Seven Things That Should NOT be in The MCU Spider-Man

Seven Things That Should NOT be in The MCU Spider-Man

People want to see a lot of things now that Spidey is an avenger. But what shouldn't be there.

Editorial Opinion
By Quick1029 - Oct 09, 2015 09:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

After all our petty complaints, Spidey came to the MCU. Next year, we will appear in Civil War and will have his own movie the following year. Unfortunatley, that means we have to wait longer for Black Panther & Captain Marvel. I hope Marvel doesn't add another movie that will push those two back even more.



Anyway, people want to see a lot with this new film. They want to see J.K. Simmons. They want to see a better depiction of Oscorp. They want to see new villains like Kraven. But here's the thing. As much as Marvel fans claim that only the MCU can have good CBMs, Marvel has screwed up one or two things in the past (*cough*The Dark Elves*cough*). So what should they avoid now they've got Spidey? Well. here's the most obvious one.


The one thing that NO ONE wants in this in Spidey flick. We've seen it twice already. The last time we saw it it had even more focus on it. That's the one tiny problem I had with the BvS trailer. I was loving it until "I got to sit through Batman's origin AGAIN?". However, if Marvel DOES want to include the origin, I feel likeit should be like what they did with the Hulk. In the 2003 film, they put so much focus on the origin that the movie became boring. In the MCU reboot, the origin was in the two-minute opening credits sequence. That's a better way of doing the origin that's been known for a while.


That gif says it all.


I know a lot of people want Mary Jane, but hear me out. First, Gwen was Spidey's first love interest. If Marvel really wants to have Spidey stay in high school, then they should stick with Gwen. I know a lot of you are thinking "BUT THEY USED GWEN TWICE!". Yeah, but not well. She was in Spider-Man 3. And she was wasted. Then in The Amazing Spider-Man, they had something going. But the next film was pretty much "Bulid-up to Gwen's Death: The Movie - Featuring Three Pointless Villains". And why did they have a whole movie that built up her death? So they could introduce MJ - AGAIN! Now, here's the thing - Marvel will be making films for a long time. (They sure ain't stopping soon). So if Marvel keeps making Spidey films, they could introduce MJ as Peter and Gwen's friend. And if they keep making more Spidey films, they could make the love interest. But in a later movie, don't kill Gwen early for the sake of MJ. 


This was a problem with both Sony franchises. In the Rami films, they tried to focus on the struggles of being a superhero. However, while that was done well, it was interuppted by a lot of dumb moments ("We won't tell nobody"). Then in the Webb films, they tried to have a darker approach. This worked out well for the first film, but the second film had moments that felt like something from a cartoon, espicially with Rhino & Electro. The Rhino didn't bother me as much (cause he had four minutes of screen time), but Electro was the main villain! Marvel has had a good job of balancing tone so far. Like in GotG, with lots of funny moments, but with a few heartwarming moments with Peter thinking about his mom. Those didn't feel forced, they surprisingly fit well. I feel like Marvel can accomplish something like this.


I get it. He's in high school. And he's staying there this time. You don't have to shove it in our faces.


Now here's why I bring up these three. Marvel probably will bring in new villains. But if they want to us old villains, I feel like they should leave these guys out, mainly because I feel like they were done well. While Sandman & Lizard did have a couple of problems (Sandman was pointless and LIzard came off as shallow once or twice). But I feel all three actors did great jobs, and they motives were beliveable. Now here's why I left out the other villains. Yes, I liked Defoe as the Goblin. But the Goblin is like The Joker. No matter how many times the hero is rebooted, the villain is so iconic that he has to appear again as a major threat. As for Rhino, Electro, & Venom, those guys need a do-over big time. 


He played him in the Rami films. He played him in the cartoons. There is no excuse for not bringing in Simmons. Plus, the guy's got an Oscar now. Why wouldn't Marvel want to bring him back. I remember watching the 90's Spidey cartoon,and there was an episode where Jameson created a new enemy: The Scorpion. This episode created a backstory of why he hated Spider-Man, and if Marvel brought in The Scorpion and used that backstory, they could have Simmons show off his dramatic side too. Plus, after Whiplash, I want to see Jameson throw something at Peter.

Anyway, I have complete faith in Marvel that they can make the best Spidey ever. They've got everything in place. What could go wrong...

