UPDATED: Something Has To Change at CBM

UPDATED: Something Has To Change at CBM

For almost a year now I've held my tongue, refusing to bitch and moan (again) about this site's problems. But recent events have forced my hand. Updated with the site owner's response.

Editorial Opinion
By ThunderCougarFalconBird - Feb 16, 2011 10:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

Truth. It's what many of our heroes fight for. It is unbiased, unwavering, it is honest. But sometimes the truth is ugly. A slippery fish slapped into the botox ridden face that is Sylvester Stallone. A foul smelling crack-whore from whore island in need of a punch to the ovaries.  But sometimes this truth needs to be told. What is this truth? Well, let me tell you...

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I have been a member of this illustrious site for a few years now, I've been around the block. I've taken the good, which is plentiful, and I've taken the bad, which is scarce. We have had issues in the past with bullying, with over saturation of half-assed fan fic articles and with a lack of needless boob pictures. Or was that too many boob pictures? I can never remember. All the issues have been carefully handled and have done little to sway this site from it's path. But this problem now could be our downfall. I am sorry to say this but despite your valiant efforts and hard work, editors, it is you who are holding this site down.

There have been many times I have come close to writing this and now that I am doing so I hope I can find the right words to express my feelings and I hope it is taken the right way. I do not want to argue and cause ill feeling but this needs saying. 

I come onto this site everyday, I read excellent works in the forms of editorials and reviews that are simply ignored, passed over in favour of substandard and sometimes even pointless articles from our editors. I'm not on about the old argument of editor and non-editor finding the same scoop only for the editors article to be the one on the homepage. No, I agree with the "first come, first served" taken into account with quality of article principal. This is not the issue. Let me give a few quick examples of the problem at hand.

There is a certain editor who on numerous occasions, has posted a good quality in-depth interview with a cast member of a CBM. Nothing wrong with that. This editor puts together an excellent article. The problem is this same editor then takes each line of said interview to make further articles, covering what has already been covered in all the detail that was needed. And where do these extra, needless articles end up? The homepage.

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Similar crimes are home page articles on high-res images that have already been seen in perfectly good quality. By all means report this but is it really worthy of the main screen? I think not.

And my final example, the article which forced my hand. On 2/13/2011 Anil Rickly posted what is quite simply an astonishingly brilliant review of the latest DC animation feature "All Star Superman". His article was one of the most complete a well thought out pieces of work I have seen on here for a long time. Now, forgive me if I am wrong but I didn't see this article on the main page. I came on this site today to find what is quite frankly one if the most rushed, ill-written, glossed over messes of a review of the same feature on the homepage! I didn't want to name and shame but it's obvious who I'm talking about. I'm sorry Rormachine, your work is usually oozing a standard of awesomeness most of us can only dream of but this particular article seems to have been written while sleep deprived. How you can justify putting it on the main page is beyond me. Add to that a far superior article on the same subject posted days before yours going unnoticed and it is baffling! If I am mistaken and Anil's review did in fact hit the dizzying heights of the homepage the question still stands. 

The issue is clear. Our editors use this site to further their own reputation and fail to promote the work of the little man. Don't get me wrong. Most of the work the editors do is outstanding. But they have grown complacent and appear to be throwing their articles automatically onto the homepage, regardless of quality or content. Editors please, part of your job is to search this site for articles worthy of attention. This site is bigger than you. It is a community of professionals, enthusiasts and amateurs alike. Don't forget it. Before you add your article to the home page please think, is this work worthy? Have I just rehashed what we've already seen? Is there another article on this site more deserving of my place? Let your article get onto the main page by it's own merits, not by the name attached to it.

This site is awesome, it is the platform for likeminded people from across the globe to voice their opinion, show off their talent and ogle pictures of ladies. Let's try to make sure everyone gets a fair hearing.

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Stay classy!

UPDATE: Galactus's Response - OK, it seems as though every few months I have to issue a response in defense of our site and its editors. Ron has given me this opportunity, and so here goes... Again.

First off, let me point out that the fact that we allow articles like this--AND FRONT THEM TO THE MAIN PAGE means that we do care, and always try and improve. We value our readers and ESPECIALLY value those who take the time to contribute and make our site even more brilliant.

