STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - Deleted Scenes & Rejected Concepts (Spoilers)

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - Deleted Scenes & Rejected Concepts (Spoilers)

Deleted The Force Awakens content extends beyond what was left on the cutting room floor and goes back as far as 2012. There’s a lot of unused concept art, two scrapped versions including one by George Lucas and of course what was filmed but didn’t make it into the final film.

Feature Opinion
By MrSundayMovies - Jan 04, 2016 07:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

With Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm towards the end of 2012 a number of artists were given the go ahead to create a set of guided imagery that served to get the creative juices flowing.  Many of these images can be found in the hard cover book, The Art Of Star Wars The Force Awakens and include a proto Finn and Rey, the first lightsabers and a pony tailed Luke Skywalker looking trapped and forlorn.
With Michael Arndt given script writing duties the story began to take shape including the idea that part of the story revolved around searching through the underwater wreckage of the second Death Star in order to find the location of the hidden Jedi temples.  Some elements did carry over into the final product, but for the most part Arndt’s Luke Skywalker heavy script was scrapped in favour JJ. Abrams’ and Lawrence Kasdan’s vision.
From here on out the movie we saw is pretty much what they came up with, that being said a number of deleted scenes and concepts were left on the cutting room floor including Vader’s helmet being the mcguffin, Han Solo not being dead, a Jedi killer being the main antagonist and a sith imposter claiming to be Anakin Skywalker himself.  Speaking of there was the intention of having a Anakin/Vader hybrid ghost appear in the film which never panned out.

All this and more is highlight in the video below for some insight into what didn't make it into Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Beware of spoilers from this movie abd previous films from the series.  And be sure to subscribe to Mr Sunday's YouTube channel. If yo want. No pressure.

If you're interested feel from to check out the video below concerning Rey's potential origin that's yet to be revealled in the new Star Wars trilogy.

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OneAboveAll - 1/4/2016, 7:42 AM
SirGoraf - 1/4/2016, 7:43 AM
Best movie of the year. I need more SW.
SuperCat - 1/4/2016, 7:45 AM

Stonewall - 1/4/2016, 7:49 AM
PS4 Battlefront bundle delivered today... anyone played this? expectations are real low
staring at the loading bar for 20 more minutes
gurugeorge - 1/4/2016, 7:54 AM
I've been having massive second thoughts about this movie.

When I came out of the cinema, I was somewhat critical but accepting.

I'm now coming round to thinking that despite its extremely high level of polish, it may actually be the worst Star Wars movie of the lot BY FAR, and that Jar Jar Abrams has now completely [frick]ed the two greatest s-f franchises of all time.

Seriously, the more distance I'm getting from the hype and excitement, the more I think about what I saw, the angrier I'm getting.

And I have a feeling it's going to be the same for many fans once the dust settles and people get some distance and perspective. Get ready for a growing backlash.
aievilgenius - 1/4/2016, 8:08 AM
i think ol snoke wants to get Kylo to use both sides of the force. That would be dope boy fresh. If Finn ain't gone have his own light saber maybe he can get one of them melee sticks. That would be slick too.
SirGoraf - 1/4/2016, 8:11 AM
@Stonewall - Boring-ass game. I play it just for 20 mins to listen and watch the awesome Star Wars set pieces. As a stand-alone game, it 4/10.
Fogs - 1/4/2016, 8:21 AM
Loved it and gotta watch it again.
slickrickdesigns - 1/4/2016, 8:23 AM
I see Rey being Lukes offspring before she's Obi Wans relative. I think we will watch the whole episode VIII with Luke training Rey and in the end he will reveal he is her father. Just my un educated guess!

AleSir19 - 1/4/2016, 8:28 AM
I believe what "The Force Awakens" didnt need was another Death Star, but what did need was to make Rey, Finn, Han Solo and Chewbacca search through the galaxy where Luke Skywalker is, travel to some old planets and find some old Jedi Temples to finally when they are almost in the Exterior Border of the Galaxy and have the last clue of where is Luke they find Kylo Ren waiting for them and he kill Han Solo.

That would be perfect, but instead we get the Deathstar McGuffin.

