Hoping to eventually get the attention of DC so that he can pitch the concept to them, Yale offers the following on his blog, "I’m becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of actually presenting this comic to DC as a pitch. I don’t know exactly how they’d see it, but it’s safe to say it’s being fairly well-received by the reading public thus far. The only catch is that currently, my followers and “notes” are relatively low, and I imagine if they were higher, it would provide me with a degree of leverage in getting the strip picked up. It can’t be understated how important reblogs and word-of-mouth are to the growth of independent comics of all kinds, and any and all of it is certainly appreciated. Personally, I’m content with this being something I do when I get home from work and leaving it at that, but if you really like the comic, and would like more updates per week and who knows what else, getting the word out and driving traffic is a great way to help provide support."
If you enjoy Little League, express yourself down below and we'll forward to Yale. Additionally, look for additional installments of the strip throughout the week.