Secondly, while Ron's points are valid, and there is always room for improvement, I would like to point out that "editing" isn't an exact science, and will NEVER be seen as "fair" on a site like this. We allow EVERYBODY to contribute, and that means hundreds of articles a day that need to be edited with a limited amount of volunteers. Depending on the news day, how busy we are, how drunk I am that day, etc., etc., etc., things can and DO get overlooked. All we can do is our best. If Ron, or anyone else would like to help out, contact me. It's easy to complain about something, but put your money where your mouth is.

Now, in defense of our volunteer editors...

1. Hopefully they will read this thoughful editorial and do better about helping good content make the main, but THEY ARE ONLY HUMAN AND DOING THIS FOR FREE. Well, most of them do make money through Google Adsense (something else we allow because we're so awesome), which may be one of the reasons some contributors chop up their articles, but now that Ron has called them out, maybe they will not do that so much.

2. We make SOME users editors because they have proven to produce good stuff, and want to help the site. They spend as much time as they can editing other users, deleting spam, monitoring for trolls and such. You have NO IDEA how much time that takes. For that effort we give them certain privileges. One of them is that they get their content posted automatically on the main page.

Anyone who would like those same privileges just needs to consistently produce good stuff for the site. Eventually we will see it and make "trusted users" out of you--which allows your content right on the main. The problem is that you have to be CONSISTENT for us to notice you. If you're consistently needing editing of your articles, you will get noticed, but not in a good way. My advice to those who what to get on the main. WRITE WELL. WRITE OFTEN. WRITE MORE THAN JUST FAN FIC (Fan fic rarely gets on the main because it is NOT news).

3. Give our loyal editors some credit. We are the #1 fansite in the genre and these guys helped make it that way. They DO care about our site and have been doing a pretty good job of it in my opinion. Sure we miss stuff, but overall CBM kicks ass and will continue to do so with your help.

Lastly, just an observation... There are some that are under the false impression that CBM should be held to the journalistic standards of the Wall Street Journal. We have NEVER had such lofty goals, and could never operate such an open and free site like this if we did. We feel that our approach has gotten us where we are--with 170,000 readers a day (REAL visitors not "hits"), and consistently growing. We are here to have fun and report about the stuff we love, NOT to cure cancer. So don't be hatin' CBM because we don't meet YOUR ideals of what we SHOULD be. Just enjoy what we have to offer, and add your content when you think YOU can offer something to improve the site. Mmm'kay?

Thanks for being loyal readers of our site. We truly appreciate you and your contributions. Keep them coming!


NATE'S NOTE - Just a quick note that while editors articles have the *option* to be included on the homepage (via a checkbox when they're creating the article), it's NOT necessarily an automatic thing. I've had several articles that I've created, as one of the two owners of the site, that *I* haven't felt were homepage worthy for one reason or another (not necessarily CBM related, etc). If I'm questioning that as I post things to the site, everyone with that ability should be as well :o)
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NateBest - 2/16/2011, 11:13 AM
Ron, I have to say that I think you expressed your thoughts on the subject VERY well. I'm sure Jim and I will be discussing these same topics when we meet Friday morning (if he hasn't brought it to the attention of the editors before then).
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/16/2011, 11:56 AM
Maybe I was a little harsh on Rormachines article. It's not particulary bad, it's just a little sub standard compared to his usual brilliance. Couple that with the other review (astonishing work by the way) forced into the shadows by it and I probably saw a little tint of red. I'm sure Ror is man enough to except the criticism and apology for any red mist induced comments. If not then he is a more accomplished agumentalist than me so I'm sure he can make his feelings clear, lol!
Elysium - 2/16/2011, 11:58 AM
I think its bullshit that the articles that appear on the main page are the ones that require the least effort to write. It's always news taken from somewhere else, or some stupid battle polls. Seriously? Battle Polls? These take literally 5 minutes to write, and the site is full of them.

