Word is that Ronan, who was also said to be up for the role of Scarlet Witch in
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, went in for a reading a couple of weeks ago but the site was unable to discover which character it was for..however, they mention that they were told there would also be a
female villain in the movie, and that's who the Irish actress MAY be reading for. It could also be for the supposed female lead of course -- likely Hano Solo and Leia's daughter. Now, here's the really juicy stuff: Latino review are claiming flat out bullshit on the Benedict Cumberbatch denial. According to them it's all a smokescreen and the actor is definitely in the movies..a "very small" role in
Episode VII apparently, and then a much bigger one in
Episode VIII and
Episode IX. They say they "don’t care if he denies it till opening day", he's in! That's pretty confident, and I for one am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt -- especially after those previous denials about Khan etc. They also have some info on where filming will take place in New Mexico: The City of Crosses, Las Cruces. Click the link below for more on that.