Rot Lop Fan is a member of the Green Lantern Corps, known to him as the "F-Sharp Bell Corps". He is blind and uses a power ring based upon the principles of sound. Rot Lop Fan protects Space Sector 911 and hails from the Obsidian Deeps. The Obsidian Deeps is a black and lightless void in a remote section of space. As a means of adapting to the lightless void, the inhabitants of the Deeps have evolved an advanced sense of hearing, while at the same time losing their sense of sight. Among the blind creatures of the Deeps was Rot Lop Fan, a brave and noble member of his people and an ideal candidate for the Green Lantern Corps. Rot Lop Fan was approached by Katma Tui to join the Corps and serve as a Green Lantern; however, her request was meaningless to the blind alien. Being blind, Rot Lop Fan had no concept of light or color. The terms "green" and "lantern" had no meaning to him, and could not be translated by the power ring. The resourceful Katma Tui reasoned that if she could not explain the concepts of light, she would translate using sound. She instructed Rot Lop Fan to imagine a sound with a pleasing resonance. This he did, as a sound in the F-Sharp range. With the concept of sound, Rot Lop Fan could manipulate the energy of the power ring. Rot Lop Fan was overjoyed and accepted the commission into the Corps.

Here are the links to the other action figures that we have revealed so far this week here on CBM as well as the upcoming video game adaptation.
Hal Jordan
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and Mark Strong,
Green Lantern is set to be released in 3D on June 17, 2011!