Green Lantern: 3 of 5 Lessons For Hollywood

Green Lantern: 3 of 5 Lessons For Hollywood Green Lantern: 3 of 5 Lessons For Hollywood

Green Lantern has not gotten off to a good start at the box office, and The Hollywood Reporter is offering up a list of five lessons that Hollywood should take from the $200 million film. What follows are three of those five "lessons".

By EdGross - Jun 22, 2011 06:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

1. It's about a singular voice

Readers connect with comic books through original stories by writers and artists: For Green Lantern, it could be stories from the 1970s, by Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams or, more recently, by Geoff Johns. These people offer a vision and direction. The same rule applies to movies. When you watch Christopher Nolan's recent Batman movies, or even this summer's X-Men: First Class or Thor, you feel like there is a singular vision behind them.

In contrast, critics pounced on the generic, paint-by-numbers feel of the Lantern movie, which played like dozens of people were in control. And they were. In addition to director Martin Campbell, producer Donald De Line and DC executive Johns, four separate screenwriters were credited, and insiders say that even Warners execs Jeff Robinov, Greg Silverman and Lynn Harris were heavily involved, especially in the editing stage.

3. Be like Marvel

Part of Warners' problem is the way it has structured DC Entertainment. The studio created the subdivision in 2009 to better plan its franchises. But DC remains subservient to Warners in many ways, with its execs being more "suggestors" than anything else.

Marvel, on the other hand, has an autonomous movie division in Marvel Studios. Run by Kevin Feige, it has continually demonstrated an understanding of its core audience -- the comic book fans -- and how to parlay that intense base into a broader audience of regular moviegoers. From Iron Man to Thor, it has made movies that appeal to fanboys and average moviegoers alike.

At Warners, it's the studio division that says yes or no to DC projects, and it can change them up however it sees fit. Last summer's Jonah Hex was a box-office disaster, and even Warners' quasi-DC movies Watchmen and V for Vendetta failed to lure more than hard-core fanboys. You don't have to be a geek to make these movies, but you need to know what geeks like and, more importantly, how to translate that into accessible themes.

4. Don't be like Marvel

Marvel has a clear plan: Take a core group of characters (Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America) and weave them into a series of movies that lead to one big team-up (next summer's The Avengers). It works for fans and allows moviegoers not familiar with the Marvel Universe to be indoctrinated.

Green Lantern was to have been the first step toward making a movie featuring the Justice League, DC's all-star collection of superheroes. But what worked for Marvel may not for DC, which in its publishing history established the connections within its universe only after Marvel had already done the same for its world.

DC should be blazing its own path. Heroes like Superman are more iconic, more primal and elemental, more akin to the Greek gods than their conflicted counterparts in the Marvel universe. DC superheroes are our modern-day Hermes, the god of speed, or Hercules, the demigod son of Zeus. They can stand alone.

Follow the link for the complete list of 5.

And CBM's original, hero.... Fleischer has now taken to Tweeting. You can follow him by clicking below.


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SageMode - 6/22/2011, 7:04 PM
"3. Be like Marvel"

Thats just made my night a whole lot better

95 - 6/22/2011, 7:05 PM
I guess Nolan has to godfather all of DC's films.

Good job Marvel, good job.

'Green Lantern' had great scenes in space, but everything Earthbound just fell flat.

forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:07 PM

I guess once you read that you gave up with the whole reading thing.
scapegoatjones - 6/22/2011, 7:09 PM
for all the complaining if Thor came out after 1st class then the reviews
would be similar. tough origin to tell, a little chopped up. the end.
Greenlee - 6/22/2011, 7:09 PM
the movie needed more Kurt tbh.

Marikina - 6/22/2011, 7:09 PM
1) and 2) have been the biggest issues, going back all the way to the horror stories of Batman and Superman's development hell for their own franchises. It just seems like the land ontop is a big mess of corporate infighting.

I'd like to add 4), in which where WB seems to see comic book movies as nothing more than vehicles for selling toys and merchandise.
SageMode - 6/22/2011, 7:10 PM
@Forthesakeofnow: LOL. Nah, but they do point out some good points though.
forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:12 PM

Nolan seems to have already gotten himself into one of those Kubrickesque lifetime contracts where he made Batman Begins for Warner Bros and they gave him some money to make a side project that being The Prestige, he then makes them TDK and I seem to remember that making them some money so they effectively gave him carte blanche to make Inception and that ended up making Transformers money and made more outside of America than TDK did.

So im as interested in seeing what he does after TDKR as i am to see TDKR itself. Especially with the announcement that Warren Beatty has beaten him to making a new Howard Hughes Biopic.
level1paladin - 6/22/2011, 7:14 PM
I think the main difference is Marvel Studios is in-house, allowing them say and DC is not. That's the biggest part.

