Logan Lerman Clarifies "Exaggerated" Spider-Man Statement

Logan Lerman Clarifies "Exaggerated" Spider-Man Statement

Did the young actor jump the proverbial gun when speaking to the press or was the situation taken out of context by fans? Lerman shares his thought with us.

By multipurposeponi - Feb 10, 2010 07:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man
Source: SciFiWire

Nothing quells comic book film casting rumors quite like a torrent of internet articles. Back on February 4th Logan Lerman, star of the upcoming Percy Jackson and the Olympians, made this statement to Access Hollywood regarding his involvement with the re-booted Spider-Man movie:

"It's just, you know, conversations are starting. It's a long process with the studio and the producers and everything. But it's definitely a project that I'm really interested in, of course. I'd love to focus on the human element a little bit more. It'd be such a fun experience."

This little tidbit spread across the web like a wildfire. Within hours
The Hollywood Reporter released statements from both Columbia Pictures and Lerman's reps:

" 'While a wide net is being cast,' according to a studio spokesman, 'No offers have been made, nor have any business discussions been made with Lerman.'

The actor’s camp also confirms no business discussions are being held at this time."

Today, SciFi Wire revealed another statement from Lerman regarding the Spider-Man casting rumor he started; this time the actor seems to be in backpedal mode:

"I mean, the truth is that was kind of exaggerated," Lerman said via phone. "I'm just interested in it. Honestly, all I can say about that is it's a role that any young actor out there is dying to play. I'm just hoping to be considered for it."

"I really can't talk about it," he continued. "Honestly, I'd rather just not talk about it. It's something that gets so twisted around."

Regardless where you stand on this debacle, it's pretty obvious that Lerman's first statement, which was made before Marc Webb was officially attached to direct the film, struck an ill chord with the studio and fans alike; as does all casting misinformation. Hopefully the studio decides to release casting news before fans start loosing interest in the direction of the franchise.

Information courtesy of Access Hollywood & SciFiWire

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blankofthedead - 2/10/2010, 7:20 PM
i think the studio would be less likely to shoot htis rumor down if they were at all interested. He just hsot himself in the foot i think
weapon925 - 2/10/2010, 7:36 PM
So he is a lier. Nice.
bleedthefreak - 2/10/2010, 7:40 PM
Yes that means there is still hope for me
JoshWilding - 2/10/2010, 7:44 PM
He's a decent choice to play Spider-Man but mouthing off the way he did may not have been the best idea!

Guys, check out my X-FACTOR INVESTIGATIONS Fan Cast under "Fan Fic"!!! :)
CRITIC17 - 2/10/2010, 7:47 PM

Hey, check out my BioShock 2 review under Reviews
InTylerWeTrust - 2/10/2010, 8:24 PM
I hope Sony does consider him, and he gets the part. Personally, I don't see the big deal in what he said. I don't have that good a memory, but all I recall him saying is that there have been a few discussions and that he's interested. Perhaps he could have meant discussions with his agent or something. Either way, I don't get the big fuss over it.

Oh, and check out my Invaders fan cast in fan fic :)


Yeah, that's 3 article-pimpings in a row ;)
jerry - 2/10/2010, 8:33 PM
He may have shot himself in the foot with this. If you listen to the interview, he's the one who implied that the studio was talking to him when they weren't, nobody else twisted what he said around. Him using passive voice to defer blame for his gaffe is silly. I don't particularly care one way or the other. The reviews for him in Percy Jackson have so far been mediocre but maybe he'd be better in Spider-Man.
selinakyle - 2/10/2010, 8:33 PM
whats the big deal?
thwhtGuardian - 2/10/2010, 9:01 PM
It doesn't seem that big a deal to me, this kind of stuff happens all the time. Plus, he's just a kid.
SHHH - 2/10/2010, 9:11 PM
He is a child...
thwip - 2/10/2010, 9:17 PM
struck an ill cHord...and ill CHORD, multi.

for someone who has a picture of himself holding a guitar as his avatar, you should shpell it chorrectly.
Wadey09 - 2/10/2010, 9:22 PM
he's kinda new to the acting scene so it's forgivable..........

now if Brad Pitt or Leo DiCaprio said they were in talks to play Captain America, THAT is unforgivable!
blankofthedead - 2/10/2010, 9:29 PM
Well isnt he in talks tho? Like maybe he shouldnt have spoken but i thought the studio said he was on the list of potentials? It's a shame because when he said he was in talks he's had probably the best reaction of any rumored spideys.
l0rdleg0las - 2/10/2010, 9:48 PM
truthfully i am not looking forward to this new Spider-Boy in the OC crap the studio is planning.

it is called Spider MAN so make Peter Parker a man.
Ranger14 - 2/10/2010, 10:30 PM
They talked to him and he talked to them. That is basically what he said in the first place. Everyone else, including the studio, made a big deal out of him saying they had talks.
Upupandaway - 2/10/2010, 11:09 PM
He's just a kid. : ) Just think if you were in the mill to get the job of a lifetime at such a young age, you'd probably want to talk about it too.
RichimusPrime - 2/11/2010, 12:23 AM
this guy aint right! Thomas Dekker should play spider-man!!!
LEEE777 - 2/11/2010, 3:35 AM
CaptainProg @ EXACTLY!!!

That guys still in diapers!! [frick] a baby spidey harry potter!!

