sorry dude but youre version isnt very professional. and that because youre not a professional so maybe we should just keep this kinda thing to the offense dude, just saying!

and with that being said i have the perfect choice for the replacement of the joker! Mary Jane Watson!
LEEE777 - 1/31/2010, 3:54 AM
Yeah a 15 year old SPIDEY don't do t for me, like your proto script though you should put in as a whole article dude, hate part twos lol!!

No pics man, need atleast one SPIDEY pick to get it noticed!! ; )
LEEE777 - 1/31/2010, 3:54 AM
MovieLover @ Thats just wrong lol.
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 6:48 AM
Well, all I was saying is go back to the original comics else wise it's going to be the same thing as the other movies... besides do any of you guys watch spectacular spiderman's tv show? if you do he's only 16 and he's been spidey for a while. so I thought it would be nice to go back to something more like that.
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 6:50 AM
besides honestly I really don't want him to be 18 and be out of high school before like the first half hour of the movie... I loved the first movies but it's time to move on
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 6:58 AM
leee777 sorry I thought it would be nice in two parts I tell you what because personally I hate it having to read it all at one time. but I'll put all the parts on then put the full article on for you to read all at once that work for you? oh if you can give me any hints on doing a better job I'd be grateful for it. sorry about him being 15 again I just thought it would be different... sides do you watch the spectacular spiderman tv show? if you don't please do and go though at least 5 episodes that where they get really good.
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 7:01 AM
oh also leee777 I'll try to put more pics
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 7:23 AM
movielover what's unprofessional about my script? besides you spelled your wrong (this is the way you spelled it: youre) if that's professional keep it.
Ryden - 1/31/2010, 8:07 AM
@LEEE- In all fairness, Spidey is 16 qhen he gets bitten by ths Spider so a 15 year old Spider-Man isn't that big a deal..

@otherside-onto the script though, it's alright but it seems a bit rushed, if you're going to do a full script think about how the actos will actually say it on screen..because sometimes that can be a problem ;)
DCMarvelFreshman - 1/31/2010, 8:59 AM
You should take it step by step, with a little more details. And try to format it a little better.
MovieLover - 1/31/2010, 9:32 AM
Otherside I'm sorry that i didn't spell 'Your' correctly, it was extremely late whenever i was writing my post but i promise it will not happen again. And with that being said, what is unprofessional about your script...well have you ever read a movie script friend? Well the format is all wrong your dialog feels unnatural and unrealistic, to be honest it feels as if it was written by a fifteen year old! So im not trying to be an ass i really am not, I'm just trying to give you some collective criticism. Go to and look up some movie scripts and get a feel for how the are written and whenever you write your dialogue really take your time and think about how someone would really say it. Just my opinion...just saying!
superotherside - 1/31/2010, 11:03 AM
thanks multipurposeponi for the info didn't know that... I'm new here as you can tell.
thanks marvelfreshman I'll try to do that but I don't know maybe I was trying to copy the spectacular spiderman too much... with their dialog it's really not much different.
movielover sorry I guess I was a bit rude back there just you came off kinda rude and I couldn't help but say something smart-alack back. and I have read a few movie scripts but ah well... it didn't seem too different to me... but I'll try to do better and I think I'll rewrite this... but you guys will have to give me time. oh and how do you help the format guys cause I don't know a thing your talking about send me a youtube how to video or something cause I don't even know...
well thanks guys for showing me a bit more of how to's and thanks for the criticism, but do you think its ok for a first try? sides I am in my middle teens
Ryden - 2/2/2010, 4:57 PM
@otherside- You're off to a good start man, don't give up, just think about how the actors will say it in your head. ;)
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