This movie also needed that Flashback scene of Luke and Vader fighting at less the two lightsabers clashing...
TFett - 1/4/2016, 8:29 AM

Go with your first feelings. You are letting picky internet trolls affect your judgement. And hate leads to the dark side. I've been an original Star Wars fan since the 70s and have been deeply involved in Star Wars events and fan films since the 90s and there is no doubt this is a great movie and in no way messes up Star Wars but carries on the torch and relights it after the prequels. But if you are more a Prequels fan than OT fan, then I can't help you. People seem to think the Prequels and the EU of the past 25 years are Star Wars, and I can tell you they are assuredly not. Star Wars is the first three movies and this movie is here to remind us of that, and bring everything back into alignment. And, truly, if you can not have fun and enjoy this movie and realize how great it is as a franchise film, then you really can not see the forest for the trees, or the Ewoks hiding among them. Go watch it again and set your anger aside and enjoy the hell out of it again. I have seen it three times and it just gets better and better. I have seen the other movies so many times that, honestly, they don't carry as much magic for me as they used to. This one brought it all back and I am very thankful for it. This movie was exactly right at the right time and if others start looking back on this and thinking it's not as great as it really was, then it is the darkness of the world coming into view and not the feeling of wonder that captured them when first watching it in the theater. And I was very apprehensive about this movie before it came out, and I am not a blind fanboy. I know where each of the other six movies fail. And I know why some people see the repetitiveness in this movie as weakness, which I do not. What we all need to do is appreciate the great movie we got. And that there are more to come. But I think I am more concerned about those as this is where Star Wars must be taken into new and different directions while keeping the magic. But now I have faith and we all need to relax and enjoy what we have for now. It's awesome, has great character themes, and is just down right fun! Let go of your hate and let the Force Awakens flow through you. And that's all I'll say about that.
Chewtoy - 1/4/2016, 8:32 AM
I had a lot of fun watching the new film, and I had a lot of fun mocking parts of it with my friends afterwards. On the whole, though, it's a solidly entertaining entry, with characters that I'd actually like to revisit. I'm actually glad that it's being handed off to someone other than Abrams, myself... I'm not convinced that he can add to the story in the way it needs.

For me, it's solidly in the middle of all Star Wars films at #4... Better than all of the prequels by a country mile, but falling behind the original trilogy (from which it liberally takes.)
TFett - 1/4/2016, 8:33 AM

It wasn't another Death Star. It was another super weapon. The EU has been redoing that shtick for years and nobody complained. Nobody complained (recently) when it was in Jedi or in Episode I. It's just part of Star Wars. This was the main push of a First Order grasping at a major takeover of galactic rule by eliminating their main opponent. This was a different purpose than the Death Star. And you want the rest to be a road trip movie? Well, that could actually be good, but wouldn't have been right for this movie.
TheRaven20 - 1/4/2016, 8:40 AM
Where's that Star Wars logo up top taken from? It's quite different from that actual star wars logo but looks really cool.
Fogs - 1/4/2016, 8:40 AM
What @TFett said.

BTW I hope Rey doesn't have blood connections to Luke Ben Kenobi or anyone, to be honest.
pepe - 1/4/2016, 8:50 AM
Stupid movie... I miss the prequels
Stonewall - 1/4/2016, 9:03 AM
@SirGoraf @JudgementalOwl

1 copy of SW: Battlefront for sale! CHEAP!

yeah, this game blows goats thankfully i didnt pay for it
fallout 4 starts tomorrow
anything else i should get for PS4? $300 left on amazon giftcard

oh, thanks for the video as always mr.sunday

AleSir19 - 1/4/2016, 9:08 AM

I understand your point of view, because this movie could have been a lot better if only J. J. Abrams had the balls to do something new, but he never had them. So he was afraid to show too much of what was coming in Episode 8 while also wanted to make a solid movie.

But i believe that if he have left the search of Luke Skywalker be the Main Plot (like it was) and never have touch that stupid Starkiller Base idea. Then we would get a better story.

JorL5150 - 1/4/2016, 9:14 AM
happy new year beeyathces!!

AleSir19 - 1/4/2016, 9:16 AM

I want two storylines and some changes in screenwriting, like making Leia Organa a failed Jedi, someone who tried to be a Jedi but never could be one and she prefer to be a political-military figure instead of being a Jedi, at less giving hints that she tried to be a Jedi.

Also my problem with the Starkiller Base is that doesnt mean nothing to the Plot and if it means the storytelling isnt the best making shine the reasons of why.

What i would love to see in this movie is a road trip movie mix with the storyline of how General Hux destroy the New Republic and how Leia Organa try to defeat him. But cant. That would be great.

Because if you think so, all of the Star Wars movies have Road Trip elements, they go from one planet to another and in this movie they go from another planet to another. But i believe the last push this movie needed was to show how the real plot was the search of Luke and what better way that show that with some Road Trip through 2 o 3 planets...
NeoBaggins - 1/4/2016, 9:21 AM
That underwater Falcon search was interesting.