Good articles on this website are consistently ignored. The ones that get attention usually are always written extremely poorly, this site has absolutely no credit. There's no filter.
CorndogBurglar - 2/16/2011, 12:00 PM

"Butthat's not the bad part."

lol. did you just say "butthat"? where can i get one of those?
YourMomNaked - 2/16/2011, 12:29 PM
I always love the site responses ;D
fullmetal - 2/16/2011, 12:31 PM
cry me a river....
THEHAWK - 2/16/2011, 12:33 PM
Seems like this site sees a few of these editorials a year. I think I did one myself once a while back.

I do think that the site's editors work hard enough that they deserve to post some articles that are occasionally subpar in comparison to their usual work.

Mark, Josh, and Ed all do great work posting a ton of articles every day, and Nate and Jim are hard at work keeping this place running!

I don't really have a problem with a few less than magnificent articles if we keep the usual ammount of well developped information coming.

My opinion, not yours.

HAWK out
TheNameIsBetty - 2/16/2011, 12:37 PM
I totally agree @Ron

Sometimes I feel like some of the Fanfics, not to mention the articles, done by other people are overlooked. I've actually quit in the middle of a few things
before because the influx of Editor created articles and
useless stuff is too great.
JoshJones - 2/16/2011, 12:42 PM
¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! *hurls Molotov cocktail through storefront window*
THEHAWK - 2/16/2011, 12:47 PM
@Ryan. Ror has consistently gone above and beyond to deliver quality material to this site.

Sure it is not all Shakespeare, but it is at least good work. He did not get to be an editor by submitting half ass stuff.
StrangerX - 2/16/2011, 1:01 PM
Can't believe I'm saying this but I Griff said it best. It's time to think outside the box and look for news others wouldn't think to look for.
capcyclopsftw - 2/16/2011, 1:05 PM
It's funny people [female dog] about their "articles" not getting on main? Who the [frick] cares? Seriously, I don't come on here to read who posted the article? I could care less. Are you all that desperate for praise??? Shit your blame your parents for that, not the editors of the site.
hovis5818 - 2/16/2011, 1:05 PM
@ Ron - I totally agree and was very close to posting something like this myself.

I am sick of seeing articles starting with 'A Closer Look at...' or 'A higher res picture of...'

There is an article that appeared tonight covering a very brief statement by Sam Jackson regarding his Marvel commitments - I would argue the fact that he is busy is not news at all - but yet it is on the front page.

What I often see happen is the pointless articles/repeat articles appear on slow news days and its seems that the editors are desperate to keep their Adsense earnings up... This isn't journalism and it will only get worse.

I am glad the issue has been finally raised and that the owners seem to be keen to deal with the issue.

Great article!
RyanTcone - 2/16/2011, 1:05 PM

I don't really think his review are relevant or front page worthy, its not news. Neither are his articles with speculation based on sources even he says aren't trustworthy and have fallen through in the past.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/16/2011, 1:09 PM
The big G has spoken. Thank you for taking the time. I cannot begin to comprehend the time consumption of an editors role. I have the upmost respect for the jobs they do. I didn't realise their articles were an automatic addition to the main page. Surely to do this is defeating the point of the site. I don't expect this article to bring about any earth shattering change to this site. But I'd like to think it could make people (not just editors) check the quality of their work before posting. I too have been guilty of rushed articles that I actually regret posting due to their hasty nature but my articles don't hold as much gravitas as the editors. Thank you again for taking note big G and keep up the good work!
Nerdman3000 - 2/16/2011, 1:10 PM
Another problem we have on this site is a man or woman named Grif.
nuck82 - 2/16/2011, 1:11 PM
bleedthefreak - 2/16/2011, 1:14 PM
@Comedian03: Your work has been great these past few weeks and I do try to move you to main as much as possible. I know I am hyporcrite but a good amount of your work, Though well written does not follow the subject matter o the site (which is why I dont go nuts on the contributing factor myself). I move 3 or 4 of your articles to main a day and leave a few behind. You may put hard work into the site and I really do apreciate it but It is not that your stuff isnt main page worthy it is just I and the rest of the editors can not bombard the homepage with stuff that doesnt follow the site's subject. Though if you really want to do an article that is off topic here head over to our sister site earthsmightiest.com
spiderman620 - 2/16/2011, 1:17 PM
@ron- i would agree with you 100% you expressed your point brilliantly.

