EDITORIAL: 4 Superheroes Who Helped Make Me A Better Person

EDITORIAL: 4 Superheroes Who Helped Make Me A Better Person

In this editorial I discuss 4 superheroes who helped influence me to become a better person throughout the course of my life: The Green Lantern CORPS, Captain America, Spider-Man and The Man Of Steel, Superman. Read on for more..

Editorial Opinion
By AmIaHero - Sep 23, 2013 06:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Other


The Emerald Knights have helped me in numerous ways in my life. After all as a senior in high school I have had to go through quite of bit of peer pressure and have a had a lot of temptation in my four years. Now as most of you know there is plenty of peer pressure that I high school student faces and though he has helped me with that there is something else he has helped me with more. It was the temptations the impulses to be selfish, mean, and to use my abilities for my benefit that they helped me with. You see when I was in elementary and middle school I did things that I consider to be bullying. Now I didn't go around bullying numerous kids at my school but there was one kid who I know I treated wrongly hell i feel so bad about it that I created a separate account just to talk about it. Now just in case any of you are wondering how The Green Lanterns helped me to stop being a bully then just listen to what I have to say. As many people on this site know the Green Lantern Corps bestow upon their members the most powerful weapon in the universe a weapon powered by willpower. Now when I really started to read Green Lantern comics I realized that the greatest show of willpower not when they create their energy constructs it's every second that they spend with that ring on their finger, every second that they choose not to use it for their own selfish desires. After all Abraham Lincoln said "Any man can overcome adversity. If you truly want to test a man's character, give him power." and the corps members don't just have power they have one of the greatest sources of power in the universe and that is how the Green Lanterns have helped me. You see they showed me that just because I have power doesn't mean I'm strong. That your real strength isn't measured by your power but in how you use that power. So now I try as hard as I can not to be that person anymore and to put my abilities to better use.


Now onto the Star Spangled Avenger. During my freshman year of high school I started to feel worthless. I had made mistakes that I didn't think I could rectify and I began to think that I wouldn't be able to accomplish any thing. Now while I was feeling all these things The First Avenger was set to come out in several months so I did what I always do when a CBM is set to come out which is I begin to read many of there books. So during my readings I came across the Infinity Gauntlet series which is where the above image came from. In that issue Captain America stands face to face with the mad titan Thanos. Now at this moment Captain America was nowhere near my top 5 superheroes. I mean during this time I didn't think he was very impressive after all to me seemed to be nothing more than a normal man who didn't seem to contribute much. Yet as I read I really started to appreciate the character and that moment when he faced Thanos was when he really earned a spot in my top 5. Again some of you may be wondering what he did to help me. Well as he read I started to think back to the character and how he was just a weak little man who even though deep inside probably didn't think he would ever accomplish anything worthwhile but he kept trying. Then one day he earns his chance and then he is fighting people like Red Skull, he leads the Avengers, and he even stands up to people who have pretty much god like power. So now even when I don't think I will ever accomplish anything I decide to keep going to keep trying because I may not have accomplished much left but I still have plenty of time to do something significant and I remember to always have the courage to stand up and take my chances even if they look slim.


Now it's time to get our Friendly Neighborhood Wall Crawler. Okay I know most of you can piece together what lesson I learned from him but I will continue since he still had an affect on me. Now once again I am going back a couple of years you see before I was very irresponsible, now I will admit that I am not as responsible as I would like but I was a whole lot worse I mean I would lie and let other people take the blame for what I had done. Then I watched the Raimi Spider-Man movies and started to read comics about him from the library. As I read I began to see all the stuff he went through yet he didn't give up on his responsibilities even though he knew it would make his life a whole lot easier.


Okay now I am getting to the last and most influential of the heroes that helped make me a better person. First I will tell you all a little more about myself. First off i was raised in a Catholic household but even then I was still taught some values that aren't very Christian like. You see when I was younger I believed that if your life was at risk you do what ever is necessary to survive even if it means taken your attackers life. Though as I got older I started to question my morals I started to question whether it was right to take someones life no matter what the circumstances. Now I didn't just suddenly think that killing was wrong in fact for a period I was really on the fence when it came to this. Then when day I came across the story called "What's So Funny About Truth Justice and The American Way". As the story kept going I slowly found my self siding with Superman and by the end I was completely on Supes side. Yet this wasn't the only thing that Superman helped me with he also inspired me to look at the good in people rather than the bad, and to believe that a world where we all work together peacefully is possible and to always have hope that things can be better.

So that's the end of my editorial so now all I have left to say is to remember that....

"We are responsible for each other. That's part of being human -- isn't it?"

- Robin"Never Scratch a Cat" Batman #355, Gerry Conway

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jojofmd - 9/23/2013, 7:07 PM
Great list. In it you learn to:
1. Overcome your fears. The power of will
2. Stand up for yourself and your morals/ethics.
3. Personal responsibility and accountability
4. Restraint and Faith.

