The 1998 GODZILLA film is known to Godzilla fans as the worst thing with the 'Godzilla' title. The monster known by fans as G.I.N.O (officially 'Zilla' by TOHO) was a rather weak interpretation of the Japanese beast. Below is an excerpt from a small chat Bloody Disgusting had with Devlin back in June, hit the link at the bottom for the full thing.
"Listen, I think there's a lot of wonderful stuff in that movie, I really do," he said in defense of the film. "[But] I think the problem with that movie was the script I wrote. I think Roland did an amazing job directing it, I think the actors are great, I think when people look back now on the Blu-ray and see the visual effects, it's a lot better than what people said at the time. The problem was the script! I made some big errors in that script. I wish I hadn't, I wish I had a chance to fix it. But in another way, it's allowed me to be a better writer since, because I made the mistakes on one, and I realized I'm never gonna make those mistakes again!"
I'm glad to see him admitting the mistakes. Of course, it has been thirteen years since the film's release, so it's easier to admit them. Now, let's see if America can do it right, just need a trailer announcement....