Donald Sutherland, Star Of THE HUNGER GAMES, DON'T LOOK NOW & KELLY'S HEROES, Passes Away Aged 88

Donald Sutherland, Star Of THE HUNGER GAMES, DON'T LOOK NOW & KELLY'S HEROES, Passes Away Aged 88

MEGALOPOLIS: Lionsgate To Distribute Francis Ford Coppola's Divisive Sci-Fi Epic In The U.S.
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MEGALOPOLIS: Lionsgate To Distribute Francis Ford Coppola's Divisive Sci-Fi Epic In The U.S.

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Menks123 - 2/14/2018, 1:17 PM
This movie looks to be so much fun, and so excited for Spielberg helming a sci-fi film again.
WYLEEJAY - 2/14/2018, 1:19 PM
I have no idea what this is, but it looks like something I would find interesting.
JosephCronos92 - 2/14/2018, 1:22 PM
I love how Parzival looks like a Final Fantasy character, a Final Fantasy live action's something i've always dreamed about.

Looking forward to this, i love Steven Speilberg and everything i've seen from this movie.
Catmanlives - 2/15/2018, 12:43 AM
@JosephCronos92 - Let's hope someone breaks the game to movie curse soon! Then who knows right?
MrCamw1 - 2/14/2018, 1:25 PM
Read the book. Enjoyed it. Can't wait for this movie. However the Ultraman scene better be in the movie.
TomSolo - 2/14/2018, 4:09 PM
@MrCamw1 - I'm also wondering about the giant robots. I have doubts that they have all the rights for everything that is in the book.
JoeMomma29 - 2/14/2018, 1:27 PM
You know that @Pantherporg said he was part of the High Five club and and I had to remind him that it was not High Five but HIV.........

soberchimera - 2/14/2018, 1:43 PM
Why is it Sho and not Shoto?
evilbastard - 2/14/2018, 2:07 PM
I was reading the book and decided to check out the cast for the movie. I noticed one character and said Why Did They Recast. Then I finished the book and said OK I get it.
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 3:21 PM
@evilbastard -
Is the book worth reading before the film? I must admit i'm curious about the concept but the film looks a bit like 'nostalgia bait'. Is there more to it than that? What are your thoughts on the book?
ChangAlang - 2/14/2018, 3:53 PM
@evilbastard - Thanks for pointing that out. I would’ve thought the same thing. Bit of a spoiler really.

@Scarillian - Book is worth a read. Even if you read it after seeing this you might pick up what may have been left out. I know Spielberg left out any references to his movies. I don’t think he wanted any attention taken away from the story itself.
TomSolo - 2/14/2018, 4:39 PM
@Scarilian - I was a kid in the 80's, and so I read the book thinking it was a cool concept. And it is a cool concept. In the end though, I felt like it was an endless chain of 'Member Berries and macguffins. I found the writting to be very vanilla and unimaginative. The only thing worse than watching someone play a video game is listening ro someone describe to you their video game playing, and the author does this quite a bit.

The movie looks like it could be one of those rare instances that the movie is better than the book. I am actually looking forward to this.
Superman61 - 2/14/2018, 6:13 PM
@evilbastard - Yeah, I guess they're just going to ignore that plot point... a shame really. Seems like a missed chance at the importance of their avatars / their relationships with one another.
evilbastard - 2/14/2018, 2:09 PM
The poster for Aech is actually a spoiler.
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 2:12 PM
@evilbastard -

stevengil - 2/14/2018, 4:53 PM
@evilbastard - that or they are just going to leave the best reveal out of the movie and have it known from the start.
NoAssemblyReqd - 2/14/2018, 2:21 PM
I read the book twice, but don’t remember Shoto being described as that young. I thought he was in his mid to late teens. Did I miss that?
MUTO123 - 2/14/2018, 2:26 PM
Off-topic: Jon Favreau to voice important alien character in Solo.
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 2:34 PM
Star Wars has some great designs for aliens, but recently they seem to be in the background or not given focus except for in Casino scenes, Bars and crowded meetings.

Would like to see them do some world building in a spin-off while also just showing off the designs that they make for the movies that dont really get much focus. Perhaps it is something they could do in the potential TV series, re-use some of the practical costumes from the films perhaps?
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 3:24 PM
Must have posted this in the wrong article xD

Though yeah, Ready Player One looks interesting. Feel I'd need to have more nostalgia for the references to really make an impact. Should be a fun film.
ChangAlang - 2/14/2018, 3:56 PM
@Scarilian - The 1313 game sounded like a great world builder for SW....alas!
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 4:40 PM
@ChangAlang -
I believe they are using that as inspiration for the potential Star Wars TV series - or at least they are using the concept art as inspiration. Interested to see how the TV show turns out.
ODanil - 2/14/2018, 3:50 PM
My avatar name would be "Meh"
DukeTogo13 - 2/14/2018, 4:19 PM
Everybody knows the avatar names would be more believable if they were like "XxElit3Snypr69Pr0K1ll3rXx".
Scarilian - 2/14/2018, 4:42 PM
@DukeTogo13 -

stevengil - 2/14/2018, 4:55 PM
@DukeTogo13 - in the book they make reference to names like this. How at the school names are assigned so you don’t have teachers calling out names like I’m the one you mentioned or more Inappropriate ones
CaptCoulson - 2/14/2018, 5:53 PM
Surely we have GOT to be getting the next (presumably final) trailer for this by the end of next week at the absolute LATEST. I mean I'd been thinking this past weekend that even this week it probably would've been coming, but that's getting less likely.

actually, literally as I type that out, okay it occurs to me. We get the traditional one-sheet poster yesterday, these gif-y sort of things today, it would seem it's the bit by bit build up to said trailer either tomorrow or Friday.
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