I do worry about Marvel though once they have all their properties out. By all I mean Iron Man, Cap, Hulk, Thor, Spidey out. They have lots of stuff to do but whether they make the right decisions once we're saturated with the mainstays will make the difference I think.
Greenlee - 6/22/2011, 7:17 PM
the DC movies needed a Nick Fury character to make them part of the same universe and to set up an eventual Justice League movie.
Joe6Pack74 - 6/22/2011, 7:17 PM
DC cannot seem to make a movie unless it is Superman or Batman. Green Lantern could have been really great.
TheShadow - 6/22/2011, 7:18 PM
Was the movie itself bad? NO!
However, people compare this movie to MARVEL, and since it is no's bad!
I must admit it had faults, but this is step one, this where they learn there mistakes. Just like Marvel had to.
As Bill Murray once said...Baby Steps.
Greenlee - 6/22/2011, 7:18 PM
Nolan should just write/direct all the DC movies from now on TBH.
Greenlee - 6/22/2011, 7:19 PM
get JJ Abrams in charge of the DC movies. he reinvigorated the dead Star Trek franchise. and all his movies have been mega-hits and they are better than GL was tbh.
Bodwulf - 6/22/2011, 7:20 PM

Great look at GL's faltering.
dmm5 - 6/22/2011, 7:21 PM
Nolan should have been more involved with D.C. movies like Feige is with Marvel Studios. Bad writers with a wrong director..... Should've learned with Jonah Hex
TheQuestion - 6/22/2011, 7:21 PM
They pretty much touched on all of the issues I brought up in my editorial. DC has a lot of work cut out for it.
TheShadow - 6/22/2011, 7:22 PM
As soon as SUPERMAN comes out(it will be great), MARVEL will fall. Superman is the true AMERICAN CBM!
MaddMonkk - 6/22/2011, 7:22 PM
@greenlee- I think Amanda Waller was supposed to be that. I was hoping DC would go a different route. Make the next Batman and Superman and then JLA and spinoff movies from that, Wonder Woman, Flash GL, etc.and then come out with a monster badd azz mega blockbuster hit with JLA 2. villian Brainiac of course. or Bat mite maybe. (Just kidding). GL wasn't bad at all, I think people was hoping for "Emerald Knight" so to speak. Kind of hard to top Dark Knight though.
forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:24 PM

Nolan is too busy being selfish making his own films to do childminding work for DC all the time.

Feige can do it for Marvel because thats his job.
BIGBMH - 6/22/2011, 7:27 PM
"Green Lantern was to have been the first step toward making a movie featuring the Justice League, DC's all-star collection of superheroes."
This reporter needs to do some research. Just about everything DC has said on the topic suggests they don't intend on a connected universe.
forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:27 PM

The people who say GL isnt bad need to realise they are in a failing minority, I liked the film but it was terribly made.

You just didnt think it was as bad as people have said it is. So theres no point saying "it wasnt" a bad film.

I get what you mean about the hope for a dark knight quality film though, especially with the amount of money poured into it.
forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:29 PM

There is 3 there, no 2 or 5. I guess your brain has filled in the gap. It makes sense as its odd that 2 was left out rather than doing 1 2 and 3.
NeoBaggins - 6/22/2011, 7:31 PM
If there is any hope of a Green Lantern sequel, please remove and/or replace the following:

The Producer.
The Special FX team.
The Film Editors.
The writers.
The director.

VanCityKid - 6/22/2011, 7:33 PM
Why is it that people like JLA2014 are still keeping this fanboy war alive?

Grow the [frick] up people, a CBM is CBM simple as that
jaysin420 - 6/22/2011, 7:34 PM
I think it's much more simple, just read between the lines.

Hulk, The Incredible Hulk, Green Hornet, and now Green Lantern.

The world just isn't ready for green superheroes.
forthesakeofnow - 6/22/2011, 7:34 PM

You liked the cinematography and best boy then? =]
D117 - 6/22/2011, 7:34 PM
Totally agree
SuperC - 6/22/2011, 7:42 PM
I Agree that DC doesn't need to do like Marvel. Actually I Think they should do the opposite. Start with JLA first and then present a movie for each character. why not?

It could look like the TV series "Lost", It start with a team of heroes defending the world against a big threat and then in separate movies for each character they explain their origin and how they assemble at the end. They give us some flashback from the JLA movie. I think every scenario is possible, not just the Marvel way....
vermillion - 6/22/2011, 7:42 PM
I'd like to see Kyle Rayner's story on the big screen, but that's never going to happen it seems.

grandizer74 - 6/22/2011, 7:43 PM
I think one of the problems with the green lantern movie was involving the corps right away. If you're just coming to learn about a character, it diminishes that character when you see and are told there are countless other characters with the exact same power.
kingmonkeyman - 6/22/2011, 7:48 PM
@JaySin420. It seems movies about "Green" do better than movies about Green Heroes. You know what I'm talkin bout.
Bodwulf - 6/22/2011, 7:50 PM
Green Lantern will do Fantastic Four money. I just don't understand how copyright allowed Rise of the Surfer and GL to have the same vilian.
CapFan79 - 6/22/2011, 7:54 PM
Bodwulf, nice video.

I'm a GL fan and have been for years but after the first trailer I knew it'd be a mess. Hopefully WB can get someone like JJ Abrams to make a more sci-fi sequel. I want a good GL film and think the right people can make one. Maybe they do need Nolan to watch over the DC universe?

I say make "Green Lanterns" and have Hal and Guy and Kyle fight Sinestro and hbe it take place like 80% in space!
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