Throughout "The Darkseid War," DC Comics' Justice League has found themselves reborn, as the universe's New Gods. Batman is the new Metron, the Flash has become the Dark Racer and Superman is more powerful, more angry and more violent, than ever.
Where there’s Superman, there’s Lex. Lex Luthor, has become the new Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips. Luthor has been power hungry for years and he may now have more than he can handle after inheriting the power of the evil New God.
Written by
Manapul and illustrated by
Bong Dazo, the one-shot arrives in stores
December 9, 2015.
For those who need to catch up, DC recently revealed four of the six covers for the
"Justice League: Darkseid War" one-shots
Check it out below, and sound of in the comments!
“Batman – Armed with the godlike power of the Mobius Chair, the Dark Knight has taken on the role of Metreon and plans to use the infinite knowledge of this device to turn Gotham City into a completely crime-free zone! The issue will be written by Peter Tomasi.
Superman – Corrupted by the weird energies of Apokolips’ fire pits, Superman has been turned into an angry, violent brute. And only one man can possibly save him: Lex Luthor.
Green Lantern – Oa has been conquered and transformed into a Parademon factory and the Green Lantern Corps is no more! Only Hal Jordan remains to follow a distress call from the last active Lantern seen fighting on Oa: John Stewart
Lex Luthor – At last, Lex Luthor, the new ruler of Apokolips, can do what he never could accomplish on Earth: hold the fate of a world in his hands. But his one failure from the “Darkseid War” continues to keep him from the peace he craves – and only a crazed Superman can help him get it!
The Flash – The Flash takes on the role of death’s harbinger, the Black Racer. And the beneficiary of his first visit is Aquaman!
Shazam! – Instead of accessing the powers of the old gods, Billy Batson now commands the combined powers of the New Gods like Highfather, Mantis and others trapped within the Source Wall. And that’s power that no mortal should possess!”