Fan-Edit Of The GHOSTBUSTERS Trailer Is A Big Improvement
The trailer for Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot received a decidedly mixed response when it debuted, but this fan-cut version removes a lot of the tired gags and tightens up the editing.
It's true that many people hated the Ghostbusters trailer before they even watched it (misogynists, mainly), but all of that nonsense aside, it just wasn't a very good first teaser for the film. It ran too long, paused the action for too many extended shots, and, worst of all, just wasn't very funny.
Now obviously humor is subjective and a lot of people enjoyed the antics of our new spook-hunters - but even most of the apologists have to admit that puking ghosts, archaic Exorcist "power of Christ compels you" gags and Leslie Jones' sidekick shtick came across very tired.
Well, YouTuber Bevan Bell's got you covered!
Had that been the actual teaser, I'd be genuinely excited for the new Ghostbusters movie. That said, a lot of Feig's movies have had woeful trailers and turned out to be very funny in context, so let's not write this off just yet.