After the Dark Knight Rises will Nolan direct a animated series based after it introducing characters like robin and Riddler and others to show how they would work in Nolanverse.
Well basically ive heard about nolan after now we know TDKR is the last movie in his series sadly but a rumor/news allert is that nolan shall do a animated series.
A series to show us how Robin, Riddler, Catwoman and other main characters not in his movie how they woudl work in Nolan-verse including Robin to Nightwing a Dick Grayson and loads more.
I hope so if theres no more movie after TDKR cause im a dick grayson fan and I want him in nolan verse so this animated series is the closest thing to it.
Fingers crossed.
Editors Note - Please learn how to use capital letters, thank you. :)