ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer Tease Includes A Badass New Look At Black Suit Superman

ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer Tease Includes A Badass New Look At Black Suit Superman

Justice League director Zack Snyder just dropped a new trailer tease for the movie ahead of the full version being released on Valentine's Day, and there's plenty of epic footage here to delve into...

By JoshWilding - Feb 11, 2021 09:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Zack Snyder has confirmed that we're getting a new trailer for Justice League on Valentine's Day (February 14th), and he's teased our first proper look at his director's cut today with an awesome preview of what's to come. 

There's plenty of new footage to be found, including Steppenwolf using his axe to leave an all-too familiar mark on Earth, as well as shots of the Batmobile and Wonder Woman in action. However, the coolest tease here is a shot of a pretty villainous looking Superman decked out in his black costume.

Is he in his right mind here, or under the control of Darkseid? Whatever the case may be, he looks a lot differnet to the Supes we saw in 2017's theatrical cut (and not just because of the CGI jaw).

In Zack Snyder's Justice League, determined to ensure Superman’s (Henry Cavill) ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) aligns forces with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. The task proves more difficult than Bruce imagined, as each of the recruits must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, allowing them to come together, finally forming an unprecedented league of heroes.

Now united, Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and The Flash (Ezra Miller) may be too late to save the planet from Steppenwolf, DeSaad and Darkseid and their dreadful intentions. The movie premieres on HBO Max on March 18th. 

Check out this new Justice League teaser in the player below:

Click on the "Next" button below for a breakdown
of Will Beall's Justice League screenplay! 

10. Batman And Superman Are Allies


Superman is dead when the Snyder Cut begins, but in Beall's version, the Man of Steel is good friends with Batman. They know each other's secret identities, and meet in a Metropolis diner for a catch-up. 

Before heading to Central City to recruit the Flash, there's a battle in Lexcorp Tower against KGBeast and Killer Croc to deal with. Lex Luthor is in the midst of attempting to buy Kryptonite from the former, but they're all interrupted by the arrival of Desaad, one of Darkseid's most loyal followers. 

He kills Croc, and makes off with the Kryptonite. 

This action-packed, character-heavy opening doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what's to come, however...

9. Darkseid Is The Film's Big Bad


Steppenwolf doesn't get as much to do in this Justice League, and Darkseid is the lead baddie from the start. The film wastes no time in introducing the ruler of Apokolips, with the opening scene taking place on the villain's home planet. 

Snyder and Terrio clearly had a different idea for how Darkseid's big screen introduction would work, as he's only expected to make a cameo appearance in the Snyder Cut. The reason for that is because he was supposed to take center stage in the Justice League: Part 2 film Warner Bros. initially greenlit.

Had Beall's script been used, Darkseid might have beaten Thanos to theaters. 

While this film may have had Darkseid in spades, there's one member of the League who was set to be M.I.A.

8. There's No Aquaman


Jason Momoa's Aquaman has become a firm fan-favorite, and his solo film grossed over $1 billion globally in 2018.

Beall, however, had no intention of using the King of Atlantis. While there are a lot of other heroes in this Justice League, it seems the writer couldn't quite figure out how to bring this divisive superhero to the screen. Remember, when Beall was penning this screenplay, it was before DC Comics reinvented Arthur Curry with the New 52 reboot.

As you'll soon come to see, it would have been tricky to squeeze Aquaman into this story, because Beall instead focused on characters who Snyder overlooked in his film.

Chief among them is Green Lantern...

7. Green Lantern/Hawkman Team-Up

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There was a huge cosmic element to Beall's Justice League screenplay, with Green Lantern John Stewart and Hawkman teaming up in an outer space nightclub to stop Kanjar Ro from helping Dessad weaponize the Kryptonite he stole from Lex Luthor and KGBeast.

We don't get a Hal Jordan mention, and this film was presumably set in a separate world to 2011's Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds. 

While all this is happening, there's a subplot about Amanda Waller and the Department of Metahuman. Interestingly, she has her own team made up of Tattooed Man, Copperhead, Cheetah, and Solomon Grundy (we'll come back to them).

Also on Earth, Superman is kidnapped by Steppenwolf and his Parademons, and taken back to Apokolips. 

