POLL: Who should play Bruce Banner in The Avengers?

POLL: Who should play Bruce Banner in The Avengers? POLL: Who should play Bruce Banner in The Avengers?

Vote for who you think is the best choice to replace Ed Norton and bring Bruce Banner to life on the big screen in The Avengers and future Hulk movies...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Jul 12, 2010 08:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Hulk
Source: Josh Wilding

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Like most of you, I was shocked (but not disappointed) to hear that Marvel Studios wont be bringing back Edward Norton to portray the Hulk’s alter-ego Bruce Banner in 2012’s, The Avengers. However, with that shock comes a sense of excitement as we’re now all set to see a new actor in the role! The question is, of course, who is the best choice to take on this character and bring him to life on the big screen just as well as, if not better than, Ed Norton? After seeing all of the great names put forward in the plethora of Norton related articles AverageCitizen99’s recent editorial, below are the ten best (and most mentioned) choices I’ve heard suggested who arguably all have an equally good chance of taking on the role! If you have someone else you’d like to see play Bruce Banner, just vote for ‘Other’, name them in the comments section and they’ll be counted when the results are announced in three days time on July 15th.

Eric Bana

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Adrian Brody

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Steve Buscemi

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Sharlto Copley

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Billy Crudup

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Jeremy Davies

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Cillian Murphy

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David Tennant

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Patrick Wilson

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Added to the poll on 7/12/2010, 9:20 AM:

Matthew Fox

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AshleyWilliams - 7/12/2010, 8:52 AM
Ed Norton.
Billy Crudup!
Brashlight - 7/12/2010, 8:53 AM
As long as its not Joaquin Phoenix. Im not ok with Bruce Banner breaking into a hardcore rap mid transformation into the hulk! "You wouldn't like me...when im [frick]ing you ho's, West Siieede". Not how I picture Banner :)
GUNSMITH - 7/12/2010, 8:54 AM
Superheromoviefan - 7/12/2010, 8:54 AM
NORTON! No one else!
Brashlight - 7/12/2010, 8:55 AM
I really like Sharlton Copley or Patrick Wilson. Although Copley might be a little too goofy for the role. Still funny as hell though. He was great in the A-Team!
Jawesome - 7/12/2010, 8:55 AM
De Notron lol but seriously casey affleck don't worrie he doesn't act like his brother
Denn1s - 7/12/2010, 8:56 AM
buscemi was the inspiration for the ultimate banner
liquidsnake88 - 7/12/2010, 8:58 AM
Maybe the poll can be modified to include Edward Norton? I know he's not coming back, but I'd rather show my support for his portrayal than support the recasting.
superdog - 7/12/2010, 8:59 AM
josh@ i have heard a few other posters mention matthew fox. i think that is a great choice and i would add him to the poll.

as for the ones on there now, i gotta agree with teabag, i like the jeremy davies pick. his character on lost was pretty close to banner in many ways.
HelaGood - 7/12/2010, 9:01 AM
eric bana would keep it less confusing, but adrian or billy would be perfect@@@
stevebrt - 7/12/2010, 9:03 AM
how about a cgi Bill Bixby
Destroyer14 - 7/12/2010, 9:03 AM
Eric Bana would be the best choice.
JustinMSalvato - 7/12/2010, 9:08 AM
Edward Norton.

Jahozafat has spoken.
Hulkster2 - 7/12/2010, 9:10 AM
this shit dont even matter watch marvel pick the most random actor
LordHumongous - 7/12/2010, 9:11 AM
Edward Norton!
RyKnow - 7/12/2010, 9:11 AM
@ teabag - LOL that's awesome :)
LordHumongous - 7/12/2010, 9:12 AM
P.S. If its anyone from Twilight I'm going on a rampage.
Jawesome - 7/12/2010, 9:15 AM
lol @tea from the back that looks like edward norton
THULK - 7/12/2010, 9:15 AM
JoshWilding - 7/12/2010, 9:15 AM
tea: Thanks! :) And dont worry, our earlier "problem" has now been taken care of!

superdog: Really? Ok, thanks for the heads up! I'll add him in the next few minutes!

CaptainProg: Lol, I actually thought this poll might be a good way to move on from the whole Norton thing! If I read the words "Boycott the Avengers" one more time because that average Bruce Banner wont be back, I think I'll scream!

wolverinesfury: Not a problem bud - it's a great choice and people really seem to like it! :)
Jawesome - 7/12/2010, 9:16 AM
@lord ohh sorry its been annocounced Robert pattinson has gotten the role lol! j/k
GUNSMITH - 7/12/2010, 9:17 AM
comicbookjerk - 7/12/2010, 9:19 AM

Dude Did you purposely Not put Edward Norton on that List because you don't like him?