Wait. This is written by the guys who wrote Vacation and Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2?

This movie is doomed.

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TheManFromMars - 10/10/2015, 7:27 AM
CyclopsWasRight - 10/10/2015, 11:09 AM
Lmao but there were other girls before MJ and Gwen, like Betty and Liz. Gwen and MJ SHOULD be present, but I don't want him to date or have a high-school relationship at all - it'll be hard to juggle all that because superhero'ing. Crushes could work and he could pine after them, but at the end of the day it couldnt really work.
maxtime - 10/10/2015, 7:56 PM
About the first one... Since the first time Marvel announce that they would work in the next Spider-Man, it has been say MULTIPLE TIMES, there WON'T BE AN ORIGINS STORY GET IT ALREADY PEOPLE!!! What do you need to understand this the first time??? A constant ad that appears everytime that the coming MCU movie of Spider-Man is mention???
MileHighRonin - 10/11/2015, 8:52 AM
No Doc Oc? No Lizard? Crazy! As others have mentioned go the opposite route of Raimi's Otto, make him the mad scientist. Same as Conners, go the opposite route and actually make Conners Peters mentor and friend for a few films than do the Lizard, truly make Spider-Man's battle with the Lizard much personal.

yourdaddy - 10/11/2015, 9:53 PM
kinda agree. we already know that mcu's skipping the origins. but i strongly dislike it when films assume that we already know a character from previous iterations and never do a good job building the new iteration from ground up (eg. superman's heroism in man of steel). if it is a new iteration, we should see the origin again. it is the storyteller's job to make it fresh and interesting (i.e. not make it dull and tedious like the amazing spider-man) rather than just slack off and not even bother to properly introduce and build up the main character. but i don't have faith that mcu will find an interesting way to do it anyways, so i guess it's better to just skip the origins rather than sit through "spider-man 1 part 3: the amazing spider-man 1 part 2: the spectacular spider-man 1 part 1".

dancing/a-hole peter parker is the best scene in spider-man 3. highly underrated. but i guess we all have to blindly hate it because meme.

nobody cares about gwen stacy. and nobody cares that she was the first in the comics. mary jane is more interesting and more iconic. just skip ahead to her and do her properly.

kinda agree. i agree that they should handle the tone well, but i also think the tone was handled perfectly in the all three sam raimi films.

i would like to see that costume.

sandman and doc ock were done well. but lizard was not. lizard was stupid, poorly written and poorly acted. rhys ifans should be ashamed. i would like to see lizard done in a future film but properly.

yourdaddy - 10/11/2015, 9:56 PM

"I loved that scene in Spider-Man 3 where he danced. You know why? It was FUNNY. Every time my family watches it, we laugh at it.

Good god. Never thought I'd see the day where people complain about laughing."

Vortigar - 10/12/2015, 8:14 AM
Ah the eternal dance scene debate. I loved it because it sells the point that this is what a geek thinks a cool dude acts like. Its not about the dark side of his personality, its about letting go of your inhibitions and just doing what you feel like, damn the consequences.

Mary Jane, Gwen... Blah blah blah... The name you're looking for is Betty Brant!
I'd piss my pants laughing about the PC whining that'd cause on this site.
I don't care either way, all three of them have interesting story hooks.

Do the MJ foreshadowing thing and don't actually let her show up until the end of the second movie.

I really want to see the Lizard done properly, but am afraid it won't happen.

I don't care one iota for the Green Goblin. I was always a fan of Hobgoblin because of nostalgia reasons (I started collecting during the Macendale arc as a kid) and he works better as a visual if you ask me.

Sandman could easily be swapped for Hydroman and you'd lose nothing.

Bring in Flash Thompson and Felicia Hardy, which will probably happen as we're doing the high school thing. Making the end of the movie into Flash and Peter becoming friends instead of some overblown super-fight would be an awesome curveball.
ThunderKat - 10/13/2015, 3:09 PM

You really felt that the Lizard was well done? I disagree. Aside from the character and motivation, he wasn't reptilian enough, looked too hulking, and we never saw the full metamorphosis.

ThunderKat - 10/15/2015, 3:36 PM

I think Sandman looked great. His character was terrible. Tying him to Uncle Ben's death is worse than Burton tying the Joker to the Waynes' murders! It changes the whole motivation of the character and is too far from the source material.
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