Snoke telling Rey to kill Ren would just be overkill in spelling things out to idiots. You didn't need something so heavy handed to explain the look on her face as she overpowers him... the darkside. But still "Uh der, how does she beat Ren? DOI I never seen a STAR WARS movie"
TFett - 1/4/2016, 9:32 AM

Well, that does not sound like Leia to me. First, we don't know what she has done with the Force since Jedi. We know she is in tune with it and may not have the same talents as Luke. Second, her choosing to be a mother and a founder of the Resistance is exactly who I feel Leia is. She lost both her mothers and has always been a strong leader. Making her a failed Jedi doesn't fit with her character at all and does not work. What you want sounds like something the old EU would do and maybe did. None of it was very Star Wars or interesting to me to keep following. But, what you describe sounds like something they have touched on with Kylo Ren and maybe could even do with Rey. He failed and joined the First Order.

Starkiller Base was extremely necessary to the plot. It's the OK Coral in this film, where everything comes to a head. And what it did to the New Republic should have major repercussions for the state of galactic politics in the background of Episodes 8 and 9.

It would be cool to see a movie similar to what you mention. Sort of a Fury Road movie in space. But it just doesn't fit for this one and could not replace what this movie did. It's a chase movie and this had to be more spectacular than that. I definitely could see it as bounty hunter based movie though and would be pretty sweet.
DerekLake - 1/4/2016, 9:35 AM
Since my first comment has disappeared, I'll just say it again.

As a reboot, this film works, mostly. But as an actual sequel, the film completely fails. Instead of taking the story in a new direction, JJ Abrams has simply recycled the OT conflict, but without the team dynamics and character chemistry that actually gave the Original Trilogy its magic. TFA may, on the surface, stir up some of the original feelings you had, but that's mere NOSTALGIA, and it doesn't actually do justice to the broader narrative or to the original characters. TFA soared on the performances of Harrison Ford, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac. But Han Solo is dead, and none of the new characters (Poe, Finn and especially not Rey or Ben) can replace Han, Leia, Luke and Vader. A new narrative could have given each of these characters room to make their mark, but in this current reboot, they are poor stand-ins for better characters.
JorL5150 - 1/4/2016, 9:35 AM

Philip - 1/4/2016, 9:35 AM
I don't think Rey is a Kenobi for one simple reason:

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the purest, most perfect Jedi there is. He is everything a Jedi is supposed to be. He wouldn't go against his training or beliefs and father any children.
Toonstrack - 1/4/2016, 9:36 AM
Snoke is Plagueis.
TFett - 1/4/2016, 9:58 AM

Sorry, but no, it's not NOSTALGIA for me. That's not something you can assume other people are basing their love of this movie on. And, I disagree. It really doesn't work as a reboot. It works as it is. Do you also complain about Jedi and Episode I rehashing A New Hope? This is nothing different. And there was plenty new about this. If you don't like the new characters, it's a shame because Kylo Ren is more conflicted than Vader in the OT, Rey has more depth than either Leia or Luke in ANH, and Finn and Poe have just as much charisma as Harrison Ford did. I will say, his Han in this movie was the best version of Han throughout all the films. But I think the new characters are just as good and potentially more interesting than the original cast was in their day. And, yes, this is my opinion. But it's one that has nothing to do with NOSTALGIA. Are their times in the movie for that? Sure. How can it not be. But you are taking homage and nostalgia as things that are negative. And that's just not the case. So I say so what if nostalgia carried this movie or at least you think it did. That means both of the biggest movies in 2015 did, although I thought Jurassic World was poorly acted and extremely shallow, and for most people that's just fine.
DonaldBlake01 - 1/4/2016, 10:01 AM
@TFett, its good to see how passionate you are about star wars, but maybe thats where bias comes into place. Tfa was average. Me personally, it could have been much better and there seem to be a few flaws in the movie. For example, kylo ren senses han solo arriving, but doesnt sense him when he is hiding right behind him. And how on earth could fin stand a chance against kylo ren???
i think its an average movie but is doing great due to the star wars fanbase and because there is nothing else great to watch at the movies at the moment
TFett - 1/4/2016, 10:04 AM
For anyone wanting everything in Star Wars to be new and different in every movie, sside from Rogue One which must have some similarities with ANH, I say..


There are more movies on the way. I can't wait until everyone bashing this one for having homages to the OT to complain about how any of the ones to come have nothing in common with it so can't be Star Wars and how it's been ruined. It's coming, I know it is.
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