I feel like a kid again now after having seen Justice League. Its finally happened; the super team is finally together on the bigscreen after all of this time, and while it is satisfiying, there's a lot of room left for improvement. I went into Justice League with little to no expectations. Out of the 8 superhero films to be released in 2017, this was by far the one that was by far the wild card. Zack Synder is a hit and miss director; he has a very distinct, gorgoeous style, but when it comes to storytelling, he's not very good at it. So for those worrying about Justice League, their worries were just.
But Justice League was rock solid in my opinion. It was colorful, more upbeat (than most D.C. films prior to Wonder Woman) and its more stylish, but it has some baggage. Full review below:
So what did you think of Justice League?
Did it succeed your expectations or did it disappoint?