as for the editors if there is someone who writes an article and it surpasses your own then BY ALL MEANS post there article over your own. it should be fair and would satisfy the readers of this site if they could have articles posted on the main that are well thought and written.

but thats my two cents
marvelguy - 2/16/2011, 1:17 PM
I have spent less time on this site in the last few months. That said: I look at the news on the main page, then hit editorials or reviews or whichever I want to read next.
Sure the main page gives a bit more exposure, but if you know what you're seeking, you know where to go.
As Jim stated, we all participate freely. If we were truly making a living doing this, we would either create a site or work for another site.
That is why this site is free on many, many levels.

Try to enjoy it. Reviews and editorials are subjective. I've seen a lot of with great ideas and poor layout and some with really good lay outs and no real point. It is what it is. It is not oppressing nor censoring anyone.
danwgriff - 2/16/2011, 1:18 PM
Love this. The other day I posted a quote from a Facebook page of a new CBM that was giving a time of a certain trailer. An editor removed the article stating "Lack of Factual" bleh bleh bleh. All I was trying to do was let people know of what was put out. To have it removed was kind of strange because it was an update to an article from one of the editors who had posted information from the movies Facebook. That page remained on the main page as well. Oh well.
RyanTcone - 2/16/2011, 1:23 PM
As much as I love reminding one or 2 of the editors of how lousy their work is, unfortunately it all falls on dumb/ignorant/retarded ears. They're going to keep making sure its their name that gets out there and if we one up on their info like danwgriff did they're going to just delete it.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/16/2011, 1:25 PM
@weneedrevelation - I'm sorry, have I at any point asked for my article to be on main? Have I at any point expressed any displeasure of one of my articles going unnoticed? No. If anything I have tried to get other peoples articles noticed but my main goal was to simply get the editors to think a little more about what they post so this site can continue to be the powerhouse it is.
sagekilz - 2/16/2011, 1:29 PM
don't care really. it's a disaster getting the jump on some of these people who sit on CBM sites looking for the scoop. I've tried my hand at articles and it's not worth it. By the time you type your article someone has already beat you to it; writing it 3 hours before hand.

I sent an application to Galactus and was shut down quickly. Well Galactus, I write for Examiner.com as a Food and Gourmet writer now with approixmatley 300 clicks a day. Sorry that not everyone sits at home jobless, vacationing through the internet searching for Superman: The Animated Seris' new inker announcement.

bleedthefreak - 2/16/2011, 1:30 PM
@Ron: You did a good thing and great write up. I try my best to move others work to main but sometimes I am swamped and dont want to read. I know its unfair to other people but If the editorial/review looks good and and gets to the point well enough I main page it.
sagekilz - 2/16/2011, 1:32 PM
oh yeah @ron

BIGBMH - 2/16/2011, 1:33 PM
Well said Ron. I agree with you and appreciate you for writing this clearly and maturely.
RyanTcone - 2/16/2011, 1:33 PM

that post was glorious, I bow before thee
sagekilz - 2/16/2011, 1:34 PM

sarcastic or not, i ask you to rise and join the fight!

danwgriff - 2/16/2011, 1:35 PM
Did anyone get the latest rumor yet....

Seriously couldn't believe that there were at least seventeen editor related Linsday Lohan articles on here. Talk about milking something. No pun inteded.

scapegoatjones - 2/16/2011, 1:39 PM
I would venture that "what do you think of...." articles and polls aren't meant
for the main page either. they seldom generate information for readers and only
invite lop-sided and useless strings of praise or create a platform for
divisive differences of opinion that are by their sheer nature unable to be settled.
sagekilz - 2/16/2011, 1:41 PM


Fan made Trailer posts

Rumors - if it's a rumor, it's just that. Who the hell cares!

Rumors "debunked" - read explination above

Posts that have NO RELATION AT ALL to CBM's or CB's.

And that guy who just posts that stupid youtube parody of a T3 trailer and the guy who posts nothing but the youtube Wolverine: Orgins game video.

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