Ive seen enough of the trailer of LERMAN to know he's totally wrong for SPIDEY from that Lightning lad thief thingie lol!

Plus he has a superhero teenie franchise, next we'll be hearing HARRY POTTER himself is going for the role or [frick]ing SPEED RACER! : P

The SPIDEY Franchise will be DOOMED IF they ever picked him!
JoshWilding - 2/11/2010, 6:16 AM
LEE: Then who do you want to play a young Peter? Its gonna happen man so you've gotta choose, lol! ;)

Guys, check out my X-FACTOR INVESTIGATIONS Fan Cast under "Fan Fic"!!! :)
Mixbreed - 2/11/2010, 7:21 AM
All i have to say is something that was said in the movie Stepbrothers with Will Ferrel:

"Sony has there head so far up their a** they can see AND hear themselves produce sh*t..."

Thank you.

P.S. Stick to making games and consoles Sony.
SabretoothTiger - 2/11/2010, 7:52 AM
Why do you guys bag on young actors
Lordlegolas@ spider-MAN as you put did go to highschool that's actually where he started out you know so he would have to be a young person to be taken seriously if you put jake gylenhaal in this it would make him look like a pedophile because everyone else would be young and in highschool
LEEE777 - 2/11/2010, 8:02 AM
JOSH @ JAKE or BRET!!! ; p

SabretoothTiger @ How about NO [frick]ing Highschool!!! : D
DDD - 2/11/2010, 8:45 AM
I think Sony is making a BIG mistep here!
Spiderman is Spider MAN not CHILD!
This is crap! I hope they lose their shirt
on this! Leave the teeny-stuff for
the real teeny-stuff not SPIDER-FREAKIN'-MAN!!!
I HAVE GROWN TO HATE SONY!!! They're just like FUX...
I mean FOX!

Spiderman is part of THE AVENGERS story and
the other adult character story-lines! Not
a kiddie show! It is wrong on so many levels!

HIGH SCHOOL in the beginning comics!
DDD - 2/11/2010, 9:01 AM
This very story-line makes the SPIDERMAN story look
like a pedophile story! In this day and age it doesn't
fit! You can't have a teeny-bopper Spiderman fighting
with old geezer super-baddies! Its all a bit on the
creepy side!

SPIDERMAN belongs in college in this modern world,
an older college guy fighting older baddies like
Normon Osborn and Mysterio and Doc Oc!

He wouldn't be working for a a big newspaper while
he's going to high school! I don't even understand
this whole premise! If he's not working for a
news paper then there's no J. Jonah Jameson!
This whole idea is so stupid it gives me a headache!

What? Are they going to do start making all the
Marvel superhero movies for kiddies! I don't see
Marvel under Disney doing this and they're known for
kiddie shows!

blankofthedead - 2/11/2010, 10:56 AM
yeah i take it the only thing parker will have to do with the daily bugle is maybe having a paper route. otherwise child labor laws will be broken! GASP!on the other hand DDD, if they start back in HS they can keep it goin for longer. So by movie #3 they can start the college stuff. Idk noone wants to see spider 6 when hes 37.. thats the rater we'd have had it if they kept raimi and tobey.. but then again, who says it needs to go as long as 6 movies. People forget that not all movies need sequels. Thank god there's at least one company that doesnt rely on sequels and remakes of other movies. Here's to you pixar! may toy story and cars be your only movies to follow a previous story!
comicb00kguy - 2/11/2010, 4:23 PM
I have no problem personally with having the first Spidey film of this new series set while he's in high school. It IS where the character started, after all. I'd say one film of that should be enough, though. Let our young actor who plays Parker age a little, and he'll be ready to play a college-age Spidey in the second film.

I also see no problem with the basic premise of Spidey working for the Daily Bugle. He's only there as a photographer- the kid who manages to get better pics of Spidey than anyone else. Nothing stupid about that. Parker's not a freshman. A junior or senior is going to be 16-17-18 years old, and many kids that age certainly do work where they can. If we're following the Ultimate Spidey, he's also working there doing stuff on the website. This gives him a useful skill set that the paper would certainly want to have around. Trust me, the average high school kid can run rings on a computer around most people in their 40s and 50s. Remember, people in their 40s and 50s didn't HAVE much in the way of computers around when they were in school! It kind of works like why Superman works for a newspaper. It gives Parker a way to hear about breaking news and know where he's needed. It's not like he's there 9-5. He works a few hours after school several days a week. What's wrong with that?
AshleyWilliams - 2/11/2010, 5:58 PM
LEEE-Good God Man....Quit whining.It's over.It's Done.The reboot is HAPPENING. :)
All joking aside(some joking,not all),Who do You really want?
Optimist18 - 2/12/2010, 5:29 PM
I posted my fancast on the article about Topher Grace's opinion on the reboot. At least the main characters, not the villains. I'm still thinking about those. I heard someone(on another site)suggest Chameleon and Tombstone as villains. I think they both would work in a film that's more focused on character development rather than action. And they're both underated villains. And while it would be good for Peter, MJ, Gwen, etc., to be unknowns, I think characters like Aunt May or J. Jonah Jameson should be more well-known actors. This approach worked for Batman, and I think it could work for Spidey.
Optimist18 - 2/18/2010, 9:18 PM
@Logan-X, I want an action-packed extravaganza too man. I was just stating someone's idea that sounded in tune with what Sony wants to do with the reboot.
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