6. Massacre On Oa

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Batman heads to Themyscira to seek Wonder Woman's help, and we learn they have a romantic history.

John Stewart, meanwhile, returns to Earth, and and meets with Bruce, Diana, and the Flash in the Batcave (which is packed full of Easter Eggs, including The Penguin's Umbrella and multiple Batmobiles and Batsuits). 

As the team formulates a plan to rescue Superman, John heads back to Oa, only to find the planet decimated by Darkseid. Katma Tui, Kilowag, Guy Gardner, Salakk, and Tomar-Re are all dead, a sign Beall wasn't exactly thinking ahead to their potential future in the DC Universe...for now, anyway. 

With no Green Lantern Corps standing in his way, Darkseid heads to Earth. 

5. Batman v Superman

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Superman has fallen under Darkseid's control, and a fight with Batman ensues. 

Like in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, the Caped Crusader dons a special armored Batsuit to take on the Man of Steel in hand-to-hand combat. 

It's Wonder Woman who eventually figures out how to free Superman from Darkseid, and the hero quickly rejoins the League to repel the villain's invasion. However, things get a little strange at this point in Beall's Justice League film because Kal-El finds himself thrust eleven years into the future after travelling through a Boom Tube.

This has to be where Snyder and Terrio got the idea to tackle a "Knightmare" future in their version.

4. A Desolate Future

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Superman learns that Darkseid has wiped out 80% of the planet's population, and Diana and Bruce are leading what's left of the human resistance. 

Batman is Wonder Woman's second in command, and they have a son: Clark Wayne. 

It seems Superman's disappearance through the Boom Tube left Earth defenseless, and even Lex Luthor is now aligned with the heroes. "Batman's Berzerkers" is a team made up of Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang, Huntress, and Cheetah, essentially meaning the Dark Knight is the leader of the Suicide Squad.

The survivors are based in Superman's Fortress of Solitude. 

3. Time-Travel


We know Batman and Cyborg are responsible for sending the Flash back in time in the SnyderVerse, though it's likely those scenes were being saved for the sequel. 

In Beall's film, it's Lex Luthor who figured out how to send Barry Allen eleven years into the past. 

The Future Flash arrives on Earth prior to Darkseid's invasion, and dies in his younger self's arms shortly after warning the younger Barry about what's to come for the League.

After warning his teammates, the stage is set for an epic battle...

2. Epic Final Battle


Superman has already been taken to Apokolips at this point, so Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern travel to the planet to stop Darkseid before he can brainwash their teammate. 

Superman is rescued, and the heroes take on the villain and his forces. 

The Green Lantern Corps - who are alive in this timeline -  soon arrive to lend a helping hand, as do the Amazon warriors from Themyscira. As you might expect, the heroes emerge victorious from the battle, and stop that desolate future from ever becoming a reality. 

Darkseid may be defeated, but there's another foe waiting in the wings.

1. President Lex Luthor


Lex Luthor is planning to run for President, a nice hint at how his story played out in the comics. However, there's one final surprise that could set the stage for a Superman spinoff film. 

Lex receives a message from his future self, and learns that Superman is, in fact, Clark Kent.

Beall's screenplay doesn't reveal what the villain does with that information, but there are plenty of ways that could have been addressed. In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Lex deduces that himself, and the pay off wasn't quite what a lot of fans out there hoped for.

Beall's film sounds like it could have been a fun ride, but how much Snyder and Terrio borrowed is currently up in the air.

h/t The Wrap

The JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie That Never Was: Everything We Know About Will Beall's Scrapped DC Movie

The JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie That Never Was: Everything We Know About Will Beall's Scrapped DC Movie

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GhostDog - 2/11/2021, 9:23 AM
RegularPoochie - 2/11/2021, 9:30 AM
@BlackBeltJones - lmfao!
Nightmare - 2/11/2021, 9:30 AM
@BlackBeltJones - Snyder:
GhostDog - 2/11/2021, 9:35 AM
@Nightmare -