Heres my Reasons Why Nortons perfect! He Worked his AZZ off for the Hulk

I can't believe The Prez Of Marvel said he wasn't a Team Player What a Bunch of BS!
Kablamo - 7/12/2010, 9:20 AM
As great as it would have been to have Edward Norton in Avengers, does it really matter know whoever they cast. They aren't going to get much screen time with all the other characters, let alone having to share half there their role with the Hulk.
JoshWilding - 7/12/2010, 9:22 AM
ArrionShadow: Uh no, I didnt include Ed Norton because Marvel are looking for his replacement...not to bring him back, lol! I'm afraid you'll never see him back as Banner however much you want to! :P
Talontd - 7/12/2010, 9:25 AM
OMG, Jeremy Davies would NAIL this role!!!

Great list of potentials @JOSH

My 2nd choice would have to be Sharlto Copely, but Marvel needs to stop looking for a BIG NAME actor like Joaquin and get an offer out to Jeremy Davies ASAP!!!
comicbookjerk - 7/12/2010, 9:28 AM
@ - ,

Yeah If Marvel gets it there way We will See a R rated Avengers With a Big Green Penis hanging out in every scene, Thats when Joss Whedon Tells Chris Pine to Take the Hammer to his Nuts While SLJ Says Something about snakes on a Plane and Captain America Forgets and Says FLAME ON! HAhahA
JoshWilding - 7/12/2010, 9:29 AM
Talontd: Thanks bud and I agree! My top choices would have to be JEREMY DAVIES followed by SHARLTO COPELY and CILLIAN MURPHY! :)

greenIsGood: For God's sake, why the hell would I put Norton on this list where there is ZERO chance that he'll ever play the character again!? You really think Marvel are going to call him up after the statement Feige released and say, "Uh...actually Ed, we want you back". Not gonna happen my friend!
Kablamo - 7/12/2010, 9:30 AM
@teabag - exactly :)
Talontd - 7/12/2010, 9:30 AM

It has nothing to do with the editors preference, the PRESIDENT of the Studio has said he is out. It doesn't get anymore clear than that!

Some of you guys need to stop living in your heads...This is the REAL world...Sh!t happens.
Osiris - 7/12/2010, 9:31 AM
EDWARD NORTON!!!! no one should replace him, no Norton, No Hulk!
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 7/12/2010, 9:32 AM
I'll say it again, Giovanni Ribisi would make a fantastic Banner/Hulk


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comicbookjerk - 7/12/2010, 9:33 AM
@ JoshW Please Stop Saying that everytime someone says that a Single tear falls from my face and an Angel Dies

@ greenisgood Thanks for giving me hope

I just see it more of the Directors choice not even the prez of Marvel can keep the fans the Director and maybe if We get some of the cast involved on the issue maybe we can bring Norton back Just Like Peter pan Brought tinker bell Back lol

Wow I haven't Slept or stopped Drinking since the news and thats was announced what on the 8th lol
JoshWilding - 7/12/2010, 9:34 AM
Oh, and superdog: Matthew Fox has now been added to the list! :)

ArrionShadow: Lol, I can live with that...

Ed Norton is never coming back as Bruce Banner!!!
Ed Norton is never coming back as Bruce Banner!!!
Ed Norton is never coming back as Bruce Banner!!!
Ed Norton is never coming back as Bruce Banner!!!
Ed Norton is never coming back as Bruce Banner!!!

Sheesh, I'm a bad person! :D
Orphix - 7/12/2010, 9:34 AM
Not digging any of the above.

Bana's peformance was that of a heavy breathing, sex pest. So don't want him back - not that he would return anyway.

Copley has already done a similar type of role before and might not wanna be typecast as the twitchy nut on the run.

Murphy is the Scarecrow.

Buscemi is too old!

Billy Crudup is an interesting choice but, like Copley, he might feel there are too many similarities to Dr Manhattan (scientist gets caught up in mad science experiment and become superpowered). Then again it's not THAT similar.

I like the choice of Phoenix. He's a bit crazy but an amazing actor. He is an outside the box choice. He could be to Banner what RDJ was to Stark.

@Kablamo - I think it is an important casting choice. I agree with you that Banner might not get much screen time BUT I think the few scenes he does get will be pivotal in The Avengers and he has to weigh up against RDJ, SLJ and perhaps several other big scene stealers. So even if we see more Hulk than Banner I think getting a high calibre actor is essential.

Matthew Fox is as dull as f*ck and if you asked him to act his way out of a paper bag you would be there ALL DAY!!
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