A couple of weeks ago I posted a story about Super Mike, a mentally disabled man who is living of social security and a part time job from Mcdonalds, who had around $5000 worth of Superman stuff stolen from him. Super Mike's real name is Mike Meyer and it seems that his fortune has turned around. Not only has there been an out pour of support via social media, but now the assailant who made off with the collection has been captured. The man n question is Gerry Armbruster a 34 year old man from Granite City, IL.
Reports KMOV:

Yesterday afternoon, September 15th, 2011 the Granite City Police responded to a Robbery, at which time it was learned a 76 year old male was robbed of Jewelry and money while in the 1800 block of Delmar, Granite City, IL.
The victim was going to hire a male subject to clean up a vacant business in this block, when the subject forced the male’s jewelry and money from him. During this incident the victim received some minor injuries. Based on his description, we learned the Madison Police Department was dealing with our suspect on an unrelated incident. Officers were able to link this subject to the robbery and he was transferred from Madison’s custody to our custody.
With the ongoing investigation of the Residential Burglary, it was believed this was the same subject responsible for stealing the Superman items in August. Investigators were able to link the suspect to this crime as well and recover all of the victim’s Superman memorabilia and return it to the owner.
Today, both cases were presented to the Madison County States Attorney at which time the suspect was charged with:
1 count Residential Burglary
1 count Robbery
1 Aggravated Battery (Senior Citizen)
This just goes to show you how strong the comic book community is, the amount of people that have contacted me with information to pass along as well as asking me where and how they can help has been incredible. Well done CBM community well done.