CheeseMaker - 2/11/2021, 10:23 AM
@Waddles - My fav batman
aresww3 - 2/11/2021, 10:24 AM
@BlackBeltJones - that looked [frick]ing epic, and i aint even pro snyder due to his take on superman
RegularPoochie - 2/11/2021, 10:56 AM
@TheKingCrusader - [frick] off
CheeseMaker - 2/11/2021, 11:05 AM
@Waddles - I would love that.
GhostDog - 2/11/2021, 11:12 AM
@aresww3 - hate his take on Supes but the heat vision exploding from his eyes looks cool
dragon316 - 2/11/2021, 12:12 PM
@Waddles - no fan of LEGO Batman it’s same as watching teen titans go Batman is not funny never was funny what’s next LEGO marvel avengers movies thanos gets defeated and rolls on ground crying no it was suppose to me to conquer earth not to lose not fair
Goldboink - 2/11/2021, 12:16 PM
@CheeseMaker -
He's got an 8 pack!
Fogs - 2/11/2021, 12:58 PM
WakandanQueen - 2/11/2021, 9:23 AM
If Cavill doesn't get naked what's the point in this being rated R tho
Origame - 2/11/2021, 9:25 AM
@WakandanQueen - didn't you know? He's naked in the resurrection scene. They cgid clothes on him for the theatrical version.
tmp3 - 2/11/2021, 9:55 AM
@Waddles - You're thinking of a different DC project there ;)

Boyle360 - 2/11/2021, 9:58 AM
@tmp3 - That's what Alfred gets up to when Bruce isn't home.
generictheeric - 2/11/2021, 10:03 AM
@WakandanQueen -
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:11 AM
@tmp3 - I'll say this about Snyder, he treated Ozymandias with a lot more respect than Lindelof.
CheeseMaker - 2/11/2021, 10:23 AM
@soberchimera - I think lindelof's ozymandias was a maniac creep.
tmp3 - 2/11/2021, 10:26 AM
@soberchimera - Snyder missed the point of Ozymandias
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:28 AM
@tmp3 - By doing exactly what Ozymandias did in the comic?!?!?
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:30 AM
@tmp3 - Besides the squid of course haha.
tmp3 - 2/11/2021, 10:34 AM
@soberchimera - He turned Ozymandias into a moustache-twirling british villain instead of a utilitarian all-american superhero. Irons was an older Ozy who turned this way when he realized his plan was ultimately fruitless
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:55 AM
@tmp3 - I thought Goode's performance was very restrained and steered away from hammy.
DillonEnnis - 2/11/2021, 10:57 AM
@soberchimera - In my opinion it was less Goode's performance and more of how the character was treated. From his introduction he's set up pretty clearly as a villain.
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:58 AM
@tmp3 - Irons definitely chewed scenery whenever possible and was more in the Snidley Whiplash veneer.
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 10:59 AM
@DillonEnnis - I think it's easy to see that when you've read the comic beforehand.
DillonEnnis - 2/11/2021, 11:04 AM
@soberchimera - I agree but would you say he's introduced heroically? Watching that scene feels like an obvious choice is being made.
soberchimera - 2/11/2021, 11:08 AM
@DillonEnnis - He's not introduced heroically in the comic either in fact Rorschach says to his face that he's a capitalistic sell-out.
DillonEnnis - 2/11/2021, 11:35 AM
@soberchimera - I guess I read that more as characterization of Rorschach than Ozymandias. It felt like criticism of the Superman or Captain America ideal.
dragon316 - 2/11/2021, 12:14 PM
@Waddles - must not be that big deal you can still make name out that bothers you will hate text lol, ww, brb, text talk always have misspelled words
2013venjix - 2/11/2021, 9:23 AM
YOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
batmbl - 2/11/2021, 9:23 AM
And here come the trolls saying a 4 hour movie with at least 2 1/2 hours of additional footage won't change the story at all.
mastakilla39 - 2/11/2021, 9:48 AM
@batmbl - Agree, it won't.
JonC - 2/11/2021, 9:53 AM
@batmbl - The extra 2.5 hrs is just the original movie in slow mo.
Boyle360 - 2/11/2021, 9:58 AM
@batmbl - Who's saying it won't change it? We're saying it probably still won't be good.
DeadClunge - 2/11/2021, 10:04 AM
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