STAR WARS: Mark Hamill Reveals The Scene In THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK That Still Upsets Him Today

STAR WARS: Mark Hamill Reveals The Scene In THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK That Still Upsets Him Today

Who knew Mark Hamill had such a soft spot for wampas? The actor recently revealed that he's still upset over Luke Skywalker cutting the arm off a wampa in The Empire Strikes Back. But what about womp rats?

By MattIsForReal - Nov 27, 2017 08:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Mark Hamill, or better known around this part of the galaxy as Luke Skywalker, has always been pretty vocal about things in the Star Wars franchise he didn't always agree with. This past weekend, the actor revealed one scene in particular from The Empire Strikes Back that still angers him to this day. 

The revelation came in response to a fan tweet celebration National Cake Day with a cake resembling a severed wampa arm. The scene comes at the start of The Empire Strikes Back with Luke - trudging through the snow on the ice planet of Hoth - is captured by the yeti-like wampa. Not keen on becoming the beast's next meal, Luke grabs his lightsaber from the snow using the Force and lops off one of the wampa's arms. It's a pretty iconic scene that is presumably included to showcase how far Luke has come with his training in the Force, as he's able to pull his lightsaber from the snow using his mind. Nevertheless, it upsets Mark Hamill who claims he was reassured the lightsaber strike would only graze the wampa's fur and scare it off, not chop off its arm.

Now Mark Hamill is also known for his sense of humor, so when asked if he was being sarcastic or not, the actor responded"serious."

He even defend his stance to quite a few responders. When one fan brought up the difference in the book, where Luke uses to Force on the Wampa's mind, Hamill responded, "My acting was much better in the book." 

Hamill was also challenged by one fan bringing up Ben Kenobi when he cut off the alien's arm inside the Mos Eisley Cantina. The actor responded with a brilliant pun: "Excessive force."

Determined to prove the actor wrong, another fan brought up the character's penchant for bullseye-ing womp rats in his T-16 back home. Hamill's defense? 

Though fans will presumably persist in trying to convince Mark Hamill he's wrong in his own opinion of the character he portrays on screen, he seems pretty set in his beliefs that slicing off the wampa's arm is not something Luke Skywalker would do.

What do you think? Here's the clip to refresh your memory.

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NoobNoob - 11/27/2017, 8:18 PM
but take limbs IS the jedi way
TheGoat - 11/27/2017, 10:22 PM
@NoobNoob - Yup. Hamill has a great voice, but he's still a little bitch.

Wampa was going to kill you. You severed the limb to survive. Not to mention you weren't even close to a Jedi yet. His acting was better in the books indeed.
TheRedCondom - 11/27/2017, 8:25 PM
It was trying to kill you lol. Mark Hamil seems like the type of dude that'd hit a mugger in self defense and say sorry after.
BloodyBed - 11/27/2017, 8:32 PM
yeah well what about the rancor.
JoeMomma29 - 11/27/2017, 8:33 PM
@BloodyBed - LMAO! Or how about the snake he tossed in Yodas Hut?
BloodyBed - 11/27/2017, 8:34 PM
"Womprats are aggressive, oversized disease-ridden rodents that threatened the family farm. Not the same."

yeah, kidnapping you and hanging you up like meat is WAY worse! ahah
LexScarstone - 11/27/2017, 8:35 PM
Forthas - 11/27/2017, 8:46 PM

Mjolnir215 - 11/27/2017, 8:52 PM
Luke killed a rancor in Episode VI.
DetectiveCinema - 11/27/2017, 9:03 PM
While this is clearly just Hamill's humour, I would gain so much respect for the man if he went vegan.
Kman - 11/27/2017, 9:07 PM
Jesus... PETA got to an imaginary man about cruelty to an imaginary animal. That's impressive.
Chewtoy - 11/27/2017, 9:14 PM
I gotta feel for the Wampa... how the hell it catches enough food to survive on that planet, I’ll never know. Now it has to do it one handed.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 11/27/2017, 9:37 PM
Man, if Hamill hates the thought of Luke simply chopping off a monsters arm, they must have really [frick]ed with Luke's moral code in TLJ, being that Hamill was "insulted" by what Rian did with the character.
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