Paul Feig Debating On Whether Or Not He Should Change The GHOSTBUSTERS Theme
The original Ghostbusters came with an iconic theme that many people are familiar with today. Paul Feig says the biggest question they're faced with is whether or not they are going to reuse that theme.
While attending the SXSW, Paul Feig reveals that he is really in a bit of a tussle regarding the iconic Ghostbusters theme. "It's such an iconic thing that part of you goes, 'I don't want to change it,' but then another part of you wants to update it," He then continued, "It's one of the biggest questions we're faced with." Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters film will feature Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. According to Paul Feig, casting them took a while, "It took me months to figure out that cast. It all seems so obvious now but if you could hear the combinations I had before that, you would think I was crazy." Feig's Ghostbusters film will hit theaters on July 22, 2016, and set to be the film leading a new Ghostbusters trilogy. What will this trilogy consist of? As of now, it will be as followed:
-Paul Feig's 2016 Female Led Ghostbusters film.
- The Russo Brother's Ghostbusters film starring Channing Tatum (and possibly Chris pratt).
- A crossover film featuring the team from Feig's film and the team from the Russo Bros. Film.
Before you continue with your day, here are a few questions: Are you okay with the current plans for the Ghostbusters franchise? Also, do you think they should stick with the same theme or update for the modern times? Sound off below with your thoughts!