So before I start I am a new member on this website; despite being a long time user. So, this past comic con like everyone else I saw all the trailers released, and although I loved the Doctor Strange and Wonder Woman Trailers something felt weird about the Justice League Trailer. For awhile I saw the argument on the Internet and wondered why I didn't love the trailer. (I'm not a Marvel Fanboy that hates everything DC).
And one day while watching a discussion on YouTube I realized why I didn't like it..BECAUSE BATMAN WAS MAKING ALL THE JOKES.
Lets recall one of the main complaints BvS was there wasn't enough fun and levity, so WB decided to make Justice League more fun(Which I agree with). But the problem was instead of making Batman the straight man they made him the funny man. The Problem is People LOVED BATMAN IN BVS. Batman was fine being serious, SUPERMAN needed to be more fun not Batman.
In conclusion I believe DC may ruin their perfect. Batman by giving him the positivity superman needed. Thank you for reading feel free to comment.