The Ghostbusters franchise has hit a slump after the rebooted movie in 2016 failed to meet expectations, leaving any chance for a sequel in the dust, and the future of any new live-action adventures uncertain. An animated film is said to be in the works with Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters, Stripes) involved, but will be from the POV of a ghost, which isn't exactly what fans were hoping for.
The original Ghostbusters (1984) movie was a massive hit, leading to a sequel, several animated shows and video games (one which served as a sequel to Ghostbusters II). Dan Aykroyd still believes in the franchise, and has an idea that involves bringing the Ghostbusters to a streaming platform.
While talking to Cinema Blend, Aykroyd references Stranger Things as an inspiration for his idea of a Ghostbusters series about the boys in grey during their younger days:
“Yes. Absolutely. Sure. Sure. I can see several possibilities there. You know? Take a cue from these guys in Stranger Things and maybe have the Ghostbusters in high school or something.”
A possible prequel series of sorts sounds like an intriguing idea. With streaming and binge-watching now the norm for watching our favorite shows, offering a Ghostbusters series on a streaming service like Netflix as opposed to a cable network, would greatly benefit it.
Would you watch a Netflix series about the Ghostbusters gang during their high school days? Or do you feel that Ghostbusters is better suited for the big screen? Sound off in the comments section below!