I would comment that it is Christian and valid in the Catholic church to legitimate self defense. If your intent is to stop your attacker you are showing your inherent right to life, your attacker is not. If the attacker dies than that is unfortunate and sad. This is especially valid for those who are entrusted to defend and protect the community and others. You have the right to protect your family with due force. However, you obviously shouldn't intentionally kill someone and refrain from force as much as possible. This is why restraint is so huge for Superman, he could do it at will. He has to be mindful of his powers always.
AmIaHero - 9/23/2013, 7:18 PM
@jjofmd Yeah I know force is justifies in certain circumstances and I just realized I didn't expand that thought very far because I was going to go on to say that my family believes in an eye for an eye sort of thing and that if someone harms your family or something along those lines that you should act in kind.
jojofmd - 9/23/2013, 7:36 PM
^In that regard, you are right, we are not the mafia and we are supposed to "turn the other cheek". Of course with the caveat of what I mentioned above.
jojofmd - 9/23/2013, 7:39 PM
Retaliation just perpetuates the cycle. That's what's awesome about these characters. Though the battle is endless, there is restraint and avoiding using the power for selfish gains. True self sacrifice.
SmellofDuty - 9/23/2013, 9:20 PM
I absolutely LOVE it, man. Superb article. It's great to see how other people are sometimes no different from yourself no matter how alone you may feel in a situation.
orpheus - 9/23/2013, 9:22 PM
Wolverine, believed it or not, has been influential in inspiring me to be better. Wolverine was tortured and turned into a weapon, when he first shows up in comics, he's basically still reeling under his machismo and aggression. Slowly, he learns to trust, to change his ways, to be a better person. He learns a code of honor and the power of meditation and inner work practice (side note: something Christianity severely lacks! But it hasn't always been this way, it used be much more 'Eastern' before it was turned into a political organization - The original nine deadly sins (yes, pope gregory changed them from the original writings of evagrius) ).
Some people say his being the headmaster of the Jean Grey school doesn't make sense - I say it makes perfect sense, though it's not yet a perfect fit. He's by nature a loner, a figher, coming to really care, to lead, to be accountable, to fight for a purpose rather than a thrill or revenge. He's like the counterpoint to Breaking Bad.
patrat18 - 9/23/2013, 9:22 PM
AmIaHero - 9/23/2013, 9:28 PM
@Orpheus I agree Wolverine is an inspiration he has suffered through so much but he never let that consume him completely and he has fought off that animal side of himself and has become more than just a killer now and that's why it irks me when people want him to go back to that beserk killing machine.
AmIaHero - 9/23/2013, 9:32 PM
Also I agree somewhat with your points about Christianity but I think the problem isn't so much the church it's the people who say they are christian but they don't practice what they preach. To put this in comic book terms just think of Reverend William Stryker who is an example of how people like to manipulate things to benefit themselves
AmIaHero - 9/23/2013, 9:32 PM
But enough of that I don't want this to turn into a religious thread
113 - 9/23/2013, 9:42 PM
This is the quote that defines Superman imho, and that I believe to the core.

"Any man can handle adversity; if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
MarkV - 9/23/2013, 9:47 PM
This was a very honest and thoughtful thread. I'm guessing you are not a native english speaker. Like you, as I have grown older, I have a much better view of humanity and the world. People continue to surprise us. You definitely got me thinking.
AmIaHero - 9/23/2013, 9:53 PM
@MarkV Thanks. But I am actually a native English speaker and just have a lot of trouble wording all the stuff that goes through my head.
Rokyn - 9/23/2013, 9:57 PM
Good article. Um, a couple criticisms if you don't mind. Your grammar needs work or maybe your article needs polishing. I don't know which because this is the first article that I've read from you. Second, dude I'm sorry to break it to you but if you think High School was tough or should I say "scarring", it's completely different in the real world. Those problems are petty ones to be honest compared to what you're going to get. And the other side is that hey it gets better from here trust me. You will make new friends, go to new places, and you will totally forget your High School years. It's really not the end of the world...and I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh. I was just never the kid to care 3 shits about HS and still am. Anyways I share your same favorite charactersxD
Rokyn - 9/23/2013, 9:59 PM
This is not for you but to all those teens out there. I know you have gotten past this :)
BatmanHeisenberg - 9/23/2013, 10:25 PM
Though Batman isn't a good person, the way he pushed himself to be the best is a bit aspirational, but I wouldn't put him in the top 5 for the context given, that story is very aspirational.. But good article man, keep it up.
SnapperCarr - 9/23/2013, 10:28 PM
Great article!
OdinsBeard - 9/23/2013, 10:35 PM
mine are goku and spider-man.

good idea for an article! each one of us should have one.
RyGoR - 9/23/2013, 11:21 PM
Fantastic editorial!! Very personable and relatable I definitely agree with your list and the reasons behind each one! Spot on mate!
LordBeardington - 9/23/2013, 11:34 PM
Wonderful editorial, I'm not a fan of Captain America but I also share the other three as personal influences on my life and moral ethics. Good job!!
FOOM - 9/23/2013, 11:49 PM
Nice article. Just as long as you don't include Webb's TASM Spider-Man in the mix. That was a character assassination if there ever was one.
Equivocal - 9/23/2013, 11:51 PM
I totally agree with you ^

it was those comics that really Helped me be a better person and really understand the stuff that was going on at my early age, specially at age 12 when I was through some crap in my life.
so sad that SpiderMan I knew is gone in favor for some ridicule and juvenile spidey, oh well
they will NEVER replace that Peter/Spiderman I grew up with !
CapitanAmerika2 - 9/24/2013, 12:42 AM
I would say Captain America is the Superhero that has helped me the most. For me Captain America is an ideal to strive towards. I want to inspire people like he inspires his fellow Avengers, and inspired the soldier of World War II. I want my character to be so great that people would trust in me and take confidence in me
wglover - 9/24/2013, 1:19 AM
Kind of cheesy but a good article all the same. One thing I'd say is don't worry too much about being such a good person. Go party and have a good time. Also giving into peer pressure can sometimes be a good thing, obviously not with bullying that's never okay but was I'm saying is just chill man.
woodsy100 - 9/24/2013, 1:33 AM
Is Editorial really the right name for these types of articles? I'm guessing AmIaHero isn't really an editor of the site. Just a thought.
IAmGalactuspool - 9/24/2013, 3:22 AM
deadpool-how not to be.
Ichaos - 9/24/2013, 4:18 AM
Wah Punisher didn't inspire you???
subzero1077 - 9/24/2013, 5:57 AM
Damn good article! That Superman poster is so awesome.
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